Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (2024)

Steve Gordon | June 24, 2014 | 152 Comments

Follow easy step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions for making these delicious Baked Beans… from scratch. We start out with dry Navy Beans, soak them overnight then, we add bacon and a few other surprises to make some of the best beans you’ve ever enjoyed. Did I mention we slow cooked them for about 7 hours? Oh yeah… they’re that good. We’ve even got a printable recipe.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (2)
Baked Beans Recipe… from scratch:

This is one of those recipes that I finally “got around,” to actually doing. For some unknown reason and, for some time now, I’ve wanted to make Baked Beans from scratch. By that, I mean that I wanted to start out with dried beans instead of those canned pork ‘n beans that I’ve always used to make my Baked Beans with in the past. Of course, I’d love to be able to do it with fresh beans but those weren’t actually available so, dry beans it was.

I don’t know that I really thought it would make all that much of a difference but, I wanted to just try it for myself and see. Now, I’m not going to tell you that you will just be blown away with how great these taste using dried beans instead of canned but, I will tell you, these beans have a more authentic “bite” than those canned beans. They have a bit firmer chew to them if that makes any sense. The canned pork ‘n beans are good and, they’re good and soft as well. On the other hand, I imagine this recipe would be more like what one might have experienced on amonth long cattle drive out in Texas or Oklahomasomewhere.

Imagine it, the camp cook pulled some beans out of the wagon and put them in soak before he settled down for the night. A full moon glared down on thethousand acres the ranch crew had been working on all day. Right after breakfast next morning, he put all the ingredientstogether to make the beans. He hung that bigcast iron pot over a pile of burning wood and started slow cooking supper for the cowboys. By the end of the day, they were finally done and all the cow pokes grabbed a bowl and took a big heaping spoonful of fresh baked beans out of the pot. They sat around the campfire eating beans and cornbread, talking abouthow the day had gone and what had to be done tomorrow. See… it’s one of those authentic cowboy type of dishes. OK… maybe you get the idea. (Yes, I played cowboys and Indians a lot as a child.)

Don’t let the long list of ingredientsthrow you. It’s mostly just a lot of seasonings that you already have on hand. Add some ground beef andbacon,throw in the seasonings and let it slow bake in the oven all day. Then, hustle up the kids and maybe let them eat supper outside tonight, around an open campfire. Make it an experienceand don’t forget the marshmallows for later. (Did cowboys have marshmallows?)

I do hope you’ll give this recipe for Baked Beans from scratch a try. It’s pretty easy to follow and you can just let them bake slowly in the oven throughout the day as yougo about your “chores.” Are you up for it? Alright then… Let’s Get Cooking!

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (3)
Baked Beans Recipe… from scratch: You’ll need these ingredients.

You’ll also need some Ketchup and Worcestershire Sauce that somehow didn’t stand up to get into the photo.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (4)
Place your dry beans on a plate or in a pan and sort through them. You’ll want to remove any dark colored beans and any small stones or other foreign matter that might be in there. The beans are mechanically harvested these days and haven’t been washed. You’ll want to make sure there isn’t anything in them that you don’t want to be chewing down on later.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (5)
Discard any beans that appear discolored or just old and superdried out. I only found a few in my bag. They aren’t going to soften up no matter how long you cook them so, get them out now and toss them.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (6)
Place the dry beans in a big pot and cover them with about 3 inches of water. Do this before you go to bed one night and they’ll be ready to start work on the next morning. Think about laying out under the stars and staring up at that big full moon. Off in the distance you hear the howl of a coyote and the gentle call of a bird. Are those really birds? It could be Indians sneaking up on you… be careful.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (7)
Next morning, drain the water off the beans as you pour them into a colander. Rinse the beans under cold running water.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (8)
Place the beans in a good sized baking dish or pan. I love these old restaurant type of pans, they’re so versatile. I really could have used one of those old cast iron dutch ovens but I’ve never cleaned the one I bought at auction many months ago. Maybe one day.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (9)
Peel the outer layer of skin from an onion and dice it up.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (10)
Place your ground beef in a skillet and brown it up a bit. I’m using 80/20 beef and I wanted to drain off as much of the fat as possible.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (11)
After you drain off the grease, add the browned beef to the bean pot.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (12)
Add the diced onions.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (13)
Add the bell peppers. One day, I’m going to find one of those used vacuum sealing food machines just so I can save bell peppers in my freezer throughout the year. I can buy peppers at about 5 for a dollar during the summer and then they go up to around $1.50 each through the winter. I always try to store some up because I just happen to like bell peppers when I cook.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (14)
Slice up about a half pound of bacon. You do know that bacon is much easier to slice when its super cold… right? I thought so.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (15)
Slightly brown the bacon in your skillet. Can you smell that?

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (16)
Add the bacon and the bacon grease into the bean pot. I must admit, there was a time further down in the recipe that I wished I hadn’t used all of the bacon grease. It worked out by the end of the recipe though. Still, you can add it all or just part of it, it’s your choice. It would have cooked in the pan without browning it up in the skillet first. I had planned to drain off the bacon grease and save it for later. There really wasn’t a lot so I just placed it all in the bean pot.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (17)
Add the can of Tomato Sauce.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (18)
Add the Brown Sugar.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (19)
Add the Molasses. This jar is almost empty so I didn’t measure it out. I did save enough for a biscuit tomorrow morning though.You’re missingone of life’s greatest joys if you’ve never stuck your finger into a warm biscuit to make a hole big enough topour in some Grandma’s Molasses. Now we’re talking!

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (20)
Add theMustard.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (21)
Sprinkle on some Garlic Powder.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (22)
Add the Liquid Smoke, if desired. Liquid Smoke is generally found in most grocery stores around the Ketchup, Mustard and Worcestershire Sauces. It’s made from burning wood chipsor sawdust and condensingit intoliquids. The process dates back toaround 1895 according to Wikipedia and, its used as one of the main flavors in curing bacon. Follow this link to learn more about it: Liquid Smoke on Wikipedia.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (23)
Add the Texas Pete Hot Sauce.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (24)
Add the Worcestershire Sauce.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (25)
Add the Beef Broth. I keep a jar ofBeef Granules in thekitchen cabinet. I prefer the granules over those little cubes, but hey… that’s just me.Any type ofBeefBroth should do. I guess if I were totally making this from scratch, I’d have made my own huh?

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (26)
Finally, go ahead and give it all a real good stir. Looks like a hefty soup of sorts right now doesn’t it?

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (27)
Cover the pan tightly withAluminum Foil and pop the pan into the pre-heated oven.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (28)
We’re going to bake the beans “low and slow,” at 300º. And… it’s gonna take awhile.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (29)
Three Hours: This is afterthree hoursof baking in the oven. I was curious as to how much progress the beanshad madetoward getting done. I stirred them up again,covered thepan backwith the Aluminum Foil and slid it back into the oven.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (30)
Fivehours: At this point, the beans are getting tender. It was time to taste them and see what else they needed. I added a little Salt since I hadn’t put any in already. Once the flavors start to come together, you can taste it and add Salt as needed.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (31)
Add the Black Pepper.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (32)
Add the Ketchup. Or, the Catsup. Which do you call it?

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (33)
Give them another good stir. At this point,most of the beans were getting pretty tender. I did find the occasional bean that just seemed like it hadn’t cooked any at all, despite the fact they had been in the oven all day. Place the pan back in the oven WITHOUT the Aluminum Foil and REDUCE the temperature of the oven down to 250º. We’re going tolet them bake a bit longer and bake off some of the liquid.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (34)
Reduce the oven to 250º and bake uncovered from here on out – until the beans are tender.

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (35)
SevenHours: This is what mine looked like straight out of the oven, sevenhours after I started. I prefer myBaked Beans to be a bit on the “thick” side so I baked off a gooddeal of theliquid.Most of the beans were tender but, I still found the occasional bean that just seemed like it had never cookedvery much at all. I did enjoy thetexture of the beans though.

Serve them up good and warm… Enjoy!

Note:It’s certainly possible to reduce thebaking time some by cooking the beans prior toassembling everything together. I was really curious as to how they would turn out when totally baked in the oven. The beans themselves werepretty tender around the five hour mark and could have been served at that point. As I stated, I wanted to thicken them up soI baked them, uncovered,awhile longer. All of the ingredients are pretty much my standard “go-t0” ingredientsfor making Baked Beans. I normally use the canned beans myself but found these to have a good texture overall. Next time, I think I’ll cook the beans in water for about an hour or more to get them tender, then see if that makes any difference.Let me get back to you on that… OK? If you beat me to it, let me know in the Comment section below. Thanks.


Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (37)

★★★★★5 from 1 reviews

  • Author: Steve Gordon
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 7 hours
  • Total Time: 7 hours 30 minutes
  • Yield: 8-12 Servings 1x
  • Category: Side Dishes
  • Method: Bake
  • Cuisine: American


Follow easy step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions for making these delicious Baked Beans… from scratch. We start out with dry Navy Beans, soak them overnight then, we add bacon and a few other surprises to make some of the best beans you’ve ever enjoyed. Did I mention we slow cooked them for about 7 hours? Oh yeah… they’re that good. We’ve even got a printable recipe.



  • 1 lb of dry Navy Beans, soak overnight
  • 1 lb of Ground Beef, 80/20, cooked and drained
  • ½ lb of Bacon, diced, lightly cooked
  • 1 cup Onion, diced
  • 1 cup Bell Peppers, diced
  • 2 cup Beef Broth
  • 1 ½ cups Brown Sugar
  • 1 15oz can Tomato Sauce
  • ½ cup Grandmas Molasses
  • 2 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Texas Pete Hot Sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Liquid Smoke
  • ¼ cup Yellow Mustard
  • ¼ cup Ketchup
  • ½ teaspoon Salt
  • ½ teaspoon Black Pepper


  1. Sort through dry beans to remove any stones or hard beans.
  2. Place beans in a large pot, cover with water, soak overnight.
  3. Drain beans, place in a large baking pan.
  4. Peel the outer skin from an onion, dice it up.
  5. Brown ground beef in a skillet placed over medium heat. Drain off fat.
  6. Add cooked beef to pan with beans.
  7. Add onions.
  8. Add Bell Peppers.
  9. Chop bacon into small pieces. Place bacon in skillet, brown lightly.
  10. Add cooked bacon and bacon grease to pan with beans.
  11. Add Tomato Sauce.
  12. Add brown sugar.
  13. Add Molasses.
  14. Add Yellow Mustard.
  15. Add Garlic Powder.
  16. Add Liquid Smoke.
  17. Add Texas Pete Hot Sauce
  18. Add Worcestershire Sauce
  19. Add beef broth.
  20. Gently stir all ingredients together until mixed well.
  21. Cover pan tightly with aluminum foil.
  22. Place in pre-heated 300 degree oven, bake covered for 3 hours.
  23. Add Ketchup.
  24. Add Salt if needed.
  25. Add Black Pepper, stir well.
  26. Return beans, uncovered, back to oven and bake about one hour or until beans are tender. Remember, mine took 7 hours total.
  27. Serve warm and enjoy!


This recipe can also be made using canned Pork and Beans as opposed to the dry beans. I suggest using Bush’s brand if you can find them. Use four 16oz cans. If using dry beans, cut down on baking time by pre-cooking your beans in boiling water for one hour or longer.

Keywords: Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch, navy beans, barbecue beans, southern recipes

Your Comments: Have you ever made Baked Beans from scratch, using dry Navy Beans? Do you think it’s worth the extra effort as opposed to using the canned pork and beans that are so convenient? I’d love to hear your comments on our recipe. It will only take a minute or two and, maybe it will help someone else to give our recipe a try. Just remember, all comments are moderated. What that means is that I personally read each and every one before it’s approved for posting on our family friendly website. So, take a couple of minutes while you’re here and share your thoughts with us. I also try to reply to as many of your comments as possible so check back soon for that as well.

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Be Blessed!!!


Tags: bacon, baked beans, baked beans made from scratch, barbecue, barbecue beans, bbq beans, beef, ground beef, made from scratch, navy beans, onions, side dishes, Steve Gordon, Taste of Southern

Category: Side Dishes

Baked Beans Recipe, made from scratch.  : Taste of Southern (2024)
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