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Class - XITheory-80 marksProject-20 marks

1. Understanding History1.1 Pre-History, Proto-History, History.

Early sources and their nature.Forms of recorded History.Facts and their interpretation.Itihasa-Purana tradition.Indo-Persian traditions of History writing in Medieval India

1.2 Notion of time in History: Linear and Cyclical.Periodisation in History and chronological sequencing.Rationale behind: a) conventional tripartite divisions.

b) Recent trends in periodisation.1.3 Time frame and focus covered in class XI: focus on main markers and transitions.

2. From Primitive Man to Early Civilizations.2.1 Epochs in the stream of time: A brief outline of archaeological cultures- Pleistocene, Pale-

olithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic.2.2 Early Africa and Primitive Man - Hunter-gatherers and their culture. Changing Climates;

Landscape features; migrations.2.3 Early Pastoralists and Agriculturists; Riverine Civilizations:

a) Indian subcontinent: Mehergarh and Harappa (First Urbanisation)b) Egypt and Sumer.

3. Evolution of Polities: Concept of Governance and Institutions.3.1 City-States: Classical Greece.3.2 Monarchies: From Janapadas to Mahajanapadas (Chiefdoms to Kingdoms).3.3 Empires: Definition; Difference with Monarchy.

Empires compared:a) The Mauryan Empire and Macedonian Empire.b) The Roman Empire and The Gupta Empire.c) The Mughal Empire and The Ottoman Empire.

4. Nature of the State and its apparatus.4.1 Nature of the State: The ideal Proto-type.

a) Indian context: Kautilya, The Arthashastra and State Craft; Ziauddin Barani,Fatawa-i-Jahandari and the nature of the State under the Delhi Sultans.

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b) European context: Cicero and the Roman World, Thomas Cromwell and the New Monar-chy; Intellectual underpinnings of the Early Modern State.

4.2 Apparatus of Governance:a) Persia: Satraps.b) China: Mandarins.c) Delhi Sultanate: Iqtadars.d) Mughal: Mansabadars.

5. Aspects of Economy.5.1 Slave Economy and Slavery as an Institution:

a) Rome and Egyptb) India

5.2 Feudal Economy:a) Western Europe, The Classical Modelb) Indian experiences: Gupta Empire and The Delhi Sultanate;

5.3 Trade and urbanisation. Between Expansion and Contraction: European and Indian Expe-riences compared.

6. Dynamics of Society.6.1 Social Stratification:

a) Slave Society: Greece-Helot, Periocei, and their relationship with Citizens.b) Varna and Jati (special mention of Forest-dwellers viz Nisadas)c) Fallen Ksatriyas- Yavanas, sakas, Hunasd) Rajputs as a status group.

6.2 Women in society: Indian context.a) Education of Womenb) Forms of Marriage and the Householdc) Inheritance and Property Rights (Streedhan)d) Outstanding Women in Political authority: Egypt: Nefertiti, Cleopatra; India: Rani

Durgavati, Razia, Noor-Jahan.

7. Religion.7.1 Religion and the State:

a) India: Asoke and Dhamma,Alauddin Khalji, The Sharit and the Ulema.Akbar, Din-i-llahi and Sulh-i-Kul

b) Western Europe: The Holy Roman Empire and papacy.Crusades.

c) Arab World: The Universal Caliphate.7.2 Religion and Society:

a) Vedic religion.b) Polytheism and the European context.c) New religious movements (Buddhism and Jainism).d) Reformation movements in Europe.



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8. Expanding Horizons.8.1 Origins of Modern Science: Alchemy to chemistry, Astrology to Astronomy- towards a

Solar- centric Universe.8.2 Technological advances: Agricultural, Military and technologies of Production, Ship build-

ing.8.3 Printing revolution in Western Europe (Mention the contributions of China and the Arab

world to the art of printing).8.4 Geographical Explorations - towards a ‘New world’.

9. Cultural and intellectual traditions.(For Project Work- on any one topic, 750-800 words)9.1 The European context.

a) Renaissance - Definition of the term; critiquing the validity of the proposition.b) Twelfth Century renaissance.c) Renaissance Humanism.d) Italian Renaissance - Impact on art, culture and Political thinking; Role of

Patronage - different roles of the Pope, the Medicis, The Sforzas, Flemish burghers.9.2 Systems of Knowledge and Literature: the Indian context.

a) Schools of Indian Philosophy - an overviewb) The Sciences, Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine, Technology.c) Court literature: Sangram, Sanskrit, Persian.d) Vernacular literature - special reference to Bengali literature (from Charyapada to

Vaishnave literature Mangala Kavya and translations).9.3 Architecture, Sculpture and Painting: The Indian context

a) Painting: Cave painting (From Bhimbetka to Ajanta), Miniatures (Mughal and Rajputs).b) Sculpture: Buddhist, Shaiva, Vaishnave Iconography.c) Temple architecture: Chola temples and Bengal Temple architectured) Tombs, Mosques and forts in medieval India.



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Class - XIITheory-80 marksProject-20 marks

1. Remembering the pastA: Imagine the past: myths, legends and folk-tales, memory and oral traditions.B: Inheritance of the past: the colonial constructuins, Indigenous imaginations.C: Importance of History as a professional discipline- Methods of “Modern” History writing.

I. Museums as institutions of organising the past.II. Brief outline of the development of museums and different types of museums,

private collections.

2. Situating colonialism and imperialism in the 19th & 20th CenturiesA. Brief overview of 7th & 18th century colonisation in Asia & the New World.B. Economic Dynamics of Imperialism and Colonialism; from Mercantile Capital to Industrial

& Finance Capital. Hobson - Lenin thesis on Colonialism and Imperialism.C. The Political Basis of Colonialism: The necessity of controlling areas on which the

imperialist country was economically dependent.D. The Question of Race and its Impact of Colonial Societies.

3. The Nature of the Colonial Dominance: formal and Informal EmpiresA. Case Study 1: India- as a ‘colonised’ state

How political hegemony was establishedThe instruments of control: Legislature / Bureaucracy / Police / ArmyThe economy of the colonial state: revenue collection --- trade patterns --- DeindustrialisationIntroduction of the railways --- late and selective industrializationIntellectual justification of the Empire : Mill, Macaulay an the Utilitarian

B Case Study 2 : China - where economic exploitation flourished without formalpolitical control of the imperialist countries

Domination through economic exploitation - mining rights --- unequal treaties ---- the Canton tradeA comparative study of the Indian and Chinese experiences

4. Reaction to Imperialistic HegemonyA : India

The rise of a middle class - its features --- its acceptance of Western education -- itsattitudes to traditional concepts in the social and religious context --- social reform

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movements and leaders in Bengal --- Narayan Gure, Veersalingam and others outsideBengal, Sir S.A. Khan and the Aligarh movement.Change and transformation in society as a result of the above factors.Proliferation of the rural elite: Patidars, Sahukars, money-lenders and middlemen-greaterfragmentation of rural classes due to economic reasons.The emergence of a new rural elite: patidars, Sahukars, money-lenders and middlemen-greater fragmentation of rural classes due to economic reasons.The emergence of an industrial forceSubaltern groups : Adivasis, Dalits.Western ideas and the Indian response:

a. The aspiration of the middle coass and its fall outs.b. Regional cultural responses, in partivular, the ‘Bengal Renaissance’c. How Western concepts of ‘time’, ‘health and ‘labour for wages’ brought

about a change in Indian society and the local mindset.

B: China

Emergence of a Western educated class- the influence of Christianity --- the scholars’response- May Fourth Movement.

C: Migration of indentured labourers: formation of the Indian and Chinese Diaspora.

5. Governing the Colonial State IndiaGovt. of India Acts of 1909, 1919, and 1935 at tools for limiting franchise, introducingcommunal electorates, maintaining administrative control and British hegemonyThe state machinery for suppressing freedom of expression e.g. the Rowlett Act andmilitary / police control:The Jalianwala Bagh incident / the Meerut Conspiracy CaseDivide and Rule policy: using community/caste/perceived/ ethnic groupings to divide andanti-colonial movement, e.g., supporting the demands of the Muslim League; theCommunal Award of 1932; interfering in caste politics such as the temple entre issueThe Princely states and the British Government: the creation of an alternative loyalist baseEconomic policies from 1914 to 1945 e.g. limited industrialisation; currency regulation afterthe First World War; high taxation even in famine conditions: (Gujarat, 1918,1928): theBengal Famine

6. The Second World War and the Colonies

A: India, 1940-46

Linlithgow Offer --- Cripps Mission --- the Indian response and the Quit India Movement-Subhas Bose and the INA - INA Trials --- RIN Revolt - the backdrop to the Transfer ofPower: The British government’s role: Cabinet Mission - Constituent Assembly -Mountbatten’s negotiations - Mountbatten Award - Transfer of power - The Indianresponse.



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B: Japan and the Second World War

‘Asia for Asians”--- Japan and China - Japanese advance through South-East Asia andthe consequent linking up with the INA.

C: Changed situation in the European colonial in S.E. Asia, e.g. Indochina and Indonesia.

7. The Era of the Cold War

A: The Cold War

Theoretical basis --- inception---developments from 1942 to 1948 --- the Truman Doctrine and theMarshall Plan --- the military alliances --- Impact---the Berlin Crisis---Eastern Europe under theU.S.S.R. ---Suez Crisis---Cuban Missile Crisis---Korea and Vietnam

B: The Nuclear Arms Race and Peace Initiatives

C: Non-Alignment

The Political Background ---its principles ---building up the movement ---Bandung, Belgrade andsubsequent conference ---an evaluation

D: The Arab World: Israel vs. the Arab World ---Oil Diplomacy

E: People’s Republic of China: Its rise and plae in World Politics.

8. DecolonisationA: Defination of the term; social, political and economic implications manifestations; develop-

ment programmes and Nation building.B: Africa: case study - Algeria.C: South-east Asia: case study - Indonesia.D: Nation building in South Asia

Varying political experiences in South Asia - Emergence of Bangladesh - a brief study ofpolitical systems in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.The economic organisation of India - economic planning - heavy industries andtechnological advances - socialist underpinnings of economic planning - liberalisation,how succssful.Regional co-operation - SAARC.

9. The New World(For Project Work-on any one topic, 750-800 words)

A: Interactionof Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces:

Transition from a bi-polar to a unipolar world - its political fallouot---Globalisation---the “Clash ofCivilisations”



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B: Movements of Protest and DissentThe Peace Movements: the students’ movements of the ‘60s and othersDemocratic and Civil Right Movements: USA/anti-apartheid movement in South Africa/movements for universal adult franchise / present-day turmoil in the Arab world, Libya,Egypt etc.The movement for women’s rightsEnvironmental movements ---Chipko, Tehri-Garhwal, Narmada Banchao. Keeping alivethe conflict between the First and Third Worlds over environmental issues.New Social Movements.The new economic order (the depression of 2008-11- a crisis of capitalism? ---the emer-gence of BRIC.)



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Class - XIFull Marks 100

Theory - 70 Marks

Unit I: An introduction to Home ManagementThe Home – its role and function

Concept of Home Management, its meaning and definition

Relevance of the study of this discipline to other fields of Home science

Family – its type, stages, functions

Family life in a changing world

Role of a woman in this changing world

The nature and role of home management in a changing world

Unit II: Values, Goals and StandardsCharacteristics of values and how family value pattern develops

Types of goals and why goals change

Concept of standards and classification of standards

Interrelatedness of values, goals and standards

Unit: III: Family ResourcesResources – meaning, types:i) Human – knowledge, skills, time, energy, attitudes;ii) Materials, money, goods, propertyiii) Community facilities, schools, parks, hospitals, roads, transport, water,

electricity, fuel, fodder etc.Characteristics of resourcesGuides to increasing satisfaction

Unit IV: Child Development and ImmunizationConcept of growth & development; factors affecting growth development. Milestonesof development from ages 0 to 12 years.

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Periods of growth & development during childhood; from conception to about 12years of age (infancy, early, childhood, middle childhood and late childhood) –physical, motor, cognitive, emotional social and language development.

Factors influencing development – development is multi dimensional and interdisciplinary development is continuous and cumulative; it is variable, reflectingindividual variation; cultural difference are reflected in development; both heredityand environment influence development.

Substitute care at home and outside: siblings, grand parents, neighbours creche,day care centres etc. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) – objectivesand functions.

Protection from preventable diseases: immunization – concept and types (naturaland acquired), breast feeding (one of the ways to develop natural immunity);immunization chart; symptoms and incubation period of childhood diseases – TB,DPT, polio, measles, cholera, diarrhoea.

Unit –V Food and NutritionRelationship of food, nutrition and health.

Classification of food on the basis of nutrients and functions. Functions of food:physiological, psychological and social.

Elementary study of macro and micro nutrients. Functions and sources of nutrients:carbohydrates, proteins fats, minerals (iron, calcium, iodine and phosphorous) andvitamins (A, D, E, K, B1, B2, Niascin, Folic Acid & C); role of water and fibre in thediet.

Recommended Dietary allowances (RDA) for all nutrients mentioned above.

Unit- VI- Textiles (Fibre to Fabric)Textile fibres. Types of fibre:

I. Natural- cotton, silk and woolII. Man-made –nylon, polyester and blended fibres (terrycot, terrysilk, terrywool,

cotton silk)

Identification of fibres – physical and chemical tests

Fabric construction: Basic procedure of any yarn making (spinning, mechanicalspinning, chemical spinning, weaving: plain, twill & stain, other methods – knitting



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and nonwoven, effect of weaves on appearance, durability and maintenance ofgarment.

Finishing: meaning and importance; typesI. Basic: cleaning, bleaching, stiffening, tenderingII. Special: mercerisation, shrinkage control, water proofing, dyeing and printing.

Unit – VII Interior Decoration

Elements of Design and art

Principles of Design

Use of colour in interiors – prang’s colour wheel, characteristics of colour, colourschemes

Unit- VIII First Aid at Home

Meaning, aims & scope of first aid

Bandages and dressings

Rendering first aid in case of an accident, sprain, fractures, cuts, burns, foreignbody, bites, fainting.



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Class - XI

Practical Marks - 30

1. Prepare materials for stimulating the sensory development of infants.

2. Observe and record the motor development of infants and prepare a chart based onyour findings.

3. Identification of fibres – physical and chemical methods

4. Identify different weaves and finishes.

5. Basic stitches, running, hemming, back stitch, blanket stitch

6. Buttonhole and attaching buttons.

7. Preparing prang’s colour chart and colour harmony

8. Application of elements and principles of design in flower arrangement and floordecoration (Alpana and Rangoli)

9. Application of bandages (roller and triangular)

10. Use of 24 hours dietary recall method to analyze and compare nutritional sufficiencyof RDA.

Seminar or group discussion on:1. Role of women in changing world2. A comparative study between the rural and an urban homemaker3. Interrelatedness of goals, values and standards and its implication on individual or

family decisions.4. Impact of working parents on the development of a child.

Marks Allotment:Practical – 15Viva - 5Record Book - 10



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Class - XIIFull Marks 100

Theory Marks - 70

Unit-I The Management Process in Family Living

A. The process of managementSteps in management process – planning, organizing, controlling andevaluating.Management process applied to homemaking activities

B. Decision makingImportance of decision making in Home ManagementProcess of Decision MakingTypes of decisions

Unit- II Work Management

A. Management of TimeIts importance, steps in time managementTime plans – steps in making daily and weekly time plans

B. Management of EnergyIts importanceEnergy requirements for living and household tasksFatigue – types of fatigue, reducing fatigue

C. Work simplificationDefinition and its importanceMundel’s classes of change

Unit-III Management of Family IncomeDefinition of family incomeTypes of incomeFamily budget – importance, types, steps in making budget, factorsaffecting budget

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Account keeping – systems guidelines in keeping accounts

A. SavingsObjectives of savingsTypes of savings – compulsory (GPF, CPF) and voluntary (PPF, P.O,savings, banks, LIC policies, LIC schemes, bonds, UTI schemes etc.)

B. InvestmentsTypes of investmentPrinciples involved in investments

C. Fundamentals of bankingOpening and operating a bank account, types of cheques, fillings adeposit slip, procedure for making a Demand Draft, use of ATM, debit& Credit cards

D. CreditMeaning and sourcesTypes – charge account, mortgage, instalment, sales contractWise use of credit

Unit- IV Adolescence & AdulthoodPhysical development during adolescence. Physical development duringpuberty and adolescenes; changes in body proportions and its effects;influence of sports and exercise on physical fitness.Cognitive development and language. Language and communication– development of language; influence on language development;development of ways in which adolescents obtain information,remember it and utilize it for problem solving and reasoning.Social and emotional. Socio-cultural influences on the adolescents –teenagers are influenced by social relationships in the family,neighbourhood, community, country and the world.The family and socialisation – patterns of parenting, parental controltechniques; role of siblings and grand parents. Development of peerrelationship and friendship patterns.Development of gender roles and stereotypes. Role of school andteachers on the social and emotional development of the teenager.Some problem of adolescence; awkwardness due to growth spurt,freedom and control; depression, alcohol, drugs and smoking,



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delinquency, problem related to sex, ignorance and increased curiosity,prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.Perspectives on Adult Development: meaning of adulthood. Transitionto adulthood and accepting related responsibilities, dimensions ofadulthood (premarital counselling, interpersonal relationship in a familylife, concept of family planning and personal health),Issues of increasing life expectancy, sensitizing students to the needsand care of the elderly.

Unit – V Meal planning for the familyObjection of meal planning. Nutritional adequacy, food groups. Self –explanatory.Factors affecting food selection. An understanding of how foodconsumption varies from one family to another; how food selected byfamilies is affected by various factors like age, occupation, gender,physiological conditions, personal likes and dislikes, tradition, seasonalavailability, economic considerations, religious beliefs, family size andcomposition.Balance diet.Meal planning for various age groups; preschool children, school- agechildren, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, old age. Makingmeal plans for these age groups based on their nutritional requirementand RDA.Developing good food habits- importance of breakfast, following regularmeal patterns, avoiding junk food and skipping of meal.

Unit- VI Clothing ManagementSelection of clothing: clothing and its relation to personality; elementsof line , colour, texture; elements of design – balance, rhythm, proportion,harmony, emphasis, age, climate, occupation, figure, occasion, fashion,purpose, quality, cost, season, reliable shop.Care of clothes: general principles and precautions to the followed whileremoving stains and washing: dry cleaning agents: soaps and detergents(basic differences).Storage of clothes.



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Unit- VII The organisation of work in the homeDaily, weekly and periodic cleaningList of cleaning equipment and materialsThe operation, maintenance and care of household equipment- solarcooker, pressure cooker, toasters, mixers, oven, iron, refrigerators.House pests and their control

Unit- VIII Family HousingNeed and importance of HousingFactors influencing choice of a houseChoice of furnishing materials for interiors: curtains, carpets & rugs,upholstery, bed, table linen.Materials used for furniture (wood, its derivatives, metals, glass, plastic,wicker etc.)The arrangement of furniture in different roomsAccessories in interiors: Importance and types (floor, wall and tabletop)

Unit- IX Consumer and Extension EducationA. Consumer Education

Meaning, problems faced by consumersConsumer protection Act and ServicesConsumer Aids – Labels, Standards, Advertising, Guidebooks, LeafletsConsumer Redressal Forum

B. Extension EducationMethods of communication – individual, group and mass contacts.Individual – verbal and writtenGroup – discussions, demonstrations, fieldtrips.Mass – Print and Electronic.Role of audio visual aids in Communication & Extension.



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Class - XIIPractical Marks : 30

1. Preparing a chart on:a) Activities carried out in a day by a working and non working homemaker.b) To prepare a daily and weekly time schedule for self.2. A) To collect account opening forms (savings, current, recurring) and pay – in –

slips and to learn filling up process.B) To learn about writing of cheques, withdrawal forms.

3. To prepare family budget of different income groups.4. Methods of keeping household accounts.5. Preparing reading materials i.e. colour books, alphabet books,Counting books, nursery rhymes books, building blocks etc. In the laboratory.6. Plan a balance meal for yourself.7. a) Removal of stains from fabrics.

b)Principles of simple method of dyeing or printing textile in the laboratory.8. Cleaning and polishing of articles – metals, glass, leather.9. Making furniture/floor layout for living room, dining room, bedroom, Bathroom

and kitchen.10. Collect and analyze labels of various food products, medicines and anyone

household equipment.

Marks Allotment:Practical 15Viva 05Record Book 10



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Class - XI

Full Marks - 100

Full Marks: 80 (Theory)+ 20 (Project)

1. Definition of Journalism & Mass Communication

2. Different types of journalism & mass communication3. Print Journalism:

a) Newspaper as a recorder of news & events; Newspaper as an organ of publicopinion; Newspaper as an instrument of social service and as a promoter ofdemocracy; impact of newspaper on society

b) News: Definition; News sources; Different types of news; News Agencies—theirservices and functions; Different International News Agencies

c) Different Departments/Sections of a Newspaper Organization—their duties &responsibilities

d) Functions & responsibilities of the Editor; Editorial Freedome) Functions & responsibilities of News Editor;f) Duties & functions of Chief Sub-Editor and Sub-Editorsg) Duties, responsibilities & qualities of a Chief Reporterh) Duties & responsibilities of a Reporteri) News writing: Different structures of news writing (inverted pyramid structure);

Intro; Lead; Language of news writing; Objectivityj) Writing techniques on society, fashion, music & arts, education, employment

opportunities, health, environmentk) Feature: Definition, different typesl) Editorial: Importance, Choice of subjects, Arrangement, Style of presentation.

Project (any one)—15 Marksa) Writing news reports; Headlines; Introb) Writing Short Featurec) Editorial Writing

andViva-Voce—05 Marks


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Class - XII

Full Marks - 100

Full Marks: 80 (Theory)+ 20 (Project)

1. Editing: Principles of editing; Copy Testing; Processing Copies

2. Making Headlines of news stories; Importance; Rules to be followed; Different typesof Headlines

3. Proof Reading: Symbols of Proof reading; duties & responsibilities of proof readers

4. Copy writing: Types of Copy; How to prepare; Principles of writing, Main features

5. Copy Writer: Qualities, duties & responsibilities

6. Communication: Definition, Scope & Functions

7. Mass Communication: Definition, Scope & Functions; Theories & Models

8. Mass Media: Definition, Different types, functions, Print Media and Electronic Media

9. Specialization in Reporting: Science, Political, Administration, Crime, Fashion,Financial & Agriculture journalism; Sports journalism

10. Interpretative & Investigative reporting: Importance & Scope; Basic qualities; planning& style.

Project (any one)—15 Marksa) Editing news copy & Proof readingb) Copy writingc) Specialized report on any one topic from the syllabus

andViva-Voce—05 Marks


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Class - XI




1. Life Sketch with Musical Contribution from the list given below: [7M]a) Mian Tansenb) Ustad Allauddin Khanc) Hafez Ali Khand) Sri Krishna Narayan Ratanjankar

2. Description and function of the following Instruments: [6M]a) Esrajb) Sarodec) Pakhwaj

3. Definitions of: [4M]a) Alankarb) Naadc) Gramad) Matrae) Laya

4. Knowledge of Hindusthani Notation System.VOCAL: Both Vilambit and Drut in Ektal and Trital respectively. [6M]

a) Yamanb) Behag

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c) Brindabani Sarangd) Bhairab

INSTRUMENTALMashidkhani and Razzakhani Gats in Trital of the above mentioned Ragas.


Rabindra Sangeet and other Music

1. Rabindra Sangeeta) Knowledge of Akar Matrik Notation System [5M]b) Life Sketch of Rabindranath Tagore (Covering Music Composition) [ 6 M ]

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2. Other Types of Music Life Sketch of any one of the following (covering music composition) [6M]

a) Dwijendra Lal Royb) Rajani Kanto Senc) Gopal Ude.

3. Life Sketch with their Musical contribution of the following. [5M]a) Meera Baib) Lalan Fakir

N:B: All the Talas mentioned in Practical syllabus should be learnt with “TALA-LIPI” system.

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Practical – 55





1. KHAYAL: Both Vilambit and Drut in Ektal and Trital respectively (Atleast twoVilambit Khayals in following Ragas ) [8+6M]

a) Yaman

b) Behag

c) Brindabani Sarang

d) Bhairab.


Mashidkhani and Razzakhani Gats in the above mentioned Ragas in Trital.

2. Any one Dhrupad with Dwigun Laya in above mentioned Ragas. [7M]

INSTRUMENTALAny One ‘’ Dhun” to be learnt from the Rages mentioned below:

(a) Bhairabi

(b) Pilu.


a) TYPES: Dhrupad,Western and Baul Styles.

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b) TALS: Jhampak,Sasthi,Chowtal,Ektal,Teora,Kaharba and Dadra.

c) PARYAS: Puja,Bichitra,Swadesh,Prem,Prakriti.


1. OTHER TYPES OF MUSIC: (May use Harmonium)

a) Dwiyendra Geeti [4M] or

b) Rajanikantor Gaan

c) Bhajan [4M] or

d) Regional Folk song (Atleast Two songs)

e) Songs of ‘’Theatre” or “Jatra” or Songs of Sachin Deb Burman. [4M]







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Class - XII




1. Life Sketches with Musical contribution from the list given below: [7M]a) Amir Khusrob) Ustad Sadarangc) Pt. V.N.Bhatkhanded) Ustad Enayat Hussain Khan.

2. Description and Function of the following Instruments. [6M]a) Tamburab) Tabla- Bayanc) Sitar

3. Definitions of: [4M]a) Swarab) Ragac) Murchhanad) Talae) Shruti

4. Knowledge of writing of Hindusthani Notation System.

VOCAL Both Vilambit and Drut in Ektal and Trital respectively. [6M]

a) Kedarb) Malkous

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c) Bageshrid) Jaunpuri

INSTRUMENTALMashidkhani and Razzakhani Gats in Trital in the above mentioned Ragas.



a) Knowledge of Akar Matrik Notation System. [5M]b) Life Sketch of Rabindranath Tagore (covering Music Composition) [6M]

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2. OTHER TYPES OF MUSIC:(i) Life sketch with their Musical contribution of the following: [6M]

a) Atul Prasad Senb) Kaji Nazrul Islamc) Girish Chandra Ghosh

ii) History of any one of the following:a) Regional folk song (Bhatiali,Baul,Jhumur,Bhawaiya).b) Kirtan.

N:B: All the Talas mentioned in Practical Syllabus should be learnt with “’TALA-LIPI”system.

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1.Both Vilanabit and Drut in Ektal and Trital respectively (Atleast two Vilambit Khayals in Following Ragas) [8+6M]

a) Kedarb) Malkousc) Bageshrid) Jaunpuri

INSTRUMENTALMashidkhani and Razzakhani Gats in Trital in the above mentioned Ragas.

2. Any one Dhrupad with Dwigun Laya in the above mentioned Rages. [ 7M]

INSTRUMENTAL:Any one ‘’DHUN’ to be learnt from the Ragas mentioned below:

a) Bhairabib) Kafi.




a) TYPES: Khayal.Kirtan,Bhanusingher Padabali. b) TALAS:Choutal,Ektal,Teora,Kaharba,Jhamptala,Rupakra,Nabatala,Trital. c) PARYAS: ,Prem,Prakriti and Anusthanik.



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1. OTHER TYPES OF MUSIC (May use Harmonium)a) Atulprasad [4M] orb) Nagrulgeeti

c) Regional folk songs (Atleast two songs) [4M] ord) Kirtan (In any tala)e) Songs of ‘Theatre’or ‘Jatra’or Songs of Salil Chowdhury. [4M]







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Class - XIFull Marks 100

Theory Marks 70

A. An Introduction to Nutrition1. Basic concepts about food nutrition and health.2. Role of food in the maintenance of good health.

B. Nutrients and Nutritive Processes and concepts of Calorie1. Nutrients in food and food supplying them .2. Carbohydrates in nutrition - elementary principles.3. Protein and amino acid - their functions and requirements elementary principles,

quality of food protein, animal vs vegetable protein – elementary principles.4. Fats and oils in nutrition- elementary principles.5. Vitamins and minerals- Source, functions and requirements, elementary principles.6. Water Balance- elementary principles.

C. Cookery and Kitchen Sanitations1. Methods of cooking and their effects on nutritive value of foods- measures for the

prevention of loss of nutrients.2. Planning of an ideal kitchen.

D. Nutrition in Everyday Meal1. Daily food pattern2. Basic food groups and study of different foods: cereal, pulses, legumes, roots and

tubers, leafy and other vegetables, meal, fish, egg and milk and milk products, fatsand oils, sugar and jiggery.

3. Nutritional allowances for Indians.4. Balance diet for different age groups and occupations.

PRACTICAL (30 marks)1. Practice using weights and measures.2. Cooking of cereals in various way and evaluation of results.3. Milk and egg preparations.4. Planning and preparation of a supplementary meal for school children.

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Class - XIIFull Marks 100

Theory Marks 70

A. Nutritive Process and concepts of Calorie1. Utilization of food by the body: digestion, absorption and metabolism.2. Energy requirement during rest, different physical activities and different physiological

conditions, e.g. growth, pregnancy and lactation.

B. Dietetics and Diet Planning1. Balance diet for pregnant and nursing mother.2. Feeding of infants- breast feeding vs. artificial feeding. Infant weaning food.3. Defective feeding of infants as a cause of malnutrition.4. Formulation of low cost balance diet from locally available cheap foods.5. Preparation of simple therapeutic diets.6. Methods of food preservation.

C. Nutrition for the Community1. The common deficiency diseases in India: Protein calorie malnutrition, Vitamin A

malnutrition, anemia, goiter, etc.2. Supplementary feeding for vulnerable groups.3. Nutrition education for the community including cooking demonstrations.4. Methods of survey of food consumptions and food habits in families.5. Elementary idea about the current National Nutritional Programmes in India.6. Use of food value tables and calculation of nutritive value of the diet.

PRACTICAL (30 marks)1. Detection of carbohydrate, protein (albumin) and fat in food.2. Preparation of nutritious snacks for School Tiffin based on locally available food.3. Prepare a liquid diet to alleviate diarrhea.4. Prepare a day’s diet for an average adult women, allowances for pregnant and

nursing mother.5. Carry out diet survey in a family and interpret the results in term of adequacy.


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Class - XIFull Marks: 100

Group-AWestern Philosophy (40 Marks)


(a) Nature of Philosophy.(b) Main branches of Philosophy—Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Social Philosophy, Logic.


(a) Three principle uses of the verb ’to know’.(b) Proposition knowledge – conditions of Propositional knowledge.(c) Rationalism — Origin of Knowledge according to Descartes, Spinoza and Leibnitz.(d) Empiricism –Origin of Knowledge according to Locke, Berkeley and Hume.(e) Kant’s critical view about Origin of Knowledge in brief.


(a) Concept of Substance.(b) Different views of Substance—Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Berkeley, Hume.


(a) Notion of Causal Relation.(b) Entailment theory of Causal Relation.(c) Hume’s Empirical View of Causal Relation—

1) Denial of necessary connection between cause and effect,2) Causality as constant conjunction and regular succession.

(d) Evaluation of Hume’s theory.


Realism:(a) Notion of Realism—Naive Realism, Representative Realism.(b) Main tenets of Locke’s Representative Realism.

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Idealism:(a) Notion of Idealism.(b) Berkeley’s Subjective Idealism—”Esse est percipi”—Role of yod— Evaluation of the view.

Group-BIndian Philosophy (40 Marks)


(a) Meaning of the term ‘Darshana’.(b) Distinction in brief between the Indian Concept of ‘Darshana’ and Western Concept of

‘Philosophy’.(c) The ‘aastika’ and ‘naastika darshana’ – Names of the different schools of Indian Philosophy.(d) Some basic concept—Pramaa, Pramaana, Prameya, Pramaata, Purusharthas.


(a) Meaning of the term ‘Chaarvaaka’.(b) Pratyaksa as the only Pramaana.(c) Refutation of Anumaana and Shabda.(d) Materialism—Four different physical elements, Svabhavavaada, Dehaatmavaada,

Sukhavaada, Rejection of Chaarvaaka Materialism.


(a) Main tenets of Buddhism:1) Four Noble Truths2) Nirvaana3) Pratityasam utpaadavaada4) Karmavaada5) Kshanikvaada6) Nairatmavaada

(b) Main theory of Soutrantaka School.(c) Main theory of Yogaachaarvaada.



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(a) The different Pramaanas accepted by the Nyaaya, Definition of Pratyaksha.(b) Sannikarsha—laukika and aloukika, Different types of Sannikarsha.(c) Distinction in brief between Nirvikalpa and Savikalpa Pratyaksha.(d) Definition of Anumiti, Concept of Paksha, Saadhya and hetu, Vyaapti as Sahachara Niyama,

Vyaptigraha,Pararthaanumiti. Panchavayavi Nyaaya.

5. ADVAITA VEDANTA(a) Nature of Brahman in brief.(b) Relation of Brahman with Jeeva(Self) and Jagata(World).

6. CONTEMPORARY INDIAN PHILOSOPHY(a) Swaami Vivekananda: Philosophical thoughts on Karma-Yoga.(b) Rabindranath Tagore: Philosophical thoughts on Humanism.

Group-CProject-Work (20Marks)

1. Causality-Entailment theory, Hume’s theory.2. Realism and Idealism.3. Nyaaya Darshana.4. Contemporary Indian Philosophy—Vivekanda’s Karma-Yoga, Tagore’s Humanism.



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Class - XIIFull Marks : 100

Group-ADeductive (50 Marks)

1. ARGUMENT(a) Nature of Argument.(b) Distinction between deductive and inductive argument with illustrations.(c) Argument and Argument-form.(d) Validity of Arguments.(e) Validity and Truth.(f) Invalidity of Arguments.

2. PROPOSITION(a) Sentence and Proposition.(b) Classification of Propositions according to Quality, Quantity and Relation.(c) Four-fold scheme of Categorical Propositions.(d) Proposition and Proposition-form.(e) Distribution of Terms.(f) Rules for transforming sentences into Logical Propositions.

3. OPPOSITION OF PROPOSITIONS(a) Concept of Opposition of Proposition.(b) Traditional Square of Opposition.(c) Inference by Opposition.(d) Laws of different types of Opposition.

4. IMMEDIATE INFERENCE(a) Classification of Inference into Immediate and Mediate.(b) Conversion as a form of Immediate Inference.(c) Rules of Conversion.(d) Simple Conversion.(e) Obversion as a form of Immediate Inference.(f) Rules of Obversion.

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5. CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISM(a) Nature of Categorical Syllogism.(b) Structure of Categorical Syllogism.(c) Figures of Categorical Syllogism.(d) Moods of Categorical Syllogism.(e) General rules of Syllogism.(f) Fallacies: 1) Illicit Major

2) Illicit Minor3) Undistributed Middle4) Fallacy of Four Terms (ambiguous terms excluded)5) Fallacy of Negative Premises.

(g) Enthymeme(h) Testing the validity of Syllogism.

6. HYPOTHETICAL AND DISJUNCTIVE SYLLOGISM(a) Compound Arguments.(b) Hypothetical-Categorical Syllogism.(c) Rules of Hypothetical-Categorical Syllogism.(d) Testing the validity of Hypothetical-Categorical Syllogism.(e) Disjunctive-Categorical Syllogism.(f) Rules of Disjunctive-Categorical Syllogism (Strong sense of disjunction included).(g) Testing the validity of Disjunctive-Categorical Syllogism.

7. BOOLEAN INTERPRETATION AND VENN DIAGRAM(a) Boolean Interpretation of Categorical Proposition.(b) Venn Diagram of Categorical Proposition.

8. TRUTH FUNCTIONS(a) Variable and Constant.(b) Truth Functional Propositions: Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Material Equivalence.(c) Truth Values: Tautology, Self-Contradictory, Contingent.(d) Truth table method for testing Proposition-forms and Argument-forms (Not more than 2


Group-BInductive (30 Marks)

1. NATURE OF INDUCTION(a) Grounds of Induction: 1) Formal Grounds—Law of Uniformity, Law of Causation

2) Material Grounds—Observation, Experiment.



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(b) Scientific and Unscientific Induction.(c) Analogical Argument—Criteria for Evaluating Analogical Arguments.

2. CAUSE(a) Nature of Cause.(b) Cause as necessary condition.(c) Cause as sufficient condition.(d) Cause as necessary and sufficient condition.(e) Doctrine of Plurality of Causes—Evaluation of the view.

3. MILL’S METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL ENQUIRY(a) Principle of Elimination.(b) Method of Agreement, Method of Difference, Joint Method of Agreement and Difference,

Method of Concomitant variation—Definition and Explanation, Symbolic and ConcreteInstances, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages.

(c) Testing the Inductive Arguments by applying Mill’s those methods.

4. INDUCTIVE FALLACIES(a) Illicit Generalisation.(b) Post hoc ergo propter hoc.(c) Taking co-effects of the same cause as causes of one another.(d) Taking a necessary condition as the whole cause.(e) Taking an irrelevant factor as a cause.(f) Bad Analogy.(g) Testing Inductive Fallacies.

Group-CProject Work (20 Marks)

1. Categorical Syllogism.2. Cause.3. Mill’s Methods of Experimental Enquiry (Method of Residues excluded).4. Inductive Fallacies.



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Class - XIFull Marks : 100Theory - 40 Marks

Unit -1: Concept and History of Physical Education 10 marks1.1 Meaning, Definition and Traditional Concept of Physical Education. Its aim &

objectives.1.2 Need & importance of physical education.1.3 Concept of play, games & sports,1.4 History of Physical Education in West Bengal in 20th Century1.5 History of Ancient Olympic Movement

Unit -2: Health Education 10 marks2.1 Concept of Health, Factors influencing Health, World Health Organization.2.2 Hygiene, Personal Hygiene: Care and maintenance of teeth, skin and eye,

Community hygiene.2.3 Prevention and control of communicable diseases (Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Dengue,

Chicken Pox, Cholera and Conjunctivitis) and Non- communicable diseases(Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer)

2.4 School Health Programme: Health Instruction, Health Service and HealthfulSchool Living

2.5 Drug Abuse: Alcohol and Tobacco, Adverse effects on Health

Unit -3: Scientific Basis of Physical Education 10 marks3.1 Exercise: Aerobic and Anaerobic, Effect of exercises on muscular and circulatory

system3.2 Bio-mechamical concept of fundamental movements (Sitting, standing, walking

and running3.3 Body types and body composition3.4 Concept and assessment of BMI3.5 Postural deformities (Flat foot, Bow Leg, Knock Knee, Kyphosis, Lordosis, and


Unit- 4: Management of Physical Education Programme 10 marks4.1 Organization of Sports and Physical Education Programme in School.4.2 Lay out of play fields. (Kabaddi, Khokho, Volleyball, Football, Netball and Athletic

Arena- Discuss and Putting the Shot)4.3 Organizational set up of School Games4.4 Meaning and types of Tournament (Knock out and League)4.5 Intramural and Extramural competition-Need and objectives.


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Class - XI

Full Marks : 100Practical - 60 Marks

Group- A: Formal activities- Marching, Brotachari and Callisthenic (10 marks)1) Marching: Stand at ease, Attention, Left Turn, Right Turn & About Turn, Mark

Time, Quick March and Halt. (3)2) Brotochari: Surjimama Raibishe & Badhubaran Folk dance(For Girls),Raibanshe

dance( for boys), Kathi (4)3) Calisthenics: Neck exercise, Arm exercises, Trunk exercises, and Leg exercises)


Group- B: Athletics (10 marks)1) Running (block start, Techniques of Running, Finishing) (5)2)A. Throwing Event (Putting the Shot and Discus Throw) (5)

a) Putting the Shot: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial stance, Glide, ReleaseAction and Recovery.

b) Discus Throw: Holding the discus, Initial stance, Preliminary Swing, Releaseand Recovery.

OR2)B. Jumping Event (Running Broad Jump/High Jump)

a) Running Board Jump –Approach run,Take off, Flight-in-air and Landing .b) High jump - Approach run, Take off, Flight-in-air and Landing

Group- C: Yogasana & Gymnastics (5 marks)1) (a) Yogasana: (3)

i) Paschimottanasana, Gomukhasana, Dhanurasana, Bhadrasana, Vakrasanaii) Surya Namaskaraiii) Pranayama: Anulom Vilom and Kapalabhatiiv) Meditation

2) (b) Gymnastics: Forward & Backward Roll, Cart Wheel, T Balance, Hand Standand Arch (2)

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Group- D: Team Game (10 marks) (Any one)Handball, Netball, Football, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Kho Kho and Badminton

Group- E: Evaluation of Physical fitness (10 marks)Evaluation of Physical Fitness be made by conducting the following test:

i) Speed Test (30 Meters)ii) Flexibility (Sit and Reach),iii) Explosive Power (Sergeant Vertical Jump or Standing Broad Jump),iv) Muscular Endurance Test (Bent Knee Sit up for 30 seconds) andv) Cardiovascular Endurance Test (Skipping for one minute or spot jogging for

one minute)

The Teacher will administer the test, and performance of the students will beenaluated. The teacher will maintain records of the performance throughout theyear.

A norm for evaluation shall be circulated by the West Bengal Council of HigherSecondary Education in due course of time.

Group-F : National ideals & Leadership Development Activities (10 marks)a) National Ideals: Participation in Observation National Days (5marks)

(National Youth Day, Netaji’s Birth Day, Republic Day and Independence Day)b) Leadership Development activities organized by Government Organisations

(Duration not less than 5 days) (Any one) (5marks)1) Participation in Adventure Sports.2) Participation in Boys Scouts & Girls’ Guides3) Participation in NSS Special Camping, NCC, Leadership Camp, Sports

Camp4) Completion of Bratachari Nayak Course5) Nature Camp6) First Aid Camp (St. John Ambulance / Red Cross Society)7) Community Service Programme



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Group-G: Sports Participation (5marks)


Marks Zonal Sub District State National HighestDivisional Marks

ObtainedAllotted 1 marks 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks


The Physical Education teacher will maintain student’s sports performance and will preserve therecord by maintaining the register through out the year. The students will be issued a certificatewhich will be produced to the examiner during examination. Marks will be awarded for highestperformance on the basis of certificate issued by any organization recognized by IOA or MHRD.



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Class - XIIFull Marks : 100Theory - 40 Marks

UNIT- 1: Modern concepts of Physical Education, Health & Fitness10marks

1.1 Modern concept of Physical Education and Sports, Relationship of PhysicalEducation with Other Disciplines Career aspects of Physical Education

1.2 Modern Olympics: Ideals, Flag, Motto, Emblem, Oath and Organisation1.3 Recent concept of health and fitness, health related fitness and performance

related fitness1.4 Problems of adolescents: social, psychological and physical along with suitable


UNIT-2: Scientific basis of Human Movement 10marks2.1 Effect of exercise on Respiratory System and Related terms2.2 Motion: types of motion, Newton’s Laws of motion and their application in sports

& Games2.3 Definition of Terms: Distance, Displacement, speed, Velocity, Acceleration and

their application in sports and games.2.4 Hypokinetism, active life style and control of obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis

and diabetes mellitus

UNIT-3: Psycho-Socio basis of Physical Education 10marks3.1 Psycho-social unity of human being3.2 Socialization through Physical Education and Sports Programme3.3 Development of Peace and Values through Physical Education Programme3.4 Psychological Factors (Emotion, Motivation and Interest behind sports


Unit-4: Yoga and Sports Training 10marks4.1 Yoga as Indian Heritage4.2 Benefits of Yogic Practices in Daily Life4.3 Warm up, Conditioning and Cooling Down4.4 Sports Training and its different methods (Interval and Continuous method)


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Class - XII

Full Marks : 100Practical - 60 Marks

Group- A: Formal activities- Marching, Brotachari and Callisthenics (Any Two)(5+5=10 marks)

1) Marching: Stand at ease, Attention, Left Turn, Right Turn & About Turn, MarkTime, Quick March and Halt, Slow Marching, Flag Hoisting, Flag Bearing & Foldingand Ceremonial Marching.

2) Brotochari: Jari, Dhali, Chash Jodi, Chal Hoi and Brotochari Nam3) Calisthenics: Two tables of Exercise (8 exercises in one table with or without

apparatus) involving entire body.

Group- B: Athletics (10 marks)1) Running (block start, Techniques of Running, Finishing)2) Throwing Event (Putting the Shot, Discus and Javelin Throw)

a) Putting the Shot: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial stances, Glide,Release Action and Recovery.

b) Discus Throw: Holding the discus, Initial stance, Preliminary Swing,Release and Recovery.

c) Javelin Throw: Holding the Javelin, Pegging, Initial Stance, Carrying theJavelin during running, last 5-7 strides, Release and Recovery

3) Jumping Event (Running Broad Jump/High Jump)a) Running Board Jump –Approach run, Take off, Flight-in-air and Landing .b) High jump - Approach run, Take off ,Clearing the Bar and Landing

Group- C: Yogasana & Gymnastics (5+5=10marks)1) (a) Yogasana:

i) Paschimottanasana, Gomukhasana, Dhanurasana, Bhadrasana,Vakrasana, sarvangasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Mayurasana,Bhumasana, Shirsasana and Surya Namaskara

ii) Kriya: Agnisara and Kapalabhatiiii) Pranayama: Anulom Vilom and Bhastrikaiv) Trataka and Meditation

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2) (b) Gymnastics: Forward & Backward Role, Cart Wheel, T Balance, HandStand, Arch, V-Balance, Knee Balance, Leg split, Dive Roll, Split Jump andCat Leap Jump

Group- D: Team Game (10 marks) (Any one)Handball, Netball, Football, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Kho Kho and Badminton

Group- E: Activity based Project Report on "BMI Calculation and Physical Fitness Measure (for Primary and upper-primary students)

The students will be required to submit activity based Project report as per formatgiven in Health and Physical Education book published by WBCHSE.



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Class - XIFull Marks 100

Theory Marks – 80+20 (Project)

1. Political Science : The Subject and its Evolution

Evolution of Political Science as a discipline — Meaning of Politics — Definition and Subjectmatter of Political Science

2. State

Definition and characteristics of State — State and other Associations — Theories of the origin ofState (Divine Origin Theory, Force Theory, Social Contract Theory, Evolutionary Theory)

3. Nationality, Nation and State

Nationality: Definition and factors behind its emergence – The Right to Self Determination –Nationalism and internationalism – Meaning and Relationship – Tagore’s Concept of Nationalism

4. Fundamental concepts of Modern Politics

a) i) Law: Meaning, Sources and classification (National Law/ Municipal Law and InternationalLaw)

ii) Liberty: Definition and safeguardsiii) Equality and Justice – meaning and relationship

b) i) Democracy – meaning and forms (Direct and Representative)ii) Dictatorship – meaning and forms (party dictatorship, military dictatorship, individual


5. Citizenship

Definition, acquisition and loss of citizenship (with special reference to India)

6. Constitution

a) Definition and modern classification of constitution (Rigid, Flexible, Written and Unwritten)

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b) Framing of India’s constitution – a brief outline – The Philosophy of Constitution – Preamble– Salient features of the constitution

7. Forms of Government

a) Unitary and Federal – Definition, basic features and difference between the two – Natureof Indian federalism

b) Presidential and Parliamentary – Definition, features and difference between the two –Nature of parliamentary government in India

8. Fundamental Rights and Duties

a) Rights – meaning and types (civil, social, political and economic) – Distinction betweenrights and human rights – U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

b) Fundamental Rights and Duties of an Indian Citizen – Directive Principles of State Policy– significance and distinction between fundamental rights and directive principles –Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens

9. Political Party and Pressure Groups

Definition of Political Party – Meaning of National and Regional Party – Meaning of PressureGroup – Difference between Political Party and Pressure Group – Basic features of party systemin India

10. Universal Adult Franchise

Meaning – Universal Adult Franchise in India – Its success and limitations – Election Commission– Election Commission of India – composition and functions

11. Project (some suggested areas) 20 Marks

Some suggested topics on which projects can be carried outa) Level of political awareness of

i) Your neighbourhoodii) Your friend (not having political science as subjects)

b) Success and problems of the application of universal adult franchise (local area study)c) Right to education and actual implementation – problem of drop-out (area of survey should

be your village/ward etc.)



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Class - XIIFull Marks 100

Theory Marks- 80 +20 (Project)

1. International Relations

a) Meaning of International Relations – Development of International Relations as a disciplineb) Some key concepts in International Relations:

i) Power – Meaning and componentsii) National Interest – Meaning and its role in the making of foreign policyiii) Globalisation – Meaning and its impact on state sovereignty

2. International Relations in the post-second world war period

Cold war – Meaning and causes of its origin – Evolution – Challenges to Bipolarity: Non-AlignedMovement – its present relevance – From bipolarity to unipolarity

3. Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy – Meaning – Basic features of India’s foreign policy- India and SAARC

4. U.N.O.

a) Origin – Objectives and principles- major organs of U.N.O. (with special reference to GeneralAssembly, Security Council and ECOSOC)

b) The U.N. and peace keeping operations

5. Some Major Political Doctrines

a) Liberalism – Basic Featuresb) Marxism – Basic Tenetsc) Gandhism- Non-violence and Satyagraha

6. Organs of Government

a) Separation of Powerb) i) Executive: Functions – political and permanent executive (Bureaucracy)

ii) Legislature: Functions and Structure – Unicameral and bi-cameral legislature – Argumentsfor and against

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iii) Judiciary: Functions – Independence of judiciary

7. Executive in India

i) The President – Election, powers and positionii) The Prime Minister – Power and positioniii) The Governor of a state – Powers and positioniv) The Chief Minister of a state- Powers and position

8. Legislature in India

i) The Parliament – Composition and functions – Relation between Loksabha andRajyasabha– Role of the Speaker

ii) State Legislative Assembly (with special reference to West Bengal) – Composition andfunction

iii) Parliamentary procedure – Zero hour, No- confidence, Cut and adjournment motion,Calling Attention Motion (meaning)

9. Judiciary in India

i) Supreme Court – Composition, Functions and roleii) High Court – Composition and Functionsiii) Subordinate judiciary – Structureiv) Lok Adalat and Consumer Court

10. Local Self- Government

a) Rural- 3-tier panchayat system-composition, functions and source of incomeb) Urban- Municipality and corporation- Composition and functions and sources of income

11. Project (some suggested areas) (20 Marks)

i) Survey and observation on the functioning of Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti orZilla Parishad, Municipality, Borough Committee, Ward Committee etc.

ii) Women’s participation at local level politicsiii) Functioning of legislative Assembly (If possible)

(N.B. Teachers are at Liberty to carry out project work on any relevant topic included inthe syllabus)



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Class - XI

Full Marks – 100



Subject Matter – what is Psychology? (Definition)

Development of Psychology – from old concept to modern concept with SpecialReference to Psychological schools.

Modern Approaches to Psychology – (Behavioural, Psychodynamic / Analytic,Cognitive, Humanistic)

Why is Psychology an Objective Science?

Branches of Psychology – Pure and Applied

Development of Psychology in India – Contribution of Girindra Shekhar Bose andN. N. Sengupta and others.


Goals of Psychological Enquiry with special emphasis on definition and utility ofmethods and tools.

Methods -

a) Introspection - Brief outline

b) Experimental method – Merits & Demerits

c) Observation – Merits & Demerits

d) Cross sectional / Longitudinal method

e) Case study

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Psychological tools –

a) Tests – Definition, Characteristics and Types, any two examples

b) Interview – Definition, characteristics, Types, Merits and Demerits

c) Questionnaires – Definition, Characteristics and Types, Merits and Demerits,any two examples


Introduction for relation between body and mind with special Reference to humanbehaviour

Neuron – Structure, Types and Functions with diagrams, Concept of Synapse

Nervous System –

a) Definition and Types of Nervous System(C.N.S., A.N.S., P.N.S.)

b) Brain – Structure, Parts and Area Localization of brain with special referenceto Cerebral Cortex, Diagram of Brain

c) Spinal Cord – Structure of Spinal Cord (mention different segments), Functions(mention Reflex Action)

Endocrine System – Role of Endocrine System in human behaviour, Hyper andHypo Secretion of endocrine glands


What is development – Relation between Growth, Maturation, Development andEvolution

Critical Periods of Development – Short discussion of different stages (Physicaland mental changes ), special reference to Adolescence Period

Factors influencing development – Heredity and Environment


What is sensation? – Definition

Human senses –

a) Special senses – Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue



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b) Organic senses – Visceral / Motor

c) Other – Kinaesthetic / Vestibular

d) Attributes of sensation

e) Relation between sensation and Perception


What is Perception? – Definition

Natural / Characteristics of Perception

Form Perception – Laws of organization, Concept of Figure – Ground Relationship

Depth and Distance Perception – Binocular cues and Monocular cues

Movement Perception – Concept of Real and Apparent motion

Illusion – What is illusion? – Definition, Types - with special notes on Mullerlyerillusion

Attention – Definition, characteristics, types (voluntary, involuntary, non-voluntary),factors that determine attention or conditions of attention subjective and objective


Definition and characteristics of learning


a) Trial and Error (Thorndike) – Experiment, laws (Primary and Secondary),Importance of the theory and criticism.

b) Classical conditioning (Pavlov) – Experiment, principles, importance of thetheory with criticism.

c) Operant conditioning (Skinner) - Experiment, principles, importance of thetheory with criticism.

d) Insight (Kohler) - Experiment, Importance of the theory with criticism.

Difference between classical and operant conditioning

Concept of learning by Indian Philosopher – Swami Vivekananda and RabindranathTagore



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Factors involved in Memory – Learning, Retention, Recall and Recognition

Process involved in memory – Encoding, Storage, Retrieval

Interaction Processing theory (Attkinson and Shiffrin Model) - Sensory Memory,Short-term memory, long-term memory

Concept of Immediate memory span and capacity of memorization.

Forgetting – Definition, Causes, Improvement / Training of Memory



Motivation cycle

Human Needs – Definition, Types – Primary and Secondary

Maslow’s theory of Need Hierarchy

Physiological mechanisms of motivation with special reference to Hypothalamus.


Definition and characteristics

Relation between feeling, emotion and instinct

Basic emotion – Fear, Anger, Love (Nature and Bodily Expressions)

Theories of Emotion (Concept and criticism )

a) James and Sauge

b) Canaon and Bard

c) Schachter and Singer



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Problem – 10 MarksLab. Notebook – 05 Marks

Viva voce – 05 MarksProject – 10 Marks


Negative After Image using Red and Blue colour stimulus


a) Experiment on Immediate Memory span using digits as stimulus. Use both visualand auditory methods.

b) Compare the rate of learning of two subjects and interpret the results (use non-sense syllabus by visual or auditory presentation)

c) Determine the effect of meaning on memorizing capacity.


Fill work on brain or spinal cord (Structure, Functions and Diagram)



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Class – XII

Full Marks – 100THEORETICAL – 70 Marks


Definition and nature of intelligenceTypes of intelligencea) E. L. Thorndikeb) R. Cattelc) H. GardnerTheories of Intelligencea) Spearman’s two factor theory with criticismsb) Thurstone’s Primary Mental Ability TheoryMeasurement of Intelligencea) Intelligence tests – Definition and types (with one example of each type)

VerbalNon-verbal / performance (Alexander’s pass along and Dearborn Form Board)

b) Concept of Mental Age and IQ (Intelligence Quotient)Gifted Childrena) Definitionb) I.Q. classificationc) Characteristics of Gifted childd) Needs of gifted childrene) Measures to solve the problems of Gifted childBackward childrena) Definitionb) Characteristicsc) Causesd) Measures to solve problems of backward children


Social Influence – Definition and forms (Imitation, Conformity, Compliance and Obedience)

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Definition and characteristics of groupClassification of groupsCharacteristics of Primary Groups and role of Primary Group in SocializationCharacteristics of Secondary Group and role of Secondary Group in SocializationDifference between Primary and Secondary groupIndividual and group behaviourLeadershipa) Definition of leaderb) Characteristics and functions of leaderc) What is leadership and how leadership developsd) Types of leadership


Definition of attitudeCharacteristicsComponentsFormation of attitudeMeasurement of attitude – Likert’s and Thurston’s ScaleChange of attitude – Persuasion and Cognitive dissonance with one exampleSocial Cognition with special reference on SchemasPrejudice – Definition and foundation of prejudiceDiscrimination


Definition of PersonalityCharacteristicsFactors that influence personality (Heredity and Environment)Traits of personalitya) What are traits? characteristicsb) R. B. Cattlec) G. W. AllportPersonality typesa) C. Jungb) Sigmund Freudc) Kret Schrees



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d) SheldonMeasurement of Personalitya) Interviewb) Questionnairec) Projective Techniques – Rorschach, TAT and Word Associationd) Free Association


Definition & Concept of Adjustment (Self, Family, Society)Cause of Maladjustment (Conflict, Sense of insecurity, hostility & Guilt)Symptoms of Maladjustment / Defence mechanismsa) Withdrawal orb) Extreme Introversionc) Day dreamd) Projectione) Rationalizationf) Repressiong) RegressionForms of Maladjustmenta) Timidityb) Truancyc) Lyingd) Stealinge) Aggressivenessf) Negativismg) Sex offencesCounselling – Definition, utility of counselling among students and their family member


Concept of Health PsychologyDefinition of stressCauses of stress – Family, School, Vocational, EconomicEffects of stress – Brief conceptStress managementa) Physical – Exercise, Yoga & Meditation etc.



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b) Mental – Positive self talk, Humour etc.c) External Help – Counselling, Guidance and suggestion


Concept of AbnormalityCriteria of Normality (Traditional vs. Modern Concept)Traditional – Neurosis, Psychosis, Difference between Neurosis and Psychosis Modern-Multiaxiol System (DSM-IV R)Major Psychological disorders (Symptoms, types, causes and brief outline of management)a) Schizophermiab) Mood disorders – (i) Unipolar – Depression

(ii) Bipolarc) Anxiety Disorders – Phobia, OCD, GAD, Panic disorder, PTSDd) Antisocial Disorderse) Substance Abuse Disorders


Identity – DefinitionErickson’s stage of psycho-social developmentAdolescence – Why is it called a critical stage of developmentIdentity Crisis; Mature identity – backed by James Marica’s Path to identityFactors influencing identity development (Personality, family,Peer-group, school, communityand larger Society)Gender – Concept and definition of gender, gender role, gender stereotype, gender identity


Environment – Definition, types and relation between man and environmentConcept of Ecology and EcosystemEnvironment Pollution – Types and of PollutantsEnvironment Educationa) Importance of environment education (Objectives)b) Teacher’s role in environment educationc) Students’ Role in environment education



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What is Statistics?Types of Statistics (Descriptive & Inferential)Role of Statistics in PsychologyShort idea of Ranking; Scene; Variable; Scale; SeriesFrequency Distribution – Tabulation from raw scores; and graphical representation offrequency Distribution – Frequency Polygon and Histogram.Utility of Frequency distributionMeasures of Central Tendency – Concept, Computation and Utilitya) Mean (Short method)b) Medianc) ModeMeasures of Variability – Concept, Computation and Utilitya) Rangeb) Standard Deviation (Short method)Neural Probability Curve –a) Conceptb) Characteristicsc) Deviations - Skewness and Kurtosisd) Application of NPCCorrelation – Concept, Types (Positive and Negative), Utility



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Problem – 10 MarksLab. Notebook – 5 Marks

Viva voce – 5 MarksProject – 10 Marks


Non-verbal Intelligence is to be tested using Dearborn from Board Test and Alexander Passalong Test.


The Sociometric method will be followed for Class room practice at least 10 students of thesame class should be provided.


Personality may be assessed by KNPI or KIEI


General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) - [Goldberg] should be used for measuring health status.

Note for Experimental and Project Work.Each of the topics mentioned for both class XI and XII is compulsory.



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Class – XIFULL MARKS – 100

Theory : 80 Marks + Project : 20 Marks

Unit 1: Introducing Sociology

What is Sociology – ‘Sociological Imagination’ – C. W. Mills; Sociological perspectives– Functionalist, Conflict, Symbolic Interaction, Feminist & Post Modernist;Sociological and its relationship with other social sciences (viz. Anthropology, PoliticalScience, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology and History)Emergence of Sociology as an academic discipline – different forces : UniversityRevolution (a very brief outline)Scientific nature of SociologySociological Methods – Quantitative & Qualitative; Positivist & Interactionist methods;Research methodology: Social research, Stages of research, Social survey,Observation, Questionnaire, InterviewUse of statistical tools & techniques – graphical representation of statistical data –grouping of data (pie-chart, bar-diagram, histogram, frequency polygon)

Unit 2: Basic Sociological Concepts

Society – Concept, Structure and ProcessCommunity & Association – Concept, Interrelationship and DifferencesOrganization – Concept and TypesSocial Groups – Typology (special reference to Primary and Secondary Groups)

Unit 3: Culture, Social Interaction and Formation of Self

Meaning and ImportanceComponents of Culture – Values, Norms, Beliefs, Folkways, Mores, Laws,Language and TechnologyTypes of Culture – Material & Non-material Culture, Culture and Civilization,Cultural lag, Sub- culture, Popular Culture, Folk Culture, Consumer Culture,Culture Pluralism (a very brief outline)

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Social Interaction – Verbal and Non verbal interactionSocialization - Concept, Meaning, Agencies, Importance, Life Course, Socializedvs. Unsocialized childrenSocialization and Development of Personality (Cooley, Mead) – Nature vs.Nurture debateSocialization and Social control – Relationship and ImportanceSocial Conformity, Non conformity, Deviance and Delinquency (very briefly)Crime – Concepts and Types (Gender crime, Organized crime, Cyber crime andWhiteCollar crime)

Unit 4: Social Institutions

Meaning and Interrelationship among different institutionsMarriage and Family – Origin, Meaning, Features, Types, Significance – Globaltrends in Marriage & Family – Cohabitation, Single Parent Family, Divorce rates,hom*osexual Family, ‘’In-Vitro” Fertilization – Kinship (in brief : Terminologies andImportance, Descent, Lineage, Sib & Clan)Economy – Types of Economic Systems – Means of Subsistence (in brief)

Direct Appropriation EconomyPastoral EconomyAgricultural EconomyHandicraft EconomyIndustrial Economy

Preliminary Concepts – Utility, Wealth, Property, Capital, Consumer Goods, MarketPolitics – State (Definition and Significance) – Government (in brief : Concepts andTypes, viz. Democracy, Dictatorship, Federal, Unitary, Republic, Monarchy,Presidential, Parliamentary) – Power and Authority (Nature and Differences)Religion, Magic and Science – Basic Concepts, Relationship and DifferencesEducation – Meaning & Concepts, Functions of EducationHealth, Illness & Ageing – Concepts (A brief idea about mental health)



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Unit 5: Social Stratification and Inequality

Social Stratification – Concept, Bases of Social Inequality (Caste, Class, Race andGender) Marxian concept of social stratificationSocial Mobility – Concept, Types (Vertical and Horizontal Mobility)

Project Work: 20 MarksSuggested Areas for Assignment:

1) Sociological Perspectives

2) Culture, Interaction and Formation of Self (Unit 3)

3) Health, Illness and Ageing

N.B. Topics for assignment should be altered every year from the suggested areas. Twoassignments should be completed in each year. Size of the assignment should be around500 words. Marks will be awarded jointly by the internal and external examiners on thebasis of the written assignments and viva-voce.

References :

Browne, Ken (2008), An Introduction to Sociology, 3rd. ed. UK. Polity

Giddens. Anthony, Sociology, 5th & 6th, Edition Polity

Pullinger, (2011), Sociological Thinking, Rawat Publications

Alexander, J.C. & Thompson, K (2008) A Contemporary Introduction to sociology -"Culture and Society in Transition", USA, Paradigm Publishers

Newman, David, M(2008). "Sociology; Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life"USA, Pine Forge Press

Bryman, A lan, (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford

Baker, Theresa, (1972) Social Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill

Elifson and others, (1997), "Fundamentals of Social Statistics", Mc Graw Hill



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Class – XIIFULL MARKS: 100

Theory : 80 marks + Project : 20 marks

Unit I: Sociology in India

Development of Sociology in India; Different perspectives in studying Indian Society; Indological,Historical, Structural-Functional, Dialectical, Subaltern.

Unit II: Indian Society: Structure and Process

a) Society in Pre-British India: Socio-economic and cultural conditions of Indian Society.b) Processes of Social Change in India: Brahminization, Sanskritization, Westernization,

Modernization, Secularization, Globalization and Liberalization.

Unit III: Changes in Social Structure

a) FAMILY: Indian Joint Family; Changes in structure and functions of family; Recenttrends in family pattern.

b) RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES: Changes in economy and Land OwnershipPattern; Rural class structure and Urban class structure.

c) CASTE AND TRIBE: Changes in Caste system: Role of Vivekananda, Gandhi,Ambedkar to Caste system; Caste-Class continuum; Caste in Literature; Tribes intransition.

d) RELIGION: Views of Vivekananda, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Rishi Aurobindo;Religion in the present day society.

e) EDUCATION: Views of Vidyasagar, Rabindranath, Gandhi, Gokhale; Education &Modernization.

Unit IV: Contemporary Social Issues

a) Population, Poverty. Illiteracy and Unemployment: Concepts and their interrelations(in brief); Consequences and Remedies.

b) Communalism, secularism, Regionalism and Terrorism: Causes and consequences(in brief).

c) Corruption: Concept; Recent Legislations.

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d) Women: Changing status of women in India, Violence against women, WomenMovements.

e) Environment: Ecology-Man and Environment; Crises and Responses (Movements);Legislations.

f) Mass-Media: Concept; Role of mass-media in social life (both positive and negative).

Project Work: (20 marks)

Suggested Areas for Assignment

1) Recent trends in family pattern 2) Caste in Literature 3) Corruption: Recent Legislations 4) Women Movements 5) Environmental Issues 6) Role of mass-media in social life

N.B. Topics for assignment should be altered every year from the suggested areas. Twoassignments should be completed in each year. Size of the assignment should be around 500words. Marks will be awarded jointly by the internal and external examiners on the basis of thewritten assignments and viva-voce.

References :

Browne, Ken (2008), An Introduction to Sociology, 3rd. ed. UK. Polity

Giddens. Anthony, Sociology, 5th & 6th, Edition Polity

Pullinger, (2011), Sociological Thinking, Rawat Publications

Alexander, J.C. & Thompson, K (2008) A Contemporary Introduction to sociology -"Culture and Society in Transition", USA, Paradigm Publishers

Newman, David, M(2008). "Sociology; Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life"USA, Pine Forge Press

Bryman, A lan, (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford

Baker, Theresa, (1972) Social Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill

Elifson and others, (1997), "Fundamentals of Social Statistics", Mc Graw Hill



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Class –XI

Full Marks - 100

THEORY (Full Marks –70)



Descriptive Statistics

Introduction: Meaning and definition of statistics, Nature of statistics, Importance and Scope ofstatistics, Relation with some allied subjects, Uses of statistics, Misuses of statistics.

Types of data: Primary and Secondary data, Time series and Cross-sectional data, Ordinal andNominal data, Quantitative and Qualitative data, Discrete and Continuous data. Illustration withexamples.

Collection of data: Designing a questionnaire and a schedule.

Scrutiny of data: Checking internal consistency and detection of errors in recording.

Presentation of data: Tabular presentation and diagrammatic presentation of data. Line diagram(Simple line diagram, ratio chart, multiple-axis-chart, multiple line diagram.). Bar diagram(Horizontal bar diagram, Vertical bar diagram, Multiple bar diagram, Divided bar diagram.) Piediagram.

Frequency distributions, cumulative frequency distributions and their graphical representations.{Column diagram, Step diagram (discrete variable), Histogram, Frequency polygon, Ogive}.

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode.

Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation.Quantiles and Percentiles, Quartile deviation.

Moments: Raw and Central moments up to fourth order and their conversions.

Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis: Different measures based on moments and quantiles.(associated inequalities involving bi and b2 coefficients.)


Inequalities: Some fundamental inequalities such as the square of a real quantity is non-negative,A.M.e” G.M.e” H.M. for a set of positive quantities, Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality – this topic mustbe extended to this limit.

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Concept of Polynomials and Number Theory: Divisor of an Integer, Greatest Common Divisor,Concept of (mod n). Prime and Composite number. Fermat’s number and Fermat’s theorem(without proof). Different forms of nth degree polynomial relating to three interpolation formulaeas per syllabus. Remainder Theorem. Roots of nth degree equation. Relations connecting theroots and coefficients with simple examples.

Differencing: Concept of ‘Delta’-operator required for interpolation.

Simple interpolation: Newton’s forward, backward and Lagrange’s interpolation formulae.(Derivation of error terms is excluded)


Random Experiment: Sample Space, Notion of events and operations with events.

Definition of Probability: Classical and Relative-frequency approach to Probability, limitations ofclassical definition, axiomatic definition (statement only).

Theorem of Total Probability. Bonferroni’s inequality. Boole’s inequality.

Compound Probability, Conditional Probability and Bayes’ theorem.

Statistical Independence of events (no. of events not more than three) and problem sums.

Application of statistics

Index Number:

Definition of Index Number. Types of Index Number: Price, Quantity and Value indices.Construction of Price Index Number and its uses. Various price index formulae; (Laspeyres’,Paasche’s, Edgeworth-Marshall and Fisher). Tests of consistency (Time Reversal test and FactorReversal test).

Population Statistics:

Introduction; Vital events, Sources of Data on Vital events, Rates and Ratios of Vital events.Measurements of Mortality: Crude Death Rate, Specific Death Rate, Standardized Death Rate.

Measurements of Fertility: Crude Birth Rate, General Fertility Rate, Age Specific Fertility Rate,Total Fertility Rate.

Measurement of Population Growth: Crude Rate of Natural Increase and Vital Index.

Complete Life Table: Description and its uses.



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PRACTICAL (Full Marks –30)

(Problems: 18; Laboratory Note Book: 4; VIVA- Voce: 4; Project Work: 4)

List of Problem Sets1. Tabular Representation of data.

2. Diagrammatic Representation of Data. (Non-Frequency type)

3. Construction of Frequency distribution and Graphical Representation.(Univariatedata only ,both discrete and continuous)

4. Measures of Central Tendency.(Problems involving Open-end classes, Missingfrequencies, Pooling of two sets of data, Checking, empirical relations etc. are alsoto be included.)

5. Measures of Dispersion. (Problems involving Open-end classes, Missing frequencies,Pooling of two sets of data, Checking, empirical relations etc. are also to be included.)

6. Moments and Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis. (Verification of inequalities betweenb1 and b2 is desirable.)

7. Interpolation: Newton’s Forward, Backward and Lagrange’s Formula.

8. Different types of Index Number.

9. Mortality Rates, Fertility Rates and Life Table.

10. Project Work : It will be based on Descriptive Statistics



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Class - XII

Full Marks - 100THEORY (Full Marks—70)

Descriptive Statistics

Bivariate data-scatter diagram. Two-way Frequency Distribution, Marginal and ConditionalDistributions. Simple Correlation Coefficient and its properties.

Simple Regression Analysis and Least Square Method.

Rank data and Rank Correlation. (Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient—case of no tie).

Probability Distributions

Random Variables and its Probability Distribution. Cumulative Distribution Function, ProbabilityMass Function, Probability Density Function. Expectation, Variance.

Joint Probability Distribution of two random variables (discrete case).

Maximum and Minimum of a Function. Standard definition of Gamma integral and result involvingGamma (1/2) without derivations.

Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution and Normal distribution and their properties. ProblemSums;

Fitting of above distributions, Concept of goodness-of-fit using Frequency Ç2 approach.

Notion of Uniform distribution.

Scaling Methods: Z Scaling and Percentile scaling.

Sampling and Inference

Sampling Theory and Sampling Distribution:

Population and Sample, Parameter and Statistic. Need for Sampling, Complete Enumerationand Sample Surveys. Basic principles of sample survey. Advantages of Sample Survey overComplete Enumeration. Concept of Probability Sampling. Practical methods of drawing a randomsample using a Random Number Table. Uses of Random Number Table.

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Simple Random Sampling with and without replacement.

Concept of Sampling distribution of sample mean and its standard error.

Basic Concepts of Inference:

Estimation:Idea of Inference: Point Estimation, Interval Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis. Estimatorand Estimate. Criterion of a good Estimator. Concept of bias. Idea of Unbiasedness and MinimumVariance Unbiasedness.Point Estimation of Binomial proportion, Poisson mean, Normal meanand variance (using method of moments.)

Testing of Hypothesis:

Statistical tests of Hypothesis – Null and Alternative Hypothesis. Simple and Composite Hypothesis.Types I and Type II Error. Critical Region. Level of Significance. Power. One Sided and TwoSided test, Critical Value.

Tests of Significance related to a single Binomial proportion and Poisson mean (using largesample approximations), Mean and variance of a single univariate Normal distribution.

Application of Statistics II [10M]

Time Series Analysis:

Introduction. Different Components of a Time Series. Determination of Trend by method of simplemoving-averages and by fitting Mathematical curves (straight line and exponential curve) usingLeast Square principle.

Statistical Quality Control:

Introduction. Idea of Quality and Quality Control. Advantages of Statistical Quality Control. ProcessControl and Lot Control. Control Chart Technique. Construction of Control Charts by variables(X, R) and Attributes (p, np).



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PRACTICAL Full Marks—30

(Problems: 18, Laboratory Note Book: 4, Project work: 5, Viva-Voce: 3)

List of Problem Sets

1. Scatter Diagram, Correlation Coefficient and Regression (ungrouped data only).

2. Spearman’s Rank Correlation coefficient (case of no tie).

3. Applications and Fitting of Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution and onlyapplications of Normal Distribution. (Fitting of Normal Distribution is excluded)

4. Drawing of Random samples (SRSWR and SRSWOR) –using Random NumberTables.

5. Sampling distribution of Sample Mean from a finite population based on simplerandom sampling with/without replacement. [Start with a population having finitenumber of values; choose a sample size (2,3 etc.), list all possible samples of thechosen size, calculate sample mean based on each such sample, obtain the frequencydistribution of the sample mean and display diagrammatically.

6. Estimation of Population Mean and estimation of Standard Error (under SRSWRand SRSWOR).

7. Testing of Hypothesis in case of Binomial proportion, Poisson parameter, mean &variance of Normal distribution.

8. Determination of Trend (Moving Average Method, Straight Line and ExponentialCurve by Least Square Method.)

9. Construction of Control Chart: p, np, X, R.


It will be based on Collection and Analysis of Data. The analysis should be from anyone of the following topics;(a) Correlation and Regression including Rank Correlation.(b) Trend Determination(c) Estimation of Population Mean and Standard Error in case of SRSWR,




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INSTRUCTIONS for Laboratory Session and Preparation of laboratory Note Book.

1. For Laboratory Note Book, square sheets and white sheets both are to be used by thestudents. But if the square sheets are not available then the students may use LaboratoryNote book as used in practical in Biological Sciences, Physics, and Chemistry etc.

2. Strictly, HB pencil is to be used in Laboratory sessions. Scientific calculators may be used.Statistical tables if required are to be supplied by the institutions. Geometry Box may alsobe used.

3. A problem set on a specific topic covering different numerical problems based on secondarydata is to be supplied to the students in a laboratory session. This may be typed or printedor neatly hand-written in white papers.

Each problem set should carry at the top(a) The Problem Set Number.(b) Heading (in capital letters).(c) Working Date.

4. While solving any problem in any of the problem sets, students must mention the relevantformula with description of notations and theory, in brief if required, in the white papers orin the white side of the inter-leaf sheet. No derivation or discussion is needed.

5. The necessary calculations are to be shown step wise with specification of units, whereverrequired. Workings should be presented in a neat form through tables etc. wheneverrequired, in the square sheet or in the ruled side of the inter-leaf sheet.

6. For graphs and diagrams the c.m. / m.m. graph paper of appropriate size that suits thepractical note book are to be used. Both the axes should be labeled, scales to be mentionedand name of the chart (diagram) is to be mentioned clearly. The graph sheets are to bepresented adjacent to the relevant workings of the problem concerned.

7. All the Problem sets enlisted in the syllabus must be completed, examined and signedwith date by the teacher concerned. Finally it should be arranged serially, according to thecontent index.

8. There should be a content Index at the very beginning of the Laboratory Note Book consisting of(a) Serial Number(b) Heading of Problem Set(c) Working Date and(d) Page Number.



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RULES for the Practical Examination

1. The Practical Examination is to be held on a single day simultaneously in all theinstitutions.

2. If it is not possible to hold the examination on a same day then there should be at leastthree sets of questions since it is a problem based Practical.

3. The Practical Examination will be of two hours duration including Viva-Voce.

4. Questions of Viva-Voce may be asked by the External Examiner to test the depth ofunderstanding in both theory and practical, preferably on Project Work.

5. Only scientific calculators are allowed.

6. Statistical table will not be given in the question paper. If required, it will be supplied by theinstitution.

7. The completed Laboratory Note Book covering all the topics as prescribed in the syllabusmust be submitted during the examination.



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CLASS XIFull marks : 100

Theory - 45Practical - 55

Theory / Group A

Indian Arts (20marks)General back ground of India Art/Constraints of Indian Art Development. Evaluation of IndianArt-Sculpture.

1. Art of Indus Valley Civilization2. Art of maurya : Asokan Pillars3. Early Buddhist Art of India From Sunga to Ajanta.

Sunga : SanchiKushan : Gandhara & MathuraAmaravatiGupta Period : Sarnath, Ajanta

4. Art of MahabalipuramElloraKonarakChola Bronze : Nataraj

N.B. Emphasis should be on visual exposure according to the syllabus for making the studentsaware of the art works.

Theory / Group B

Western Arts (15marks)1. Prehistoric Art : Altamira Cave Painting2. Egyptian Art3. Greco-Roman Art4. Italian Renaissance Art

Artists and art works to be studied :Giotto : (a) Death of St. FrancisLeonardo Da Vinci : (a) Last Supper

(b) Monalisa



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Raphael : (a) MadonnaMichelangelo : (a) Pieta

(b) Sistine Chapel CeilingVermeer : (a) Lace Maker

(b) Head of a girl with pearl earrings.Bruegel : (a) Cracifixion

Theory / Group C

Creative Handicrafts / Design (15marks)1. Preparation of common clay2. Use of various hand tools and equipments for wood work.

Practical / Group A

Painting (choose any one of the following items) (20marks)(a) Painting a market scene or a village fair or any other similar subject using pencil, pen &

ink, water colour, oil pastels,or poster colours on paper.(b) Study of still life or flowers or foliages in colour.

Drawing (choose any one of the following items) (15m)(a) Drawing from nature, such as trees, flowers, foliages, birds, animals, human figures, etc.

with pencil, dry pastel or pen & ink.(b) Drawing from Copy Book (Rupabali)

Practical / Group B

Modelling (20m)

(a) Preparation of clay model images of animals,birds,fish,fruits and human Forms inround and relief forms.


Creative Handicrafts (20m)(a) Preparation of a mask with card board painted with poster colour.(b) Decorative patterns cut on wood.(c) Preparation of a book cover with hand written title page.



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CLASS XIIFull marks : 100

Theory - 45Practical - 55

Theory / Group A

Indian Arts (15marks)General background of Indian art : Constraints Indian Art Development . Evaluation of Indian Art—— Sculpture

1. Miniature Paintings of India:(a) Mughal Miniatures(b) Rajput Miniatures

2. Bengal Art Tradition :(a) Terra cotta Temple of Bishnupur(b) Pata Chitra(c ) Kalighat Painting(d) Folk & Tribal Art

3. Few Contemporary Indian Artists:Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Gaganendranath Tagore , Amrita Sher-gil, Jamini Roy, Nandalal Bose, Ramkinker Vaij, Benode Behari Mukhopadhyay, JainulAbedin , Somenath Hore, M.F Hussain, Meera Mukherjee

4. Books to be read :(a) Bageswari Silpaprabandhabali ( Abanindranath Tagore )(b) Chitra Katha ( Benode Behari Mukhopadhyay )(c ) Living Tradition ( K.G Subramanyan )



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Theory / Group B

Western Arts (Concept & Development) (15marks)

1. Baroque and Rococo :Van Eycks ( Dutch ) : Alterpiece of Lamb.

Rainbow .

2. Classicism , Romanticism, Realism ( 1800 – 1818 A.D )Turner ( British ) : Rain , steam , speedConstable ( British ) : Landscapes

3. Impressionism to Modern ArtManet (French) : The FiferMonet (French) : Water LiliesVan Gogh (Dutch) : SunflowerCezanne (French) : Still life with applePicasso (Spanish) : GuernicaMatisse (French) : The open windowDali (Spanish) : The Persistence of memoryRodin (French) : ThinkerBrancusi (Romanian ) : Bird in SpacePaul Klee ( Swisse-German ) : Forgetful Angel , Conjuring Trick

N.B : Emphasis should be on visual exposure according to the syllabus for making studentsaware of the art works.

Theory / Group C

Handicrafts / Design / Architecture / Photography Theory (15m)

1. Batik : Method & Materials , preparation and use of Batik colours.

2. Method , materials and process of mould and plaster casting.

3. Traditional Handicrafts of Bengal.

4. Past Architecture of India.

5. Contemporary World Architecture.

6. Eminent Indian Photographers of 20th Century.



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Practical / Group A

Painting (20 marks)

(a) Composition of a painting depicting a street corner or a shop or a restaurant showing atleast four human figures using pencil, pen & ink, oil pastels, water colour or poster colouror mixed media on paper.

Drawing (15marks)

(a) Drawing from architectures ( buildings, houses, boxes, almirah etc ) showing perspectiveswith soft pencil on paper.

(b) Drawing from nature, landscapes, people, animals, birds, flowers etc with soft pencil onpaper.

Practical / Group B

Sculpture (20marks)

(a) Bas relief composition with moulding and casting in plaster of paris.


Design/ Creative Handicrafts (20marks)

(a) Decorative design for various motifs in colour for textile.

(b) Batick design on cloth

(c ) Painting pottery with poster colour.

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9/2, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 091subject wise Marks Division for Class XI and XII (New Syllabus)

2014-16 session

Sl No. Subject Theory Project Practical1 Arabic 80 20 0

2 Bengali A & Bengali B 80 20 0

3 Hindi A & Hindi B 80 20 0

4 English A & English B 80 20 0

5 Alternative English 80 20 0

6 French 80 20 0

7 Gujarati 80 20 0

8 Nepali A & Nepali B 80 20 0

9 Odia 80 20 0

10 Persian 80 20 0

11 Punjabi 80 20 0

12 Sanskrit 80 20 0

13 Santhali 80 20 0

14 Telugu 80 20 0

15 Urdu 100 0 0

16 Accountancy 80 20 0

17 Biological Sciences 70 0 30

18 Business Studies 80 20 0

19 Chemistry 70 0 30



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Sl No. Subject Theory Project Practical

22 Economics 80 20 0

23 Mathematics 80 20 0

24 Physics 70 0 30

25 Agronomy 80 0 20

26 Anthropology 80 20 0

27 Computer Application 70 0 30

28 Computer Science 70 0 30

29 Education 80 20 0

30 Environment Studies 80 20 0

31 Geography 70 0 30

32 History 80 20 0

33 Home Management & Family ResourceManagement

70 0 30

34 Journalism & Mass Communication 80 20 0

35 Music 45 0 55

36 Nutrition 70 0 30

37 Philosophy 80 20 0

38 Health And Physical Education 40 0 60

39 Political Science 80 20 0

40 Psychology 70 0 30



20 Commercial Law & Preliminaries of Auditing 80 20 0

21 Costing & Taxation 80 20 0

41 Sociology 80 20 0

42 Statistics 70 0 30

43 Visaual Arts 45 0 55

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.