Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (2024)

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Pretty sure that I may or may not have an obsession with muffins. In our home, we make them for any time of the day. Although muffins are primarily thought of as a breakfast food, there is absolutely no reason they can not be enjoyed during other times of the day as well. Snack and dessert muffins are also justifiable. If you love white chocolate recipes, you are going to adore this raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe!

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (1)

Muffins are so easy to whip up when you don’t have a lot of time on hand. Making muffins from scratch tastes so amazing and this version is super similar to my strawberry white chocolate chip recipe. The best part is that I do not think that there is a household that doesn’t have some of the ingredients on hand that you need here for these raspberry white chocolate muffins.

Having muffins as an option for anytime of the day makes life that much better. They are so easy to just grab and go! Doubling the batch is also super simple, so if you need them to feed a crowd, it’s a quick and easy route to everyone’s tummies.

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (2)

Raspberry white chocolate chip muffins

When the weather becomes warmer, I am all about fresh berries! Using fresh raspberries in this recipe literally makes my heart sing. I can just taste them as I am writing this. If you do not have the chance to have fresh raspberries for this recipe, using frozen is perfectly acceptable. I won’t judge and neither will anyone else once they get these muffins in their mouth.

White chocolate and raspberry pair together perfectly. This combination as a cookie is also amazing, but there is just something about a warm muffin. If you have never tried this combination of raspberry and white chocolate, you have been missing out. Now is the time that you need to do it! This recipe is super simple and can be whipped up from start to finish in about 30 minutes.

Muffin ingredients

Most of the ingredients you will have already in your arsenal at home, but make sure you just have those raspberries and white chocolate chips on hand! To make these raspberry white chocolate chip muffins you will need:

  • flour
  • baking powder
  • salt
  • butter, room temperature
  • sugar
  • eggs, room temperature
  • vanilla
  • buttermilk
  • fresh raspberries
  • white chocolate chip morsels

If you are looking for a healthier way then all-purpose flour to make these muffins, you can use a whole wheat flour to get in your grains! If you are wanting to make this recipe gluten free, simply substitute the all-purpose flour for a gluten free version. I love the King Arthur gluten free flour blend for baking.

The baking soda, salt, butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla are all common ingredients that I bet you already have on hand. If you run out of baking soda, you can use a baking soda substitute. I’ve been there before! I also prefer homemade vanilla extract whenever possible.

Fresh raspberries are suggested for this recipe but you can also use frozen or even freeze dried instead. I also suggest using a higher quality white chocolate chip for this recipe. The better the white chocolate chips, the better these muffins will turn out!

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (3)

Raspberry white chocolate muffin alternatives

Another way that you could change the texture of these raspberry white chocolate chip muffins is to exchange the buttermilk for yogurt. Because these muffins do not have a ton of sugar in them, you will not get overloaded with a sugar rush in the morning. I honestly think I would choose muffins over donuts any day of the week!

There are some people that also love to have that dash of topping on their muffins. So whether you are a glaze person or maybe just some crystal sugar, either one would make the perfect accompaniment for these muffins. All you would need to do for an easy topper is to dip the cooled muffin into butter and next dip into crystalized sugar. So yummy for an extra treat!

You can also sub out the raspberries for your favorite fruit. Strawberries work great here as do blueberries and blackberries. Check out my strawberry white chocolate muffin recipe and my bakery style blueberry muffin recipe for detailed recipes.

  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (4)
  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (5)
  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (6)
  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (7)
  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (8)
  • Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (9)

Besides the ingredients you will need to grab these things to get the magic rolling on these amazing muffins:

  • Medium Sized Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Large Mixing Bowl or Stand Mixer
  • 12 Cup Muffin Pan
  • Non-Stick Cooking Spray

To get started, you of course want to get your oven preheated to 425 degrees. I have totally been that person before that got so excited to be making a favorite muffin or cookie and forgotten all about the oven! So let’s go ahead and get that going right out the gate before we start combining any ingredients.

In the medium sized bowl, you will want to whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Put that off to the side while we get going on the wet ingredients. In the large mixing bowl or in your stand mixer, cream together your butter and sugar until it is fluffy. This process should take only a couple minutes.

Once you have your butter mixture, let’s add in the eggs one at a time until blended. After this is well blended you will add in your vanilla.

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (10)

This is where it might get a tad tricky if you have never made a muffin from scratch before. Remember that flour mixture that you put together before? You will want to start to add that to your butter and eggs mixture in half cup increments alternating with your buttermilk. This will make it so that your batter will combine smoothly.

If you have never done add ins for muffins, you will want to be very gentle adding in the raspberries and white chocolate chips. So many when they first do this mix too hard and the berries burst. This is something that we want to avoid. We want to fold these ingredients into the mix with a light hand and not a heavy handed stir.

Now that you have all of the mix together, it’s time to get them in the baking cups and in the oven. Super important that a lot of box mix muffins don’t do is have you change the temperature so make note of this for these muffins. First 5 minutes will be at 425 with the remainder of the 12-15 minutes will be at 375 degrees.

Once you pull the muffins out and a toothpick comes out clean, you are ready for the best part, enjoying them!

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (11)

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup (1 stick) butter, room temperature
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup buttermilk
  • 2 cups fresh raspberries
  • ½ cup white chocolate chip morsels


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a 12 cup muffin pan with standard muffin cups and lightly spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. In a medium size bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl or stand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, beating for about 2 minutes.
  4. To the butter, add the eggs one at a time and beat until blended. Add vanilla.
  5. Add flour mixture in ½ cup increments alternating with the buttermilk. Mix only until just combined.
  6. Gently fold in fruit and chocolate chips.
  7. Divide batter evenly among the muffin cups.
  8. Bake at 425 degrees for 5 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 375 degrees and bake for an additional 12 to 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out with moist crumbs.
  9. Enjoy!


Store in an airtight container or plastic baggy for up to 5 days.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 258Total Fat: 11gSaturated Fat: 7gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 53mgSodium: 269mgCarbohydrates: 36gFiber: 2gSugar: 18gProtein: 4g

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You may also enjoy these other muffin recipes:

Strawberry white chocolate chip muffins

Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (12)

Healthy chocolate chip muffins

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Bakery style blueberry muffins

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Hey y'all!I'm Kelley. I'm a recipe making, picture taking, coffee drinking momma to 4 crazy kiddos. Join me as I share our family favorite dinners and my copycat coffee drinks too!

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Raspberry white chocolate muffin recipe - mom makes dinner (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.