sometimes when i look into your eyes i pretend you're mine all the damn time - chasefilms - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)


Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were good friends.

Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl, since kindergarten.

And now, at the age of 13, Percy Jackson found himself having an undeniable crush on his good friend, Annabeth Chase. Which was funny, considering the whole school seemed to have an undeniable crush on Annabeth Chase.

He knew why: Annabeth was super smart, getting prettier every day, she was a talented pianist, on the perfect path to be the best fencer of the decade at Goode, and she was as kind and humble as a true princess. And yet, this school star freshman was still friends with an idiot like Percy Jackson. Of course, she would be loyal to the boy who lent her a box of colored chalk in kindergarten when she realized she had forgotten hers at home.

They grew up and eventually made other friends. She more quickly than he, of course, she was a social butterfly. And Percy was content having Grover, Juniper, and Rachel as his three best friends and Annabeth as a good friend.

Annabeth had lunch with Percy and his friends at least once a week, always helped him with homework, and was his partner in chemistry class. They had a good relationship, of course Percy wouldn't ruin everything by making his feelings for her obvious. They were just good friends.

Annabeth looked particularly beautiful today. Her braids falling from her back to her waist, a blue scarf (Percy's favorite color) on top of her head, her shirt with ruffled sleeves and a short hem showing a strip of skin because of her low-waisted pants... The sunlight It glittered in the gold earrings dangling from her ears, and she seemed intent on writing chemical formulas in the report on the pair homework they were doing in his backyard.

Pair homework!

"Are you going to help or just stare at me?" she asked with a smile, lifting her face towards him. Percy's heart skipped a beat at being caught.

"Oh, uh, sorry, I got distracted." Percy coughed, looking at any corner of the garden but Annabeth. At least he could blame ADHD for that.

"It's okay, we've been here for an hour and a half with no breaks." Annabeth left the pencil on the towel they were sitting on, on the grass. "Want to talk a little?"

"Hm... Sure, why not?" Percy had an impressive social skill. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, we could start with the fact that Mr. Blofis, the literature teacher, is your stepfather. How come I've known you since kindergarten and never knew that?" She asked a bit shocked, adjusting her body to sit cross-legged in front of him.

"Oh, nobody knew until I started high school... It's not something we go around spreading, you know?" Percy felt embarrassed, that was a somewhat delicate subject. "I guess I don't need everyone to explicitly know that I only go to a school like Goode because my stepfather teaches there."

"Oh, sure. I understand." She nodded. "But don't think it's a big deal, you know? Everyone knows I only go to Goode because my father is the school benefactor, just like everyone knows that Jason and Thalia only go there because the school director owes their father... Believe me, your case is the least bad, as it doesn't involve money or anything like that." Annabeth comforted.

"But it's different, Jason and Thalia are amazing athletes and you're super smart. I'm just the dyslexic guy with attention deficit." Percy laughed humorlessly.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're smart, and I heard you joined the swim team." Annabeth commented, smiling and bumping her shoulder against Percy's. "I heard you're really good."

"Not as good as you are at fencing." He retorted.

"Don't change the subject to me, Seaweed Brain." Her eyes opened a bit wider in realization. "Hey! This nickname makes even more sense now that you're the best swimmer in school!"

"You've been calling me that since we were 7, and I'm not the best swimmer in school." Percy hugged his knees, smiling and shaking his head. "Luke is." He said cautiously, after all, he and all the freshmen knew Annabeth liked Luke.

“I've never seen him swim...” She rambled.

"Why? Don't you like him?" Percy asked insensitively and unconsciously. Annabeth looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"How do you know?!"

He was ready to say, 'The whole class knows,' but he stopped himself. "Oh, well, I guessed... You talk about him a lot and you blush..."

"Oh..." She nervously laughed, feeling her cheeks heating up. "It's nothing, it's just that... He's so nice to me." She shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "But he's a senior and too good for me."

Percy frowned somewhat revolted. "How can someone be too good for you?" He asked indignantly, watching a braid fall over her shoulder. "You are too good for anyone!" He protested.

"Thanks, Percy. But you only say that because you're my friend." Percy was about to respond when she continued. "I heard Luke say he sees me as a little sister, that I'm not the type of girl to date..."

"Then he's an idiot." Percy concluded quite quickly.

"No, he's not. He's right. All my friends have already had their first kiss, and I haven't. Apparently, I'm not the kind of girl boys want to kiss." Percy strongly disagreed. "And even if I was, there's no one I'm interested in enough to give my first kiss, except..." Annabeth's voice trailed off a bit and Percy felt his heart sink. Seriously, Annabeth wanted to give her first kiss to an idiot like Luke?

"Anyway, that doesn't mean anything." He interrupted. "I mean, I've never kissed anyone either, and that doesn't make me 'unkissable'." He thought for a second. "Or does it?"

Annabeth smiled looking at him and noticing Percy for the first time.

Percy had always been cute, but he was growing up and becoming seriously handsome. He was considerably taller than the other boys in the class, his blond hair became a tangle of shiny curls, and the blue eyes were a bonus.

"Definitely not." She shook her head.

"So, you agree your logic is kind of stupid?" Annabeth always liked Percy's sharp tongue.

"It's different for a girl, Percy." She was kind enough to explain, going back to the thought she had before he said that he had never kissed anyone exactly like her.

Annabeth laughed a little in disbelief.

"What's up?" Percy subconsciously smiled seeing her laugh.

"It's kind of unbelievable that a guy like you hasn't kissed anyone yet." Annabeth said, more in indignation than mockery.

"What do you mean a guy like me?" He furrowed his brow in confusion but didn't dwell too much on the question until he reverted it to Annabeth. "By the way, it's even more unbelievable that a girl like you hasn't kissed anyone yet!"

Annabeth's smile slowly faded as she noticed Percy's face again. Silence fell between them after the question escaped his lips.

"Um... Percy?" She moved a little closer to him.

"Yes?" Percy felt the blood slowly running in his veins as he smelled her with the closeness.

"Would you... Well... Would you be my first kiss?" She asked before the courage left her standing there like an idiot.

Percy felt time stop.

Oh, gods. Annabeth Chase, his crush since... Forever? Was offering him her first kiss?

"W-What?" He stammered feeling stupid.

Annabeth blushed embarrassedly. "Well, I thought that... Well, since I've never kissed anyone and neither have you, we... Could learn together, I guess?"

"Learn?" Percy repeated feeling doubly stupid.

"Yeah... I mean, at least we'll have some experience when, um, kissing other people." Annabeth argued.

Percy remained silent just staring at her. He definitely didn't want her to kiss anyone else, and he definitely had no interest in kissing anyone else.

"Okay, forget it, it was a stupid suggestion", Annabeth stood up grabbing her backpack hastily and hoping her idea hadn't ruined the good friendship she had with Percy.

"No! Wait! Annabeth!" Percy stood up shortly after, reaching her and standing in front of her before she could go. "I don't think it's a stupid suggestion, you just caught me off guard." He explained. "And I'm afraid you won't like it, since I really never kissed a girl before."

"I'm scared too, I've never kissed a guy before either." She shrugged.

"Okay, so... How do we do this?" He looked at her full lips in anticipation of the idea of kissing them.

Annabeth let go of the backpack letting it fall near their feet.

They were face to face, the height difference evident. From this angle, she could see the sun hitting Percy's blond curls, leaving them golden like shining gold.

Percy put a braid of Annabeth's that rested on his shoulder back with the others on her back.

Annabeth put her hands on Percy's shoulders, stood on her tiptoes, and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss.

Someone call the Ambulance! Percy might have a heart attack.

"Put your hands on my waist." She instructed too close for his sanity. Percy obeyed. "Kiss me."

Percy's definitely going to have a heart attack.

Okay, he tried to take the lead based solely on instincts. And romantic movies.

Percy pressed their foreheads together feeling his neck slightly sore with the tilt, took a deep breath, moistened his lips, and swallowed dry before joining their mouths in a longer kiss.

He pulled her closer and tucked her lower lip between his, trying to figure out the right movements as they kissed in short intervals when he found out that when she relaxed her lips more, the kiss got easier. "Open your mouth a little more." He whispered, lips grazing as she opened her lips more. Percy did the same and moved his head, being careful with their teeth and feeling the taste of the chocolate they were sharing while doing their chemistry task.

Her lips were obviously soft, and kissing her was so addictive that he truly feared not wanting to kiss anyone else anymore. And Annabeth definitely learned fast because her hands were now on the back of his neck, holding his curls as she pulled him closer while their mouths moved in a slow rhythm.

When they ran out of air, they pulled away with a smack. A sound neither of them had ever made with another person, leaving them uncontrollably red with the realization that they had kissed each other.

Annabeth moved her face away from his, still holding her hands between the soft locks of his head.

"That was..." She smiled, lowering her head awkwardly. Who was Luke again?

"I agree." Percy squeezed Annabeth's slim waist a little, unintentionally. It made her have butterflies in her stomach.

"Can we... do it again?" She asked even more embarrassed.

Percy smiled more than willing to make this sacrifice.

The kiss was even better. Annabeth kept her mouth open as she was instructed and Percy dictated the movements with his head as she pushed him closer. Percy hugged her waist with his right arm joining their bodies and with his left hand, he held her jaw lovingly. The kiss emitting sounds that he would surely keep to remember later.

In a bold move, Annabeth sucked Percy's lower lip, feeling she should let the tongue be part of the conversation when the sound of the sliding garden door startled her.

"Percy?" A soft voice echoed, and Percy turned forward cutting the kiss, his size almost covering Annabeth completely.


Someone call the Ambulance! Annabeth might have a heart attack!

"What's going on?" Sally leaned a little more to the left, trying to see the girl behind her son. "Who is your girlfriend?"

"Mom! No! It's just that..." Percy felt his cheeks burning.

Annabeth slowly bent down to pick up her backpack and hang it on her shoulders.

"I-I was just leaving..." Annabeth stuttered hoping a hole would form in her feet so she could disappear.

Sally got a better glimpse of the girl.

"What? No, honey! Stay for dinner!" Percy's mother approached a little closer to the two teenagers feeling compassion for Annabeth's mortification.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Jackson, but my dad is waiting for me and I..." Annabeth stumbled slightly as she walked towards the house. "I have to go!"

"Wait, Annabeth, we..." Percy took a step towards her and Annabeth raised both hands as if to tell him to stop. He stopped.

"I know the way out." She nervously smiled. "See you at school, Percy, and nice to meet you, Mrs. Jackson." And then Annabeth turned and ran away.

Percy just looked at the door helplessly, but feeling inevitably on cloud nine. He had kissed Annabeth Chase.

"We have a lot to talk about, young man." Sally slapped a bag of blue M&Ms on her son's abdomen, as if to show the reason she had sought him out. "She seems nice, but I don't want girls here when Paul or I aren't home."

"Mom! It's not like that!" He hurried to correct. "Annabeth is just a school friend!"

"Of course she is." Sally nodded and made her way back into the house.

"Mom! Seriously!" Percy followed her.


The kiss had changed things between Percy and Annabeth. Surprisingly, it hadn't made things weird between them, but it had brought them even closer together.

Now, Percy and Annabeth were 14 years old, and they seemed like best friends, not just good friends anymore. Annabeth became more present, more physical, never mentioning Luke (who was in his last year of high school) in their conversations anymore, let alone that "crush" talk. It was a stage Percy was happy to live in, even though his feelings for her seemed to grow every day.

They never talked about the kiss. Percy had never kissed anyone besides Annabeth, and he liked to imagine that she hadn't either because the thought of her kissing another guy made him want to throw up. He liked to imagine he was the only one receiving the cheek kisses she gave him, the only one she had kissed on the lips, the only one she hugged unexpectedly when they passed each other in the hallway on their way to the next class.

Ah... Life was good.

"What did you do over the weekend, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth started a conversation while they dissected a frog. They were biology partners this year.

"I went to the movies to watch the re-run of Alien with Paul," he replied absentmindedly while taking notes in his notebook. "We love this movie; we watch it every year since he married my mom when I was 8."

"That sounds cool, you guys seem really close," Annabeth smiled sideways. It seemed so easy for Percy to get along with his stepdad while she struggled not to mess things up with her stepmom.

Percy smiled to himself. "We are really close," he agreed. "When Paul came into our lives, I was a seven-year-old kid very resentful of my father leaving me and my mom. He was married to another woman when he met my mom, and she had no idea... I guess she had to learn to trust someone again, but Paul knew exactly how to win us over." Percy kept smiling as he looked past the gross frog. "He always made it clear that he loved me like a son from the very beginning. Paul is my dad, for all intents and purposes."

Annabeth felt her heart warm. "I wish I had that same certainty with my stepmom... It feels like I'm always walking on eggshells around her," she confided. "I know she doesn't hate me or anything, but she had her own kids with my dad, and I don't know... I feel like I'm the odd one out in the room, you know?"

Percy looked at Annabeth and wished they weren't in a biology class with a bunch of open frogs, so he could hug her, comfort her, and kiss her forehead in support.

"I bet your family doesn't want you to feel that way," he touched her gloved hand, giving her a reassuring smile. "Hey, have you ever watched Alien?" Percy suddenly asked.

"No, never," Annabeth smiled shyly.

"What do you think about me taking you to the movies to watch it? That way you can watch Alien with me and Paul next year!" he offered excitedly.

Annabeth widened her eyes. Percy... Percy was asking her out?

"Uh... I don't know, Percy, that seems like a father-son thing, I don't want to intrude..." She felt a little uncomfortable, like she was being a bother.

"Then we can watch another movie and set a day for you to have dinner with us at home. I promise we won't make you feel like you're intruding or anything," he offered an alternative, still very excited.

Annabeth felt her heart beat so fast she thought she might have a heart attack. Percy Jackson was asking her out on a date and to meet his parents?


"Oh come on, Wise Girl! Please?" The thing he did with his amazing blue eyes was a low blow.

Annabeth bit her lower lip, realizing he still held her hand.

"Alright, Percy." His smile widened, showing dimples to her. Seriously, DIMPLES! "We'll meet at the AMC tomorrow at seven."

"Fantastic!" He let go of her hand, picking up his pencil again. Percy couldn't wipe the open smile off his face. "It's going to be awesome, maybe we can make this our thing you know? We can go to the movies every Friday or every last Friday of the month. I don't have swimming and you don't have fencing on Fridays anyway..."

"Mr. Jackson!" Professor Rubbens' voice sounded irritated. "Can you manage to focus on the task, or do I need to separate you and your girlfriend?"

Percy felt his face heat up.

"Well, actually, sir, we're not d..."


Percy nodded and lowered his head. The professor's attention was directed elsewhere, and when Percy and Annabeth's gazes met, they laughed conspiratorially at each other.

"Every last Friday of the month, Seaweed Brain. I'll be waiting for you at seven," Annabeth approached him, leaving a kiss on his cheek before going back to dissecting the gross frog.

Percy didn't stop smiling all day.

Every last Friday of the month, Percy and Annabeth went to the movies together to watch a movie, and no matter how bad the movie might seem, they'd go anyway.

They met at the AMC near school, shared a mega popcorn, Percy escorted her back home like a true gentleman, and he received a kiss on the lips in gratitude for the date.

The first time he escorted her back home, Annabeth stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek; Percy unintentionally turned his face and the kiss turned into a peck on the lips.

It seemed like their thing now. Every time they returned from the movies, Percy received a kiss on the lips, and as the months went by, they became more and more experienced in kissing.

Percy never asked what it meant, but he wasn't stupid enough to ask and ruin everything. Annabeth Chase gave him a kiss once a month, and that was more than enough to make Percy's life better.


At 15 years old, Annabeth Chase was the most beloved person at Goode. The seniors adored her, the freshmen were infatuated with her, and she was the favorite student of all the teachers.

What nobody understood was how a girl who radiated sunshine was dating such a... Gray cloud. Oops, forgive us, FRIEND. Annabeth Chase was a good friend of Percy Jackson, as they had never explicitly stated that they were in a romantic relationship (an argument boys used to flirt with Annabeth).

Of Course, Percy Jackson had his qualities; He was one of the tallest boys in school, undeniably handsome, and had a certain charm in his scowling face and sharp tongue. But still, it was hard to imagine him as someone Annabeth Chase would choose to date, even though they were always together and always held hands.

At least, that's what Connor Stroll, a 14-year-old boy from the water polo team, was convincing himself so he could gather the courage to ask Annabeth out.

Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, despite all the rumors, were not dating. Period.

"They're re-showing The Wizard of Oz!" Connor heard Annabeth's voice approaching Percy, who had the locker parallel to his. "It's your mom's favorite movie, right? I've never seen it, maybe we could watch it this Friday." She suggested, smiling in a way that could light up the entire school.

Connor saw Percy smiling. Jesus, Connor passed by Percy in the halls every single day and had never seen him smile at anyone. A full-blown smile with teeth, dimples, squinty eyes, the whole deal.

"I'm glad you want to watch my mom's favorite movie, Wise Girl. I'll get the ticke... Oh..." Percy's smile died.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth approached him, hugging her books tighter and showing concern.

Did they know they were unnecessarily close? And how didn't Percy have neck pains from leaning in so much? Connor had the perfect height for Annabeth, you know...

"I forgot we have a swimming competition with Yancy this Friday." Percy seemed genuinely sad to have to cancel their movie plans for Friday. "Sorry, Wise Girl... Completely slipped my mind."

"No, it's okay, no problem." She smiled kindly. Classic Annabeth Chase. "That kind of explains why you've been late coming out of practice."

"Tyson and I are training really hard in the relay. You know I hate Yancy because of what happened with Nancy Bobofit and the expulsion... Tyson bought my cause." Percy explained. "I'm sorry I didn't explain sooner, I thought it was irrelevant."

"Competing with Yancy is definitely relevant!" Annabeth protested. "And I like Tyson, you know that. That kid idolizes you."

Tyson was a 13-year-old boy in Connor's year. A friendly oddball too naive for his own good but nobody messed with him. After all, Tyson was like a little brother to the taciturn Percy Jackson and was 6 feet tall at just 13 years old. No one would be crazy enough to mess with a huge kid who had Percy as his best friend.

"I'm a bad influence on him." Percy joked. Wait, Percy Jackson joked?!

Annabeth patted Percy's shoulder and he laughed. "Don't talk nonsense, Seaweed Brain." Oh yeah, they had that stupid nickname thing. But it's okay, right? Friends give each other nicknames too, don't they?

"Would you come see me in the competition on Friday? I know it's not like our movie Fridays, but after the competition, I could take you out for a burger and..." Percy interrupted himself when Annabeth reached out to kiss his cheek.

Christ, Percy Jackson was blushing.

"I thought you'd never ask." Annabeth tucked one of her French braids behind her ear. "I'll be there."

The bell rang. Annabeth finally stepped back to head to class.

"Tyson will be thrilled to have you here!" Percy exclaimed.

"Only him, I wonder!" She retorted and left their sight.

Well, that scene really showed Connor that Annabeth had a lot of intimacy with Percy, but it didn't prove anything. They could just be very close friends, there was no reason for this common sense that they were dating.

Either way, Connor felt like he should investigate a little further. He wasn't crazy enough to ask Annabeth out and have to answer to Percy Jackson later. What if everyone was right and they were actually dating?

Connor Stroll hated relays, but he would support the Goode team on Friday for "sportsmanship" sake.

And Friday came so surprisingly fast that Percy didn't have time to be consumed by nerves.

Now, seeing the Yancy swimmers entering the visitors' locker room, he felt his stomach twist.

After Luke left school, Percy automatically became the top swimmer at Goode (although there were already debates about him being better than Luke before he left), and all the coach's and team's hopes were pinned on him and Tyson.

Percy always handled that very well; he somehow knew his worth, and after Tyson got there, things seemed to get easier. However, this was Yancy, and his thirst for victory was personal.

It was a relief and nervousness to see Annabeth entering the men's locker room. Relief because seeing her was soothing and comforting; nervousness because, what the hell was she doing in the men's locker room?

And from this second thought, Connor Stroll shared.

Connor went with the water polo team to wish luck to the swimming team, and he almost passed out when he saw Annabeth Chase entering the locker room. First because she was a girl, and second because she was Annabeth Chase.

"What are you doing here?" He heard Percy murmur incredulously as Annabeth approached his locker.

Percy was so red that Connor began to expect smoke to come out of Percy's ears with such embarrassment.

Percy didn't exactly look presentable. He wore open robe and very loose sweatpants, revealing the elastic of his swimsuit like most of the boys who showed their bare chests in that environment (except the water polo team, who were fully clothed).

"I came to wish you good luck." Annabeth crossed her arms, smiling as if challenging him to get mad at her. Of course, Percy wouldn't be able to.

"Are you crazy, Wise Girl? This is the men's locker room!" He protested, closing the robe a bit as if hiding from her. Annabeth found him adorable.

"I have two younger brothers, Percy. I've seen worse." He shuddered.

"Annabeth?!" Tyson approached upon seeing her.

"Hey, big guy! I came to wish you good luck in the competition!" She said, turning her body to face Tyson.

"Gee, thanks, Annie! That will definitely help us today!" Tyson seemed excited before turning to Percy. "The coach asked us to go stretch."

"Yeah, alright, big guy. I'm coming." Percy nodded, scanning the crowded locker room.

Connor realized he was staring too much when he caught a glimpse of Percy looking his way.

"Okay, guys." Percy's voice rose authoritative and serious. Connor quickly remembered who Percy Jackson was. "Thank the water polo team for wishing us luck and everyone get out of here!"

In about twenty seconds, the entire locker room was empty, and Connor couldn't see what happened next, as he was dragged away with the rest of the team.

"You too, big guy. We know you usually take longer than the others to stretch and shower." Percy said somewhat affectionately. Tyson smiled.

"I'm coming. It was great to see you before the competition, Annie."

Annabeth climbed onto the metal bench and leaned in to kiss Tyson's cheek quickly. Percy's smile disappeared. He wished she'd save those kisses only for him.

"Your lucky charm!" She said, stepping down from the bench. Tyson looked pale and flushed at the same time, which was funny.

"Wow... Um... Thanks, Annie!" He replied, scratching his arm awkwardly.

Percy looked like he was on the verge of syncope.

"Get out, Tyson." He gave the younger one a threatening look, who just smiled at Annabeth one more time and left them alone. "Lucky charm? Seriously?" Percy scoffed, opening his arms, exposing even more of his chest, and not caring about his appearance anymore.

Annabeth bit her lower lip, holding back a laugh. Percy was particularly handsome when he was jealous and well... he was growing up, and she wasn't blind.

"He's like a little brother to me, you know." She shrugged, amused by the situation.

"I know." He clenched his jaw and took off his cloak. "I have to warm up, Annabeth." He told her, hanging his cloak next to his team coat. "Until later."

"Hey! Wait!" She grabbed his wrist, and Percy looked at their hands before looking at Annabeth's huge round brown eyes. Her beauty could kill him one day; it was simply criminal for someone to have such a beautiful face attached to such a beautiful body, forming such a beautiful human being.

"Your lucky charm." She said softly before putting her hand on the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

Annabeth buried one hand in Percy's blond curls and pressed her other hand against his chest. The swimmer's muscles were something...

Percy smiled between kisses and let her kiss him however she wanted, leaving him breathless when she pulled away. Damn, he'd have to do breathing exercises before diving.

Annabeth sighed and backed away a little, letting her nose brush against Percy's.

"Drown them, Seaweed Brain. You'll do great." Percy smiled, unable to resist pulling her closer and giving her a long peck.

"Double luck." He argued.

"For sure." Annabeth nodded and finally stepped away. "And I'll keep this!" She announced, grabbing his jacket hanging next to the robe and leaving the locker room, leaving him behind.

Connor Stroll almost fainted when he saw Annabeth Chase arriving in the bleachers with a swimming team jacket twice her size and the name "Jackson" on the back.

But it's okay, I mean, friends share clothes, right? Maybe she was cold; that didn't prove the rumors that Annabeth and Percy were in a relationship.

The relay competition was surprisingly quick.

Percy and Tyson won first place with a 9-second lead over the second-place team, which was a Yancy veteran duo, and Percy won first place in freestyle swimming, surprising no one.

When the champions were announced, the bleachers went wild, and Connor could see Annabeth and Percy's best friend, Grover, hugging each other in ecstasy and celebration. Grover whispered something in Annabeth's ear that made her blush.

After the medal ceremony where Tyson and Percy received a gold one (Percy receiving one more medal), the boys from the relay team were released to leave the pool area, soon being approached by the other students who had cheered them on.

Percy and Tyson obviously received more attention than the others, but Tyson did the more social part of thanking the students for their support, while Percy seemed to be frantically searching for someone specific in the bleachers.

"Annabeth!" He exclaimed when he saw her.

Annabeth grinned like an idiot and tried to reach him with Grover's help.

Percy wore a prouder smile to see her there with his jacket than he did for having two gold medals on his bare chest.

"You were amazing, Seaweed Brain!" She exclaimed when she got close enough, keeping herself a few steps above him to match their height. "You looked like a golden fish, even with the blue cap."

Percy smelled like chlorine and was still wet. The wet robe and pants with the exact stain of the soaked swimsuit.

"Thanks for the lucky charm," he replied with a sense of complicity, getting closer to her.

"I think you deserve a reward!" Annabeth pulled him by the robe collar and kissed him.

"You think so, huh?" Percy laughed happily and wrapped his right arm under the jacket she was wearing, pulling her closer and lifting her off the ground as their lips met.

Connor Stroll widened his eyes, and all the students erupted into applause at the scene while Percy and Annabeth seemed to care less.

So, the rumors were right. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson were dating. Period.


Percy Jackson was in love with Annabeth Chase.

If you asked him when it happened, he wouldn't know how to answer. He always liked her, but that spark happened on the first kiss they shared.

He was madly in love with her.

And he didn't know what to do with it.

Of course, them constantly kissing didn't help at all. And not dating was a terrible bother, like a pesky stone in his shoe.

Percy had recently turned 17, and the intensity of his feelings was even greater. Now every kiss had a meaning, every hug had a reason for him. And to think that she could do this with any other guy who interested her, it killed him inside.

Their "colorful" friendship wasn't enough; he wanted her completely. He wanted her to be his girlfriend and him to be her boyfriend, even though he knew she was too good for him.

Percy tried to push away the thoughts and focus on Annabeth training fencing in front of him in the hot and stuffy gym.

Annabeth looked ethereal wearing the open white jumpsuit swaying on her hips with a thin-strapped white tank top underneath. She wasn't wearing a mask, and her braids were pinned up in a low bun at the nape of her neck, with two loose front braids framing her face, which shone with sweat due to the heat.

She looked like a barbarian and sexy princess with her concentrated expression and graceful steps that he didn't know very well, moving the sword like a character in an adventure movie where she was the protagonist.

She was so beautiful... The jumpsuit highlighted the curve of her hips after a small waist, and the thin-strapped tank top had a neckline that left plenty of room for imagination. Annabeth looked so athletic with her bare arms showing off her strong and delicate muscles, robust thighs anchoring her to the ground with each step as she squatted slightly to retreat.

So beautiful and so... Exposed?

Hold on!

How come she was wearing the jumpsuit open, using nothing but a thin, tiny tank top? What protected her from getting stabbed? And why wasn't she wearing a mask? For the love of the gods, the opponent could easily cut her face! An opponent who was fully equipped!


Percy startled the thoughts all at once when he heard a shrill voice echoing through the gym and focused his eyes on Annabeth. Really focused.

Annabeth was down.

Percy felt his heart sink.

He had never run so fast across the bleachers, invading the court when he saw a small crowd surrounding her.

"Nobody touches her!" He pushed two or three guys out of his way and pushed five people who were too close to Annabeth on the ground, with a small cut on her arm. He scanned the teenagers and spotted Annabeth's opponent, Will Solace, looking at the team captain with wide eyes. "What's wrong with you?!" Percy barked. Everyone swallowed hard.

"I-I don't know, she just didn't block and fainted... And then the sword was going towards her arm and..."

"Where's Coach Hedge?" He interrupted visibly annoyed kneeling beside Annabeth.

"He left us training and went to the bathroom." A brave fencer replied. "It's been 40 minutes."

"f*ck." Percy growled irritated with the information, cursing the coach as useless under his breath as he picked Annabeth up in his arms, bridal style. "I'll take her to the infirmary."

Percy adjusted Annabeth in his arms, placing her head on his chest so she wouldn't be uncomfortable and hurried towards the infirmary, leaving a trail of blood drops behind.

"Who are you, young man? Where's Coach Hedge?" It was the first thing the nurse said when she opened the door and directed Percy to place Annabeth on the gurney.

"He's been peeing for 40 minutes already." He snorted irritably.

"Typical of Hedge." The nurse, Martha, rolled her eyes ready to measure Annabeth's blood pressure. "What happened to her?"

"She fainted and her opponent couldn't retreat in time." Percy explained, feeling worried. Why hadn't she woken up yet? Was the cut too deep?

"Alright... Hmm..." Martha examined Annabeth's arm. "She'll survive. It wasn't deep, and she doesn't need stitches." The nurse seemed to read Percy's thoughts. "Ms. Chase will wake up soon; it must be the third time this has happened this year. Just go get a sugar sachet and a chocolate bar."

Third time? What do you mean the third time Annabeth fainted and ended up in the infirmary? What were the last times this happened?

Annabeth groaned softly and blinked her eyes. "What are you looking at, kid? Just go!" Percy heard Martha's order and then quickly left the infirmary.

He ran as fast as he could to the cafeteria to get sugar and stopped by a vending machine to buy a chocolate bar.

When Percy returned, Annabeth was sitting alone on the stretcher with her legs swinging, wearing a bandage on her left arm, and looking at nothing.

"Hey..." He said softly.

"Hey." She replied, turning her face to the opposite side as if she were embarrassed.

"I brought the sugar and the chocolate." He handed it to her, and Annabeth took it without looking him in the eyes.

The silence was deafening and, for the first time, uncomfortable.

Percy watched Annabeth pour the sugar from the sachet into her mouth, swallowing the hyper-sweet amount with a grimace.

"Why is it the third time you've come to the infirmary this year?" Percy approached Annabeth, facing her. "And why did I only find out about it now?"

Annabeth swallowed hard and fell silent. Percy sighed and moved even closer, taking her hands and forcing her to leave the chocolate aside. "Annabeth?" He insisted.

"I don't know..." She replied weakly, looking at Percy's chest, which was at her eye level. Annabeth took a deep breath before continuing: "Something about me trying too hard and not eating enough in return... Today was so hot, I couldn't wear the jumpsuit." She shrugged.

Percy felt disappointed in a way.

"Why aren't you eating enough, Annabeth?" He questioned gently, trying to show that he was there for her.

"I'm working too hard for college, and now that I'm captain of the whole fencing team, I'm part of the academic decathlon team and I'm involved in volunteer work, things have been getting busier..." She explained, looking into Percy's blue eyes. "I study until late and sometimes I forget to have dinner or end up sleeping too much and don't having time for breakfast."

Percy squeezed her hand.

"It's nothing serious, Seaweed Brain. It's just that today was very hot, and I..."

"Nothing serious? Nothing serious, Annabeth?" He interrupted. "I almost died of a heart attack seeing that sword cutting your arm. And if it were your face? Your chest? Your neck? Only the gods know how much that brat Will Solace would be able to avoid a tragedy." Will Solace was a freshman who had just turned 13; who knows what could have happened to the kid handling a sharp weapon. "Annabeth, your health is no joke. You absolutely can't forget to have dinner or breakfast. Even if you think you can hold on until lunch, lunch isn't enough to sustain you."

Annabeth had never seen so much concern on Percy's face. It was cute, tho. His brow was furrowed in an adorable way.

"I knew you were proud, but not that you were foolish enough to think you could endure an hour and a half of heavy sword training in this heat with just a hamburger in your stomach." Percy felt her knees brush against his thighs as he leaned in to look into Annabeth's eyes. "You'll never forget to eat three meals a day again, do you hear me?"

Annabeth hated when people gave her orders, but seeing Percy with his blue eyes almost watery with despair didn't give her much choice but to nod.

"Yes, I do." She nodded her head.

"You promise me you'll eat properly every day?"

"Yes, Percy. I promise."

Percy sighed, feeling relieved. Annabeth gave him an encouraging smile as he held her face with his right hand and leaned in to seal their lips in a loving kiss, as if sealing the promise once and for all.

"Eat the chocolate, and you can go." Martha's voice made Percy quickly end the kiss, still holding their hands together. "Your boyfriend already said everything I should have said, I hope you listen to him."

Percy felt his heart race and his face blush. He opened his mouth to deny it when Annabeth replied:

"Thank you for taking care of me once again, Martha."

"Don't mention it, dear. I hope I never have to see you here again." Martha smiled, leaving the room, but coming back right away. "Keep that door open, you two. I was a teenager once." She warned before leaving for good.

Annabeth laughed while Percy wished he could disappear. Dating was a sensitive topic for him: Something he wanted more than anything but knew Annabeth would never reciprocate that feeling.

"Want a piece?" She offered the chocolate. Percy smiled sadly with the thought still alive in his head and declined.

"You need it more than I do." She shrugged and took a bite of the chocolate. "I'm going to file a formal complaint about Coach Hedge." Percy changed the subject.

"What? Why?"

"Because he's a piece of sh*t, Wise Girl. What kind of coach lets minors kill each other in the gym while he goes off to do God knows what?" Percy said genuinely revolted.

Annabeth laughed. "He's a dinosaur of this school, Percy. He doesn't even know how many years he's been working here."

"If he's a dinosaur, let him become a fossil. I'm going to talk to my dad about this guy. Seriously, something needs to be done." Percy placed his hands on either side of Annabeth's body casually, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're an idiot, Percy Jackson. And I love you for it." She declared.

Call Martha back! Percy might be the next fainting teenager!

Percy didn't even know what to say when Annabeth just engaged in another topic, not giving him a chance to tell her how much he liked her and how much he wished they were an official couple.

Percy felt like he was living a double life, where he wished he could be Annabeth's boyfriend and where he actually was just her friend.

It was unbearable.


Annabeth smiled, sighing in ecstasy as she pulled Percy even closer. She buried her fingers in Percy's curly golden hair as she deepened the kiss, causing him to sigh heavily.

Percy slid his left hand under Annabeth's shirt, feeling her soft skin as he squeezed her thigh with his right hand, making her tremble when he dug his fingers into her leg, pulling her closer if that were even possible, considering Annabeth was straddling his lap completely fused to him.

Annabeth moaned, feeling a shiver down her spine as Percy's fingers made direct contact with her back, moving up and down as if caressing her. Percy smiled smugly, feeling her melt under his touch as if it were the conquest of his life. Annabeth felt his smile against her face as he rubbed his nose against hers, kissing the corner of her lips, kissing the exact spot where her freckle was, trailing kisses down to her jawline and urging her to hug him tighter as he began to kiss her neck.

Annabeth tilted her head to give him more space, feeling Percy kiss her neck as if he were kissing her mouth, spreading wet, lazy kisses open-mouthed. Her eyes were closed, one arm extended over his broad shoulder and one hand buried in his scalp.

When Percy gave her a hickey, Annabeth involuntarily groaned, grinding her hips against his. Percy swallowed a groan as he felt her grinding against him and backed off a bit just to watch her closely. The sight almost killed him: Annabeth was wearing a new style of braids called 'goddess braids,' and she truly looked like a goddess with the braids and curls cascading down her back, shining in the afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips red and swollen from kissing, and her brown eyes closed in a look of pure satisfaction. Percy could swear his heart stopped.

"You're so f*cking beautiful," he whispered against her lips, rubbing his nose against hers. Annabeth just smiled slightly, making him want to shout to the world how much he loved her.

And that snapped inside him.

Annabeth was in his lap, kissing him with so much passion and fervor and yet... She wasn't his.

Percy's smug smile was about to die with that thought when Annabeth pulled him into another kiss.

And then the door in her room opened.

"OH, GODS!" A horrified voice sounded, and the bedroom door closed as quickly as it opened.

Annabeth jumped off Percy's lap as startled as the bearer of the voice. "sh*t, that's my stepmom!" She explained to Percy in a low, mortified voice.

Percy felt his entire face heat up with this information. Annabeth's stepmother had caught Annabeth straddling his lap while they were making out?

"Helen! I'm sorry, you can come in!" Annabeth shouted and threw a pillow at Percy, who understood the message and used it to cover his lap and the very apparent result of their makeout session.

All of this happened in less than 10 seconds.

Helen opened the bedroom door with her eyes closed. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything, dear. Can I come in?" She said in an embarrassed voice.

"Sure." Annabeth cleared her throat. "We're... Presentable."

This wasn't how Percy planned to meet Annabeth's stepmother.

He knew her younger siblings from seeing them interact with Annabeth at school when possible and Percy always talked to them, and modesty aside, the boys adored him.

Percy also knew Frederick Chase only by sight, when he picked up the kids by car or something. Frederick always smiled at Percy and asked if he was okay, which was a good sign. But Helen, Annabeth's stepmother, Percy had never seen her before.

He knew having a stepmother was a sensitive topic for Annabeth, since her biological mother had died from postpartum depression. It seemed that Helen hadn't been introduced into Annabeth's life properly when she was a child and despite the two not having a terrible relationship, it seemed like they were always walking on eggshells around each other.

Percy knew meeting Helen was a big deal, and it worried him a lot. The only reason he agreed to enter Annabeth's house after offering her a ride was that she had received the letter from New Rome University and wanted to open it with him, since her entire family was out of the house.

Annabeth had obviously been accepted into the university, and then she jumped into Percy's lap, one thing led to another, and... Well, now they were there.

"I came in to get the laundry, didn't know you were home" Helen explained.

"Yes, I've been here for a while..." Annabeth scratched her nose, a habit she had when she was nervous. "I knew the letter from New Rome had arrived and Percy gave me a ride to get here faster."

Mrs. Chase glanced at Percy. He felt his ears burning and his heart racing.

"We didn't know you were dating..." Helen commented after analyzing Percy Jackson. "Aren't you going to introduce him, Beth?"

Annabeth fell silent, Percy swallowed dry, looking anywhere but at the Chases.

Helen felt the atmosphere become even stranger and decided to intervene to dispel the atmosphere created by the previous question: "Tell me about the letter! Did you get into college?"

Annabeth smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes. Architecture."

Helen genuinely seemed happy with the news, hugging Annabeth and congratulating her. Annabeth returned the hug and thanked her, while Percy felt like he was a spare part there.

"This is wonderful, Annabeth! Your father will be so proud of you, we need to celebrate with the whole family. Your grandparents will be so happy!" Helen began to talk enthusiastically about a barbecue on Sunday to celebrate when she remembered Percy's presence in the room at the moment, he stood up ready to grab the car keys and leave. "You should come. Percy, isn't it?" She asked turning to Percy.

"Yes, ma'am. My name is Percy Jackson." He shook her hand, seeing Annabeth's eyes widen momentarily.

"We'd love to get to know you better, Percy Jackson. Beth never brought a boyfriend home; we'd definitely like to learn more about the boy who captured the heart of our know-it-all." Helen smiled. "Is Sunday a good day for you, dear? You could bring your family too and..."

"Helen," Annabeth interrupted. "Percy and I need to go; we had plans to dine out tonight." She dodged, throwing the lie into the air.

Percy felt the weight of the situation for Annabeth. Things were already difficult for her with her stepmother, and now she had been caught kissing a friend and her stepmother was already assuming they were dating.

Annabeth didn't confirm that they were in a relationship; perhaps she at least wanted to have one, and she certainly wouldn't want to be forced to introduce a potential boyfriend like this to her own family.

Percy felt his vision blur slightly with the realization that Annabeth didn't want to deepen their relationship. He loved her. He couldn't continue with this charade, pretending that things hadn't changed, that he hadn't been desperately in love with her since he was 13 or even before.

"Ah, of course. Yes, I understand," Helen nodded, making room for the two. "Your father and I will wait for you to come back to talk about your celebration." She walked towards the door. "Congratulations again, sweetheart." And she left.

Annabeth sighed heavily in frustration. "I need to take you somewhere, Percy."

The swimmer controlled his breathing before speaking. "Look, Annabeth, I'm not sure if..."

"Please." Annabeth approached Percy and held his face with both hands, looking at him with bright, pleading brown eyes. A low blow.

Percy shook his head. "Alright... Let's go."

Percy Jackson was unable to say no to Annabeth Chase.

"And I'll drive," she announced, taking the car keys from his hand.

Percy Jackson was physically unable to say no to Annabeth Chase.

The silence between them in Paul's old car (now Percy's) was palpable. The atmosphere was so strange that for the first time since Percy and Annabeth's relationship had become more physical, Percy didn't know what terms they were on.

He never knew but at that moment, he didn't even imagine what Annabeth was thinking or what she wanted from him.

"We're here," she announced, stopping the car near a park. Percy immediately recognized it as the town cemetery.

Annabeth grabbed his hand and silently guided him among the graves until she stopped in front of a tombstone with a drawing of an owl.

'Athena Chase, beloved mother and wife.'

Percy swallowed hard after managing to read it.

"A-Annabeth," he stuttered, looking at her with wide eyes, only to find her staring at her mother's grave with tear-filled eyes.

"Hi, Mom," she began. "Forgive me for not coming these past few weeks; I've been working hard for the final exams." Annabeth justified. "I got into college, Mom." She smiled to herself. "I'm going to New Rome University. Dad told me you hated New Rome, but it's one of the most prestigious universities in the country for Visual Arts, and Percy will probably get a scholarship as a swimmer there."

'W-what?!' Percy heard his brain echo.

Annabeth was going to a college her deceased mother hated... Because of him?

"By the way, this is Percy Jackson." Annabeth intertwined her fingers with his, and Percy could do nothing but stand there, motionless, without reaction. "I know I took a long time to introduce him to you after talking about him all these years, but for some reason, I didn't feel ready. From what Dad tells me about you, Percy isn't the kind of guy you would approve of. I know that." Annabeth sadly smiled and continued. "It's ridiculous that this scared me given that, with all due respect, you're dead, and I shouldn't care about the opinion of a dead person."

Percy couldn't even breathe, his brain spinning with the absurd amount of information.

"Anyway, I still postponed introducing him to you because of this irrational fear of disappointing you, and I postponed introducing him to my family because I didn't want Helen to meet him before my own mother." Annabeth breathed. "Which is exactly what happened today."

Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before she continued.

"Forgive me for taking so long, Mom. Forgive me if I disappointed you." Annabeth wiped a tear from her face. "But I'm here just to give you explanations because I would never ask for forgiveness for spending every second I spent all these years until now with Percy." She squatted, kissed her hand, and touched the tombstone leaving the kiss there. "I hope you understand and give me your blessing wherever you are."

Percy wanted to scream 'Regret meeting me! Don't sacrifice your mother's pride for a friends-with-benefits situation!' But his dry throat prevented him from speaking.

"I love you, mom." Annabeth's last words before she turned around, still holding Percy's hand, and began the way back to the car.

Annabeth seemed light, as if the weight of the world had lifted off her shoulders, while Percy seemed heavy, as if the sky had fallen on his shoulders.

As they approached the car, Percy finally decided to act.

"Annabeth." He called, pulling her hand so that she turned to him and didn't get into the car.


Percy released the intertwined hands and suddenly felt small.

"I really like how we are; I like how we work, and I love you very, very much." He tried to say as a man, looking into her eyes. "But I don't think I'm worth all that."

Annabeth's face twisted slightly in confusion, "excuse me?"

Percy felt that it was harder than it seemed.

"Annabeth, I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore."

She fell silent, processing the words. Percy felt like an idiot for putting it to her the way he did.

"I really like what we have, I like it much more than you can imagine. I love you, but it's not enough. It's not enough for you to study at New Rome, a college your dead mom supposedly hated, because of me. You deserve more than what I've been giving you." He explained sniffling slightly. "You deserve a partner, someone better than me."

"Percy, what the hell?!" Annabeth questioned terrified, not understanding anything. "Is this because of things I said? It's much more about me than about you." Percy opened his mouth, but Annabeth kept talking. "Is this because I never introduced you to my family all these years? I was afraid, I just explained everything to Athena out loud, you must have heard!"

"No, Annabeth, it's just that..."

"Wait, are you breaking up with me because I chose to go to the same university as my boyfriend of years instead of studying at a university that my dead mother supposedly wants?" Annabeth was gesturing incredulously, it was unbelievable that Percy was breaking up with her like this, suddenly. Right after she opened her heart in front of her mother's grave with him by her side.

Percy felt his blood freeze and his left ear go deaf. Boyfriend?

"Or is it because I never managed to watch The Wizard of Oz with Sally? Because Percy Jackson I swear, if you're breaking up with me over something not even your mother bothered you about, I'll take this car, go away, and leave you here!" Annabeth felt anger growing inside her.

Percy was still motionless. Boyfriend? Breaking up?

"If it's because I never said, 'I love you,' in my defense, you never said it either! And I know you love me because you show it in actions, and I got used to receiving your love that way, but I never said it because you never said it, and this could be a topic that made you uncomfortable, and I don't know, I just decided to keep it to myself..."

"We..." Percy's weak voice made Annabeth pause, expecting an explanation.

"Percy, you need to give me an explanation of why you're breaking up with me." He saw tears forming in Annabeth's eyes, and he wanted to kill himself for making Annabeth cry. "I really love you, and I think I deserve a clear explanation after all these years we've lived together as a couple." She choked when the first tear fell.

"No, Annabeth! No, I..." He wiped her tears, desperate. "I'm not breaking up with you, I... Damn, how am I going to explain this without sounding like an idiot? I definitely am an idiot!"

"What's going on, Percy?" She questioned with a broken voice, feeling confused and curious.

"Annabeth, I swear I had no intention of... Breaking up." The word came out bitter on Percy's lips. When had they even started? "I... Look, don't get mad at me, but I had no idea we were dating! Are we dating? Am I your boyfriend?" Percy questioned with hopeful eyes, as if pleading for her not to give up on him with this revelation.

Annabeth stopped crying almost instantly.

Percy thought she would slap him and end the years-long relationship he didn't even know he was a part of when she just started to... laugh?

Annabeth genuinely laughed. Stepping back a little from Percy to catch her breath as she looked at him with an incredulous look. "You must be sh*tting me!"

Percy felt his cheeks heat up, his hands tremble with nervousness. Annabeth realized it wasn't a joke; she knew Percy well enough to tell the difference.

"Oh, my gods yes, Percy! You're my boyfriend! You've been my boyfriend for years, actually." She declared, still with traces of laughter on her face, trying to compose herself.

Percy felt his mouth go dry, afraid to ask more about it and make her break up with him for being so oblivious. Even though he didn't know they were dating, he wanted to keep the relationship now that he knew he was in one.

"Since when, uh, exactly?"

Annabeth couldn't believe that this was happening.

"Percy, it's been so long that I don't even know exactly when it started." She explained, facing him again. "Things changed when we kissed in your garden, but I think we started dating when you invited me on a date."

"I invited you on a date?!" Percy furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Yes! You invited me to watch Alien when we were 14." Percy remembered that. Was that a date? "Do you take all your friends to the movies and expect a kiss on the mouth at the end of the night?" She interrogated with a hint of suspicion.

"No! Of course not!" He replied, somewhat offended. He never treated anyone the way he treated Annabeth, it was inconceivable to him. A film about all the intimate moments between them flashed through Percy's mind. "Gods... We are actually dating..."

"Yes, you idiot!" Annabeth smiled, still shocked that this had happened. She was dating a guy who didn't know he was her boyfriend, was that possible? "What did you think? That you were my good friend? That I was your good intimate friend who occasionally kissed you? Do you think I treat Grover the same way I treat you?"

Percy wanted to throw up when he imagined Annabeth treating any other guy the way she treated him. "Gods, no."

"Percy, I'm only not breaking up with you right now because you dated me even though you weren't aware that you were my boyfriend; otherwise, I would have left already." Annabeth joked, surprisingly well with all that chaos. It would be a good story for her to tell the kids in a few years, after all.

"I was planning to step away to not get in your way, to not be the friend who would ruin your plans." He shrugged. "I've been hopelessly in love with you since childhood, and when we became friends, that was enough for me. Until it wasn't anymore. I've loved you for so many years... I never told you because I thought you deserved something better than me and out of sheer fear of ruining our friendship." Annabeth rolled her eyes with a stupid smile on her face. "Yes, now I know that we were never just friends in the first place. It's kind of ridiculous that I wasted all this time."

"You idiot!" Annabeth called him an idiot for the twentieth time before pulling his neck to kiss him.

That was Percy's happiest kiss ever. Annabeth Chase was his girlfriend!

He pushed her towards the car, feeling like he could overflow with relief, as if he had taken the weight of the sky off his shoulders.

"I love you, Wise Girl." Percy felt entitled to say, and Annabeth felt her eyes welling up, now with happiness. "Allow me to ask properly: Annabeth Chase, would you honor me by continuing to be my girlfriend?"

She relaxed against the metal of the vehicle, lifting her face to touch her nose to Percy's jaw. "I accept to continue being your girlfriend, Seaweed Brain."

"I'll try to make things clearer in the marriage proposal." Percy promised.

"You better!" Annabeth tossed her head back slightly with the spontaneity of the phrase. "I love you, Percy." She hugged him tightly, and he held her with the same intensity.

"I love you so, so much... I think I'll never stop repeating that." Percy kissed her cheek. "I've been holding onto this for so long and now that I know I can say it, no one else can stop me from speaking."

"Oh, my goodness I got a Percy Jackson version Boyfriend 2.0" Annabeth stepped back.

"You better believe it, Wise Girl. I'll make up for all the lost time." He guided her to the passenger side, opening the car door for her to get in.

When Percy started the ignition, Annabeth reached for her phone to read the missed messages when one caught her eye:

"Helen is asking me to ask you if Saturday night is a good day for a celebration dinner at my house, so I can formally introduce you."

Percy maneuvered and grinned foolishly upon hearing Annabeth's words.

"Tell her your boyfriend will bring blue key lime pie for dessert."

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were dating.


Annabeth felt her heart race slightly when she heard the sound of keys opening the front door late at night. She mentally scolded herself for feeling like a silly, anxious and lovesick girl, but she couldn't help but smile when Percy walked through their apartment's entrance.

"Hey," he grinned foolishly, placing the keys in the bowl next to the door. Annabeth immediately stood up when she noticed her boyfriend's condition.

"I guess the parent-teacher meeting was tough," she helped him take off the bag hanging from his shoulder, Percy swaying slightly.

"We had to go for a drink; it was horrible today," his words came out slurred, and Annabeth wanted to laugh as she helped him take off his jacket. "Hm... Thanks, love." Drunk Percy was clingy and funny.

"Did Paul bring you here?" She guided Percy to the couch, and he shook his head.

"He was as drunk as I was, Dionysus asked us to take an Uber and split it." Percy plopped down on the couch, making her laugh with the thud on the cushion. "Oh... This couch is so soft..." He mused, relaxing as he slouched comfortably.

Annabeth swallowed hard as she saw him sitting with his legs spread, pants hugging his swimmer's muscular thighs, the white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows with the top three buttons undone, revealing his strong neck and chest. The tousled blond hair and the relaxed expression with his head tilted back were a bonus.

She deemed it illegal that her boyfriend looked like some sort of greek god; it wasn't fair to other mortals.

"I feel you staring," he murmured with slurred words. Annabeth huffed and left the room with her cheeks on fire. Sue her for checking out her hot boyfriend.

Percy chuckled when he realized she had left.

Annabeth opened a coconut water bottle and brought it to Percy for him to drink and hydrate. As cute as he was when he was tipsy, he was unbearable when hungover hit him in the morning. She wouldn't be able to stand his grumpiness on a Saturday, so prevention was better.

"I was talking to my dad today at the bar..." Percy began to speak when he finished drinking half the bottle at once. Annabeth leaned against the couch next to him, and Percy took the opportunity to snuggle into her since in his mind, she was softer than his favorite couch.

"Oh yeah? What did you talk about?" Percy nestled his head on Annabeth's chest and threw his legs over her lap, which was absurd since he was twice her size, but they made it work. Annabeth ran her fingers through his curls that she loved the most, and Percy sighed contentedly.

"He and my mom argued."

"But are they okay?" Annabeth turned her face to Percy, partially seeing him and feeling his breath directly on her skin.

"Yeah. He forgot to mow the lawn last week, and my mom got kinda annoyed because Estelle wanted to bring some school friends over to play in the garden." Annabeth didn't quite understand why Percy was telling this story with a smirk on his lips. "He told me that story laughing, and it made me realize how much Paul loves her."

Percy sighed.

"And it made me realize how much I love you."

Annabeth laughed lightly with her shoulders shaking. What was the connection between these two things?

"My parents have been together for almost 20 years, and he still laughs when he talks about her being mad." Percy cleared his throat, feeling a little drowsy. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Wise Girl."

Annabeth held her breath and stopped stroking his hair.

She wasn't going to cry at the words of a drunk Percy.

She wasn't going to cry, she wasn't going to cry, she wasn't going to cry.

"I... I want to spend the rest of my life with you too," she whispered with a choked voice.

"Cool." Percy laughed happily, planting a kiss on her neck. "Then let's do it."

They hugged each other even tighter, and Annabeth placed a kiss on Percy's forehead, allowing herself to be silent with him nestled against her until they fell asleep in their couch, in their happiness.

Three weeks later, Annabeth decided to do something about the things Percy had said to her when he was drunk.

The day after that conversation, Percy woke up hungover and sore from sleeping on the couch and didn't bring up the subject again. Annabeth doubted he even remembered what had happened, but that didn't mean he wasn't serious.

And if Percy wanted to spend the rest of his life with Annabeth, why not make it official?

It was Friday again, and Annabeth was determined to make Percy's wish for them to spend the rest of their lives together a reality.

Each cupcake had a letter, forming the phrase "Will You Marry Me?" with blue whipped cream, just the way he liked it.

Annabeth was nervous; she had never proposed to anyone before, but she knew things would work out with Percy. He had already expressed the desire to be with her forever, marriage was just a formality, right?

The jingle of keys sounded at the door, and Annabeth felt her blood run cold. She quickly put the cupcake tray in the oven and went to greet Percy at the door.

"Hi, Babe!" He greeted her with a chaste kiss on the lips. "Sorry for being late, I stopped by my parents' house as we talked, and my mom ended up making hot chocolate for Estelle and me." Percy explained, and Annabeth nodded nervously. She had taken the day off from her architecture office to prepare herself mentally and calm her nerves. She was definitely quite nervous. "That smells good! Are those cupcakes?" Annabeth couldn't tell if she nodded in agreement or not, but from Percy's reaction, apparently, she had made the right head movement. "You're amazing! I'll take a shower and be right back."

She didn't have time to react; she just felt Percy kiss her cheek and walk towards the hallway.

Okay... Now she just had to wait for him to come out of the shower so she could talk to him and make the big proposal.


'How long does it take to take a shower?!' - Annabeth's mind screamed as she looked at the time on her phone while staring at the ceiling, waiting for Percy to return.

Percy passed by her in the living room heading to the kitchen. "I'm going to grab a cupcake." Annabeth was slightly distracted watching him with an old, cracked shirt from a rock band, sweatpants, and wet hair. She loved him so much...

Wait! What?

"Wait! Percy!" She jumped off the couch to follow him into the kitchen, but it was too late; the tray was in Percy's hands.

Upside down.

"Are these... letters?" He looked at the tray in his hands as if deciphering a code. Dyslexia making it even harder for him to understand.

Annabeth huffed in frustration. She ran her hand over her face before opening her mouth to speak, completely mortified by the situation. "It's upside down," she nervously said when she reversed the position of the tray, turning the letters to Percy.

Percy read the sentence.

Annabeth waited.

He smiled.

She waited for a 'Yes'.

"I can't believe we're going through this again," he laughed affectionately, and Annabeth's stomach dropped with the response she received.

"W-What?" Her voice faltered into a whisper. "You... You don't want to marry me?"

Had she misread the signs?

"What?! Wait, no!" He exclaimed in despair when he suddenly felt confused. "I mean, yes! Of course I want to marry you, Annabeth, but..." Percy was really smiling when he got distracted. "Wow, we really need to work on our communication..."

"Percy!" She scolded him to get his attention.

"Yes! Of course!" He nodded. "Annabeth, we've been engaged for three weeks!"

Annabeth felt her mouth dry, her heart pounding, and a slight dizziness.

"We haven't!" She frowned, forcing herself to think.

"Yes, we have!" He insisted, carefully placing the cupcake tray on the counter. "Three weeks ago, I came home after the parent-teacher meeting and told you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and you said you did too." Percy reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box, and Annabeth felt the pressure drop. "I told you on Tuesday that I was going to my mom's today to get the Blofis family engagement ring. You said, 'Yes, baby, whatever,' and then went back to typing on your laptop."

Oh, man...

Annabeth's lovely brown eyes widened as she remembered the events.

Percy laughed even more.

"We're two idiots," he said, approaching her, opening the box.

"In my defense, you didn't propose anything to me! How could I know?" Annabeth crossed her arms.

"I thought we had reached a mutual agreement!" He justified, standing in front of her.

"Get on your knees, Percy!"

He knelt down with a wide smile, his dimples showing, and his blue eyes shining with pure adoration as he revealed the delicate white gold ring with a small sapphire in the middle.

"Annabeth Chase, will you give me the honor..."

"Yes!" She threw herself on him without even letting him finish the question, hugging him with teary eyes.

His scent invaded her nostrils, and she laughed lightly as Percy squeezed her against him. They both fell on the floor.

"I can't believe we're going through this again. And you promised to make things clearer in the proposal." Annabeth scolded him.

"I'm sorry, love. I promise to make it up to you." Percy kissed her forehead while taking the ring out of the little box, still with Annabeth on top of him. She knew she wasn't really mad. "For the record, I also accept marrying you." He put the ring on her finger, feeling like he could burst with happiness. Annabeth Chase was officially his fiancée.

"I love you," she whispered with her face against his.

"I love you," he replied, bringing her hand with the ring to his lips to kiss it. "Oh! My mom and Helen are planning our engagement dinner for this Sunday."

"Everyone knew I was engaged except me?"

"Now you understand what I went through."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and hugged Percy's neck, settling to put one leg on each side of his waist, mounting him.

"Well, tell them your fiancée will bring blue cupcakes to the table."

Percy held her against him with a proud look on his face.

"I love you."

"Take me to the bedroom, Percy," Annabeth whispered in his ear, feeling him shudder beneath her.

He quickly got up with Annabeth in his arms, eager to obey. After all, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were engaged.

sometimes when i look into your eyes i pretend you're mine all the damn time - chasefilms - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.