The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

PAGE TWELVE A THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA-, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1934, NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS STOCK LIST HELD COTTON DECLINES Complete New York Stock Exchange List FIRMNESS SHOWN IN SHARES ON CURB NEW TORK. Rent. 22 Following is thm Sales (In $1,000.) Bigh.Low.Cloee. Sales (In $1,000.) Hlgh.Low.Close. 5 Pnb Sv III 4s Rl 76 73 751 6 Pub 8 111 64s 37 O.

99 99 99 official "list of transactions on the New York Curb Exchange giving all stocks and bonds traded: TO MINOR RA NS Oil HEDGE SELLING SIW YORK, Sept. 22. Following Is tba complete official Hat today's stock trane-actiooa on to a New York Stock Exchange: A Nat 8 Pub Sv NJ 6s ctfs 113 113 113 STOCKS. A 8 Con Gas Ct 6s 43 41 40 401 1 Con Pnb 74s 39 70 70 70 20 Consnm 5s 36 104 104 1041 9 Conaum 4s 58 105 104 105 44 Cont GAB- 5s 58 A 47 46 47 5 Crsne Co 5 40 98 98 98 Crucible St 5s 40 88 88 88 2 Cudaby 5s 37 104 101 104 Net Sale fla 100a.) Dir. HIih.Lew.aose.Clir.

Intent Btr 12 111 12 i 2 Island Crk (2). 30 281 29 s-J IB John Many 451 441 441 i .10 Jones A 8 pf 48 4 46 3 Eavter 3 14 14 14 3 Kelly Spring 1 1 It Sales fHds.) High. Low. Close. it it it irW TOXS COTTOV EANOE.

Daily Stock Summary. Sales (Hds.) DIt. H. Htf h.Low.Close.Ch 6 Adams Exp 7 7 71 2 Addressog 7 74 7 11 Air Uedue 4b). 102 102i 102 31 Alaak Jn (1.05b).

19) 18t IS 2 Allegheny 1 1 If 2 Alleg 18 18 18 1 6 6i i 554 55 55 1 (Copyright. 1934, Standard Statlstlca Co.) 50 20 20 90 21 2 21 16 161 5 Al CbADy (6) 1221 122 1121 Prer. Open Low Close Close Oct 12.77 12.77 12.82 12.82 12.77 Dee 12.DO 12.90 12.75 12.7S 12.8 Jan 12.93 12.93 12.80 1 2.79 12.93 March 13.00 13.01 12.85 12.88 12.98 May 13.05 13.08 1 2.90 12.91 13.04 July 13.07 13.09 12.93 12.93 13.09 2 Kelvlnator 131 13 11 10 Kennecott 191 18 Hi Kresge 8 8. (.80) 18 171 171 1 Kroger Gr (I.601. 27 27 271 41 41 Sstnrdny 1 Isd'ls.

UK CCs. Totl 82 .8 38.8 57.4 71.2 829 86.6 56.4 71.1 78.9 34 5 54. 88.8 38.7 60.2 74.8 74 74 74 54 53 53 50 50 50 48 48 43 31 31 31 4t 41 4t 105 105 105 19 18 19 VMt 94 94 94 941 94 102 102 102 63 63 63 102 1011 102 102 101 1 102 961 96 96 11 HO 90 89 88 89 69 69 69 65 65 65 Prev. dsy Week sgo Month sge Tesr ago 1 Dalt PAL 5s 52 13 Dsyton PAL 5a 41 6 Det Gas 5s 50 3 Ed El III 5 33 4 El Paso El 5s 50 A. 70 Eec PAL 5a 2030 29 Fed Wster Sjs 54 5 Fstone Tire 5s 42 7 Fla PAL 5s 54 106 106 106 106 J06 106 86 83 86 101 1011 lOlt 84 84 84 36 35 36 82 31 1 32 103 103 103 581 58 58 11 41 1 21 It 1 81 Si 6 1 20 It 1 81 31 201 11 1 8 3 6 1.5 4.13 73.0 81.4 MS til.

7 124.5 83.8 23 1 231 231 31 1 K1 121 12 121 004 884 4 141 141 141 1TEW TORK 8F0T COTTOS. NEW TOSX. Sept. 8 Spot cotton eloasd steady, middling It points down, at 11.86. 13tt.8 lJO.4 125.1 130.0 105 0 54 90.3 VI 8 78 0 311 33.8 86 4 38.0 96.9 4X3 23.4 811 43 a 7 J.

3 3V 8 111 7 yrs. no 7 yrs. Ka High null) Low i High (1933) Low 131i High i Low (19321 13 13 13 1 Lambert (3) 4 Ibigb Val 0 3 Lehigh pf 1 Lehman (2.40) 1 I.ehn A Fink (14) 1 Link Belt 2 Liq Carb (lib) 24 Loew (1) 2 Lorillard (1.20) 3 Louis' A (3gl. 2 Louivs GAEA (14) By BERNARD S. O'HARA.

NEW YORK, Sept. 22. The curb market displayed moderate firmness in the short trading session today. A few minor recessions appeared in the industrial list, but these were largely offset by improvement among utilities and specialties. Electric Bond Share common finished about unchanged but the preferred shares got up 1 to 2 points.

American Gas Electric firmed a major fraction, while Duke Tower rose .1 1-4 on a light transfer. Sherwin-AVilliams advanced about 2, while Columbia Pictures was up nearly as much. Fajardo Sugar fell 5 points on a small offering. Hiram Walker. Swift Internacional and Creole Petroleum were a shade lower.

Swift Company, American Cyana-mid Wright Hargreaves and Aluminum Company of American were steady. 211 li 271 i 171 1 41 1 14 1 211 2U 271 271 171 171 41 41 14 14 21 St 8i 33 1 13 2 31 8 35.0 10 Gen Refrsc 6s 38 ww 2 Gen Refrae 6s 38 xw 26 Geo Pow 5s 67 3 Geo PAL 5s 78 5 Glen Aid Coal 4s 65 1181 118 118 91 91 91 73 73 73 34 54 54 77 76 76 (1924 sversg esjusis 100.) 5 Aero Sup Mlg 1 Allied Mills 1 Alum Co Am 1 Alum Goods (.40) 3 Am Clt PA LB 6 Am Cyan (lg) 3 Am A Pw war 1 Am Founders 33 As A Kl. (la) 4 Am Sup Pow 1 As GAEL A 2 As Tel I 3 Atlsa Corp 1 Atlsa Corp wsr 2 Atlas Ply g) 1 Rridpt Maeh 10 Brow a Diet 8 Rutler Bros 1 Bwana 1 Can Ind Ale A 1 Can Ind Ale 2 Can Marc Wire 1 Catalin Am 1 Cen St El .50 Cen St cv pf 1 Centrif Pi (.40) 25 Citiea Service 1 Clt Serv pf 5 Claude Neon Lts 1.25 Colum GAE pf (5) Colum OAG vtc 1 Colum Plct (la) 1 Comwlth Edis (4) 1 Comm Wat Svc 2 Cord Corp (g) 2 Creole Pet 2 Creaaon Gold (.12) 45 HEW ORLEANS COTTOV RANGE. Prev. Open High Low Close Close Oct 12.7S 12.78 12.87 12.87 12.77 Dee 12.91 12.92 12.78 12.79 12.89 Jsn 12.94 12.94 12.85 12.83 12.93 March 13.00 13.00 12.88 12.88 12.93 May 13.03 13.04 12.93 12 93 13.04 July 13.10 13.10 2.96 12.96 13.09 21 9 81 8 Ti 11 41 1 1 Grsnd IfWI 6s 48 ctfs 32 32 32 45 43 75 74 77 77 78 77 44 44 44 44 41 40 82 K2 75 77 78 44 441 41 82 8 7 li 41 Dow-Jones Average: By THE riTITED PRESS.

Net Stocks. Open Close Chge SO Ind ....9141 91 ,5 9iM 91 80 02 30 Rails 35 45 35.81 33 2 3ft 41 SO Ltll. 19.74 JO lO 19.88 19 80 0.13 8 Pub Sv Sub 5s 49 A. 12 Pug Sd PAL 54s 49 3 Pug Sd PAL 5s 50 C. 11 Pug Sd PAL 4s 50 D.

2 Rep Gas 6s 45 A cod. 2 St GasAC 6s 47 5 Ssfe Bar 4s 79 9 Seattle Lt 5s 49 2 Shaw WAP 4(s 67 4 Shaw WAP 44s 70 2 Sheffield Stl 54s 48 21 SEPAL 6s 2023 A 4 So Csl Ed 5s 51 5 So Csl F.d 5s 54 4 So Cal Gas 5s 57 4 So Cal Gaa 4's 61 16 So Cnty y(i Csl 44s 68 1 Southern Nat 6s 44.. 10 Sowest LAP 5s 57 4 Sowes PAL 6s 2022 A. 2 Sowes Pub 6s 45 7 Stsnd GAE 6s 35 4 Stsnd GAE 6s 35 CTt. 9 Stand GAE 6s 51 6 Stsnd GAE 6s 63 7 Stand PAL 6s 57 10 Superpwr III 4 4s 68 2 SwiftACo 5s 44 14 Tenn El 5s 56 1 Tenn Pub 5s 70 3 Tex El 8 5s 60 2 Tex PAL 5s 56 11 Toledo Ed 5s 62 3 Twin CRT 54s 52 A I 3 Union El 44s 57 3 rn LAP 6s 74 4 Un LAP 6s 75 3 Un LARy 5s 52 2 US Rub 6a 36 2 US Rub 64s 40 3 Vlrg PS 5s 46 A YV 2 "Ward Bak 37 7 Wash Gas Lt 5s 58 5 West Tex Ut 5s 57 1 WUnGAE 5s 55 A 5 Tork Rys 5s 37 4 Grand Trunk 4s 50 81 81 81 5 Grand Trunk 6s 36..

1041 104t 104 2 Grest Nor 3s 35 99 99 99 6 Gulf Oil Pa 5s 47 la5 104 104i 5 Gulf Oil Pa 5s 37 104 1041 104 11 41 .21 44 11 154 1 241 241 241 1 31 38 39 -r It 2 11 It 33 33 33 1 28 281 261 51 51 54 1 111 111 111 1 421 224 221 1 21 21 21 1 19 181 181 1 47 47 47 1 874 871 871 106 1061 1061 2 4 11 21 4 It NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. St. Spot eloaed steady, 10 points down. Balm 8.308; lew middling 18.87; middling 18.93; good middling 13.37.

Receipts stock 600.842. Bonds. 15 151 Transfers approximated 64.000 hares, compared with 78.000 last 721 73 73 78 78 96 96 T7 77 90 DO 78 96 77 90 40 Bind. irirst rails JO Second rails 10 I til 10 Ind 91 61 0 18 73. 38 0.27 97.95 0.01 V.7'J-r-0.10 Saturday.

3 Mack Trucks (1) 11 Miry (2). 3 Mallinson .10 Ma nil Ry gtd 7 Manh By gtd 2 Marine Midi (.40) Marsh Field 1 Maytag pf ww(Jg) 5 McCrory Stra 2 MeC'rory Stra pf 3 Mclnt Por (2) 1 McKestport (4) 3 McKesa A Kob 2 McK A Rob pf 7 McLellin Stra 5 Menget 3 Meats Macb (21. 1 Metro pf (1.80) 2 Midland Stl 4 Minn Mol Imp 7 Mo Kan 2 Mo pt 4. 1 Mo Pac 55 Montg Ward 3 Motor Wheel 9 Murray Corp i i 33 33 411 411 i 1 31 4 103 1021 103 46 46 48 1 27 831 411 1 4 13t 1 20 It TRADE REVIEW NOTES 131 131 7 Allls-Ch Mfg 12 12 12 Amal I.ea 3 3 31 2 Amerada (2) 43 43 431 1 Am Ag Ch Del(2) 37 371 37i 2 Am Bank Note 13 12 13 2 An Hrk Sh SO). 22 21 22 8 Am Can 14) 99 98 98 2 Am Car A 18 16 16i 1 Am trysts! Sug 8 8 81 2 Am Europ 5 5 3 18 Am Vat Pow 81 8 8 4 Am $7 18 13 18 3 Am 2 pf.

9 8, 9 -r 2 Am Hide Lea. 41 41 4 2 Am lnternat 81 81 81 2 Am-Ls Fra A T. I 1 1 3 Am Loco 181 11 11 1 Am MAFdy I.SOi. 14 14 14 -r 8 Am A Mat 81 81 81 15 Am PowAI.t 5 41 5 1 Am PAL Spffl4i 131 131 131 15 Am PAL S3pffll 121 Hi HI 28 Am Rad Si 131 131 131 7 Am Roll Mill 161 181 161 7 Am Nmeit A R. 34f 341 34 2 Am Stl Fdrs 131 13 131 5 Am Sum Tob(U) 181 18 18 18 Am TAT (9) 1121 1111 1111 2 Am Tob (5) 73 731 731 2 Am Tob 7S 731 73 18 Am Wat Wks ll) 181 181 161 3 Am Woolen 94 1 Silo Am Wool pf(2jk) 42 41 41 i'2 Anaconda 12 11 lit 1 Arrh-Dan-M (lib) 34 34 34 19 Arm 111 a 81 6 61 3 Arm 111 prpt().

2 6U 2 .50 Art Metal 41 41 41 8 Aal Dry Gda 10 101 101 18 Atch TASF (2f). 301 491 W1 3 Atl fst Une 30 30 30 8 Atl Refln (1) 241 24 241 8 Atlas Pow (2) 43 42 42 8 Auburn Auto 23 241 24 1 1 Av.ation t'orp 41 41 41 8 Baldwin I.or Si 71 "1 19 Halt A Ohio 151 15 131 2 Barker 2j 21 21 ItarnaiUll 2 B.atrirr I'r 11 11 181 1 Beldinc -Hem 11 1 11 9 Kondix Atiat 1-1 121 1-i 3 Henef Ind I.n (14) 13i 151 1'. 1 He.t A Co Hl. 314 514 Sll-t-9 Helhlehem Stl 2S -271 28j 4 Rlaw Knot 71 74 7 3 Hoeing Airp 9 i 3 Bonn (3) 49 481 49 1 Borden 11.80) 2C 23 25 1 RnrsWro I if) 211 211 21 1 Boston A lis 8 8 8 4 Brigfs Mfe ll 184 181 J84 CHICAGO COTTON SANOZ. Prev.

Open High Low Close Close Oct 12.87 12.89 12.79. 12.81 12.87 Dec 13.02 13.03 12.90 12.94 13.01 Jan 13.03 13.03 12.93 12.93 13.01 Mar 13.11 13.00 13.00 13.09 May 13.17 13.05 13.05 13.16 July 13.20 13.09 13.09 13.15 1 1 20 20 1 Cuneo Press (1.20 17 Cusi Mex )) It 1 71 41 241 28 81 21 01 11 24 254 7 61 71 71 41 41 241 241 2 28 81 81 2t 21 i 161 18 21 21 25 i 251 71 71 51 51 UPTURN IN BUSINESS 2 Dtst Co Ltd 22 22 22 2 Hall Pr 5 4s 47 A 13 111 Cen 6s 37 18 111 PowAL 5s 5 5 111 PowAL 5s 57 1 IndAMich 5s 55 2 5s 57 2 Ind El 6s 47 8 Ind 5s 51 8 Ind Svc 5s 50 2 Indnpls Gas 5s 52 16 Ind PAL 5s 57 A 3 Int Sec Am 5s 47 2 Inters IAStl 5s 46 13 Inters Pow 6s 52 3 Inters Svc 5s 56 23 Inters Svc 4s 58.. 14 la-Neb LAP 5s 57 1 Jarksonv Gas 5s 42 5 Jer Cen PAL 4(s 61 3 Jon I.sugh 5s 39 10 Kan Pow 5s 47 A 2 Ky Util 5s 61 .1 Kimber-Cl 5s 43 A 2 Kop Gas It 5s 47.. 104 104 1041 38 37 38 37 S6t 3Tt 491 49i 491 102 102 102 90 90 SO 71 70 711 102 102 102 97 96 96 2 Dist Corp Seagr 151 15 15 1 Dow Chem (2a) 724 721 72 .50 Duke Pw (3). 41 41 414 69 69 69 80 80 801 62t 62 62 57 57 57 90 90 90 106 106 106 60 60 60 53 53 33 32 32 32 78 78 78 921 92 92 61 61 61 86 86 86 38 371 381 49 49 49 1 46 45 43 81 80 81 35 35 35 931 921 93 1064 106 106 75 i 75 73 34 53 54 98 BS PS 971 97 97 80 80 80 931 931 93 105 105 105 91 90 911 NEW YORK.

Serjt. 22. feP) The ATLANTA SPOT COTTON. Atlanta spot cotton closed steady, 20 points down at 12.60. Receipts 98; shipments 296; storks 164,394.

fall season alreadv has succeeded. 53 .55 1 55 83 1 831 141 141 il 301 134 131 11 1H4-T- 83 said the Dun Bradstreet weekly trade review today, in making a more favorable trade showing than ap 1) 98 98 98 NEW YORK, Sept. 22. (JP) Cot ton was reactionary, today, losing prac peared HKeiy irom early estimates, despite poor weather and a nationwide strike. .25 East GAF A pf 61 44 El Bo A Sh 10 5 El Bo A Sh pf 40 1 El Bo A Sh 5 pf (5) 34 1 El Pw Aa (.40) 4 .25 Elect Sh pf 43 3 Equity Corp 1 3 Europ El deb rta 1 Ex-cello A AT 2 Fairchild Ay A 8 .25 Fajardo Sug 85 5 Ftsk Rub 71 1 Flintknte A 4g) 8 2 Ford Can A (lg).

211 14 Ford Mot Ltd 10 ticallv all of Friday's advances under 8 12 FOREIGN CURB BONDS. A The improvement thus far has hen 61 61 lot lt 39 401 341 341 4 4 43 43 1 11 1 5 5 st Rt 85 85 8t ll 211 21 9 91 It 191 Tl 12 34 4 211 19 lot 174 By FREDERICK GARDNER. NKW YORK, Sept. 22. JP) While financial markets seem to be animated by greater hope, the pare of recovery iu stock slowed down almost to a standstill at the weekend today.

Share trading ebbed aa the, rally tapered off. But rather active buying of corporate bonds moved prices forward in the investment list for the fourth consecutive session. Speculation marked time in commodities a well ns Mucks and must active staples remained in a steady ranee. ('rains were narrow, wheat finishing shout itni-hanged, A setback in cotton dropped prices to tsO cents a hale. Minor gains were the rule in Blocks.

The Standard Statistics Co. average for 50 aelected issues, at 71.2, up one-tenlh of a point, wa higher for the fifth consecutive session. Turnover decreased to 2.18.570 shares compared with 341,670 last Saturday. Fractional losses in American Can, American Telephone, International Harvester, Montgomery Ward and other issues of that caliber were balanced against small gains in J. I.

Case. Allied Chemical, Schenley Distillers. Standard Oil of New Jersey. 35 14 211 1 confined to distributive branches of Sales (In High. Low.

Close. rratie, the review savs. as a feehle 1 start toward industrial revival be 4 Nash Mot (1) 141 10 Nat Bisc (2) 9 Nat A (if I 13i 23 Sat Da Pr (1.20) 164 2 Nat Iiept Sjtrs 1 14 Nat Distill 191 13 Nat PAI. SO) 81 8 Natl Stl (ll 354 1 N'ar Supply 12 2 Newberry .1 tl) 35 39 Central 22 1 N'T Chi A 8t pf 19 11 NY NH A 10i 3 NY NH pf 18 3 NY Shipbldg (.40) 121 8 Noranda (lg). 40 34 Nor Am (ai 13 2 Nor Am pf (3) 37 4 Northern Vtte 18 0 2 Ohio 30g) 104 2 Oliver Farm 21 2 Oliver pr pf 11 2 Otis Elev (.80) 131 2 Owens HI Gl (3).

64 19 104 174 121 3 Agri Bk 7s 34-47 cp 33 33 33 15 3 Bsden Hun 7s 51 25 24 25 20 Bu Aire Pr 74s 47 stp 65 65 65 59 Bu Aire Pr 7s 52 stp 60 58 60 came discernible after a recession of a month and a half. 121 404 i Unless untoward influences be en 13 13 3s 37 181 181 countered," the survey continues. li 3 Lehigh PS 6s 2026 A. 4 Lib McN A 6s 42.. 3 Los Ang GAE 6s 42 14 Lou PAL 5s 57 1 Mass Gas 54s 4 6....

2 Gas 5a 55 3 Metro Ed 5s 62 4 Midwest Tt 5s 32 4 Midwest Ut 5s .84 ctf 6 Minn Lt 44s 50 2 Miss PAL Co 5s 57.. 5 Miss Pow 5s 55 industrial activitv mar hm enl IS 12 34 34 ICt 16 37 37 Csuca Val 7s 48 2 Cent Bk Ger 6s 52 A. 4 Chile Bk 6s 31 2 Com Bk 5s 37 12 34 16t 37 98 98 981 92 92 92 991 9i 99 6 6 6 6 5 51 921 92 92 lH 10 suddenly, as the general public has displayed unquestioned proof that the desire to spend has superseded the urge to save. 21 21 15 15 .15 I 21 21 21 22 22 22 21 2 2 14 14 14 9 9 9 126 126 126 10 15 16 increased hedge -selling and near-month liquidation. December eased from 12.90 to 12.75, closing at the latter figure.

The general market ended barely steady at new losses of 13 to 16 points. Trice fluctuated irregularly over a narrow range during the 'early trading. Initial offerings were credited to continued October liquidation and week-end southern hedge selling. Contracts were fairly well absorbed at the start by spot house, trade and foreign buying. The buying failed to broaden, and southern offerings became heavier in the late trading.

As a result October sold off from 12.77 to 12.C2 and May from 13.06 to 12.90 with final prices at or within a point of the lowest. Cotton on shipboard awaintng clearance at the end of the week amounted to So.OOO bales against 124.000 11 131 64 11 131 64 90t 90 90 In many of the agricultural 66 66 66 59 59 59 1041 103 104f 82 81 1 82 110 109t 1091 tricts, farmers have started to spend 51 51 51 1 Rklyn A Uu 41 41 41 1 RklinACi Tpf (8) 434 434 431 8 Bkltn-Man 411 41 41 1 Bu. yrus Eria 41 4 41 1 Rw-v-E rvt pf 74 74 7j 8 Hudd Mrs 44 41 44 2 Burr Ad 121 121 12 4 Unite Sup 14 14 '4 2 Butts (op A 7. 21 21 21 5 Bjers to 11 164 184 9 iliss RiT 5s 51 4 Monong WP 5s 53 8 Mont LHAP 5s 51 A 89 88 88 1 27 li 2T vu uroaa scale, giving a decided spurt to business, as copious rains have revived courage." Reports on retail trade revealed an estimated gain over of 3 to 10 li 27 21 141 4 11 211 1 Gen Alloys 1 Gen GAB cv pf 2 Gen Invest war .20 Gen Pub pf 12 Glen Alden (lib) 15 Gold Seal Elec 1 Gorh Mfg vtc (ig) 8.85 Gray Tel .10 fit AAP 1st pf (7) 6 Greyhound II 1 Hartman Tob 4 Hir Walker 4 Holling (1.20h) 5 Hud Bay A 1 Bygrade Fd 18 Imp Can 2 Imp Cji reg 1 Imp Tb Brit (1.039g) 8 Imp Tb Can t.52b). 1 Ind Line (.301 1 Ins Co Am (2) 2 Int Hyd El pf 9 lnternat (1.56b) 1 Inter T'tf 1 .10 Inters Pw Del pf 14i 14 27 27 25 251 27 251 4 4 per cent.

INales in New England were retarded bv the terHU ateib. 30 30 30 4'onolidated Oas and New York! Central. Kails and utilities were in-j cline-d toward firmness. i Transportation experts studied the' formation of a central organization! by the railroads in the belief that it! 151 131 13 151 15 131 The middle west encountered sudden strength in the demand for merchan 384 1 .1 7 15 13J 32 33 5 fslif P.k (lei 39 384 1 Callahan 7.IA ..11 3 Calumet A Hec 34 31 3 Csmphell Wy 74 7 7 Csn IK; Ale (1). lii 13 8 Canad Pao 131 13 2 Csnn Mills 2l 32 32 Cae 1 11 421 411 7 Caterpil Tr (1 274 27 161 33 33 11 11 dise, wnue buying in the southwest 2 Pac GAEI (14) 9 Packard Mot 13 PHratn Pnblix ctf 5 Park Utah 12 Patlie Exch 3 Pa the Exch A 2 Patftio Min 3 Penick A Ford (21 Fenne 12.2'ib) 13 Peno (lg) 7 Peop GL A 8 Phelps Dodge (gl 3 Phila A I 3 Phillip iMorris (1) 3 Phillips Pet (lgi.

4 Pierce Ar 1 Pitt Scr A 7 Plymouth (1) 3 Postal TAC pf 3 Procter A 1I41 15 Pub 8 NJ (2.80). 1 Pullman (3) 7 Pure Oil 2 Purity Bak (1) 161 161 44 44 last year and 139,000 two years ago. 44 4 was said to be active. The unswine ot trade on the Pacific m( n-o- 45 45 10 9J Hi 4 43 10 291 i 8 86 86 86 modified by the textile strike. 29 20 Danish Cob 54s 55 3 Europ Mg 7a 67 4 Fia RM Bk 6s 61 7 Ger 0 Mun 7s 47 7 Ger 0 Mun 6s 47 It 2 Hambrg 5s 38 2 Msrsnhso Brss 7s 58 6 Mendosa Pr 4s 51 stp.

2 Nippon 64s 53 50 Psrsna Braa 7s 58 12 Russian 64s 1919 72 Russ 64s NO 19 10 Russ 5is 1921 75 Russ 54s ctf 1921 7 Santiago Chile 7s 49 7 Santiago Chile 7a 61., 2 Terni Elec 6s 53 5 Un Ind 61s 41 1 Un Ind 6s 45 5 Vamma Wat 5s 57 would play an important role in forthcoming efforts to work out a solution for some pressing rail problem, including consolidations. The dollar held to a steady course In foreign exchange trading. 29 8 XDe number of industrial indexes which turned onward mne 8 16 16 16 4H I 274 14 214 1 -I- i 421 4 34 4 14 14 14 3 31 31 1 4 41 41 31 34 31 1 1 11 1 134 131 131 1 13J 13 Ml 1 47 47 47 1 (SO 59 591 1 23 22 22 1 25 24 24 141 14 141 i 48 44 44 1 34 34 34 4 151 15 15J 11 6 1 04 9 1(1 14 14 371 374 37-t- 31 HO 30 34 31 08I 1 71 74 71 1 i 9i 5 3 5t 26 16 26 94 94 1 81 8 8 2 4 2J 21 13 13 13 41 41- 41 46 46 46 1 Tl Tl 461 461 46 1 largely in excess of thos which turn- 31 NEW ORLEANS FUTURES DECLINE 8 TO 13 POINTS NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 22.

W) After advancing slightly during initial trading, cotton later today encountered hedge selling and some selling influenced by reports of a weakened spot basis. Values eased 11 to 14 points and reached the lows of the day in final trading. The close 31 3 3 3t ea aown for the first time in several weeks. The business activity barometer stood at 61.0, against 61.2 a week ago and 63.8 a year ago. 81 SI 3i 31 3 13 13 Cottonseed Oil and Cottonseed Product 12 121 12 121 Federal Land Bank Bond 5 Narrsgsnsett 5s 57 105 105 103 8 N'st PAL 6s 2026 A 67 661 67 2 Nat PAL 5s 2030 B.

58 58 58 4 Nebr Pw 4s 81 104 104 104 2 Nevsda Cal 5s 56.. 68 68 68 9 New Amat Gas 5s 48. 100 100 100 26 Eng 3s SO 57 561 57 10 Eng GAE 5s 47 57 56 57 3 Eng Pow 5s 48 59 581 59 7 Orl PS 4s 35 46 46 46 5 NYAWest Lt 4s 2004 88 98 98 41 NYPowALt 44s 67 89 87 89 4 NYStEAG 4s 80 83 82 82f 2 Nisg Fsll 6s 50 107 107 107 6 Nisg Fall 5e 59 106 1051 1051 2 Nor Am LAP 5s 35 lOOf loot 100 10 Nor Am LAP 5s 56 48 48 481 5 Nor Ind Pb 8 os 66 C. 721 72 721 3 Nor Ind PS 4s 70 E. 69 69 69 5 Nor State 34s 40 91 91 91 7 Nor Stste 44s 61 90 89 90 1 Nowes PS 5s 57 61 61 61 5 Ohio Pow 4)s 56 102 1021 102t 2 Ohio Pub 6s 53 C.

100 100 loo 8 Okla GAE 3s 50 92 92 92 1 Okla I'AWat 5s 48 46 46 46 1 Psc GAK 4s 57 97 97 97 1 Pac GAE 4s 60 96 96 96 5 Pac "4JAE 5s 55 101 100 100t 5 Pac GAE 3s 32 104 104 104 1 Pac luv 5s 48 A 79 79 79 30 Pac PAL 5s 55 49 48 48 7 Pen Cen PAL 4s 77 81 81 81 13 Pen El 4s 71 75 74 75 6 Pen Oh Ed 6s 50 64 62 64 2 Pen Oh Ed 5s 59 58 58 58 7 Pen Oh PAL 5s 54 100 100 1001 2 Pen Pub 8 5s 54 87 87 87 9 Peo Gas LAC 4s 81 B. 73 721 T3t 6 Peo Gss LAC 6s 57 81 881 88 10 Phils El 5s 66 1121 112 1124 4 Pied Ryyy 5s 54 851 85 85 5 Pitts Steel 6s 48 91 91 91 5 PoorACo 6s 39 94 941 941 2 Pub St NH 4s 57 B. 102 102 102 6 Pub III 44s 80 E. 75 75 75 8 Radio 8 Radio pf 1 RR Sec 111 Stk 2 Rem Rand 2 Reo Mot 20 Repul) Stl 1 Rep Stl cv pf 12 Rey Tob (3) 4 Rossla Ins s- 2 Pafew St 3) NEW YORK. Sent.

22 -v 73 73 7 36 36 36 5s Msy A Not 1941-31 100 jooi 4s Jan 1956-36 ot o. 36 361 36 44s Jan 1955-35 87 58 ATLANTA. 8. Products. Market Basis.

Triids oil hssis. prime tank 7.t 4'. Mal. 7'e tU. rem.

rata points 31 .00 Q31 .50 C. S. Meal. 7 rsr lot f. o.

Atlanta 32 SO 4233 50 sis A 8ft I 89 89i in Celanese 221 214 2 Celotex 11 14 2 Celotex pf 91 91 9 ChesAO (2o 421 421 21 Chi A 4 2 Chi 1 PAP 31 3i 7 Cbl MStPAP pf. 51 34 1 Chi Tneu 5 5 1 '111 Pneti 17 17 1 Childs to 5 5 J3 Chrysler (Ub) 33i 331 1 City Sirs 1 1 1 Clark Eq 151 15 21 Colg-Palm '41 151 141 4 Coll A A'k 121 121 7o Colum fi A El. 91 81 8 Col Plct tc 1 la I 8(1 X31 2 Col Carb (3.401 851 K5 5 Coml Credit ll). 27 274 11 Coml Sot (.80) 191 32 Comwlth A Sou 11 11 2 CnmASou pf 33 31 5 Cong-Na (1 CO) 271 -74 43 Con (ias (21 28 271 12 Con Oil 42g) 81 81 2 Con Text I 1 Cont Bak Tl 11 8 Cont Can t3) 811 811 2 Cont I (I 20) 271 271 13 Cont Mot i I 3 Cont el (4gl ls4 1SJ 1 Corn Pr (31 811 1 1 of IV 12) 321 321 1 I rosier Rad 14 14 Corn Ex (31 44 44 3 Cuban A Sug 8 7 4 Curtis Pol 14 is is Cnrtiss Wr 21 24 IS Cnrtiss Wr 21 24 1 Curtlss Wr A 74 74 97 98 98 mi 88 994 4s Jan 1943-33 44s May 1943-32 Total stock sales 'today, 64,000 shares; 1 Safe St 7 pf (71-1111 111 111 41 1 Kingsb Brew it 1 1 Kress pf (.60) 11 11 11 4 Lske Shore (3b) 60 59 591 1 Leh CAN (g) 71 7t 71 3 Lone Is Lt 3 21 3 3 Louis LAS -3 3 3 50 McWill Drdeg (1) 23 23 234 3 Maryland Cas 1 1 1 1 Mavis Bott A 1 5Iemph 3 3 3 3 Molybdenum vtc 6 5 6 40 Montg Ward A (lOjk) 117 117 11T 4 Nat Hess 21 21 2 1 Nat Fuel a (1) 14 14 1 Nat Invest 1 1 1 1 Nat PAL pf (6) 48 48 48 1 Nat Rub Men 3 3 3 22 Nat Service 4 Nat Svc pf 3 Nat SU-war 1 Natomas Co (.60) 8 18 81 2 Msg Pow 41 4 4 4 Niag war 2 Niag Sh Md 3 3 3 2 Nipissing Mns g) 21 2 2J 4 Nor St 13 111 12 tali Oilatooks 9 9 1 Overseas Sec 2 2 2 yesr sgo, shares. 1H IS 2 St Jos Lead 1TI Its ov 1B58-38 41s Msy 1957-37 Total bond sales today, year 5 17 1 3 331 1 131 1 13 1-1 85 274 191 14 331 274 271 8i-r 1 11 811 271 -ls 11 321- 14 44 7-1 1 r.

8. hulu. I.e. Atlanta f. hulls a.

ked. Atlanta. I.lnters. first cut OS 44s Jan 1937-37 44s July 1956-36 96 97 06 971 96 97 96 1 97 .95 06 .98 96 96 9T .03 4 fti 4s Msy 1958-38 i 044 t. Inters.

acan's ut I.lnters, and mill run Hi 4s Not 1957-37 4s July 1946-44 ago, gi.ssa.uoo. a Plus extra or extras. Including extra or extras. Payable in scrip. Psid Isst year.

Psysble in stock. Psid so far this year. Cash or stork. Accumulated dividend paid this year. 3 St I.

San 1 Savage Arms 35 Schenley Ills Seaboard Air 1 Seab Air pf 5 Seab Oil (.900) 15 Seara Coeb 2 Servel 2 Shat (FG) (1) 3 Shell Union 4 Simmons 4 Simmons 16 Slmms 6 23 I 1 24 391 51 Tl i 9 114 was steady, showing net declines of 8 to 13 points. The opening was steady in response to favorable Liverpool cables. First trades were 1 to 2 points up but the initial gain was soon wiped out under a flurry of selling. A slicht demand followed after the selling had run its course and October sold up to 12.78, December to 12.92 and March to 13.00, or 1 to 3 points net up. A large volume of hedge selling developed toward the end of the first hour and more liberal offerings in the interior was reported to have weakened the spot basis.

Before the offerings were absorbed October traded down to 12.67. December to 12.78 and March to 12.86. or 11 to 14 points down from the highs. The close was at the bottom with October and December 10 points net down. March 12 points and July the maximum of 13 points down.

Port receipts 28.778 for season 915.142; last season 1,405.167. Exports 4.4.0 for season 530.7S7 last season 1.078,313. Port stock 2.710.-965: last year 3.2S8.214. Combined shiplfoard stock at New Orleans, Galveston and Houston last year 99.824. Spot sales at southern markets 49.0S7; last year 64,942.

11 6 22 1 24 381 5 i 94 9 14 141 105 11 6 221 14 211 381 54 01 9J 91 111 Ki 144 105 1H lTi NEW ORLEANS NEW OUI.EAN. Kept 22 Cottonseed il futnret wrrr and wel maintained toils? with a moderate volume of trading Pr tn sirmmrr Tollow oil rlon St 71" 7.85 up IO dtts Slid prltu rrude closed at 7 8sl 7 ov. Kiitures i loeT sresfti Sep- 1 temher 1 7 57' Ieember, 87. Jsnusrj. 73: Muroti, 7 S7.

Also extra cash or stock dividend paid since January 1. ur Under rule, ww With warrants, xw Without warrants. Southern Mill Stocks Quoted by R. S. Dickson Sc Co.

New York City Charlotte, N. Raleigh, N. C. 1 Skellr Oil 7 10 Sniper Pack 14 i 14 Socony Vac 14j 4 Solv A ps" ww 105 7 Sou (al (14) 12 22 22 22 HI IT! 27 Sou Pac 1M Live Stock Produce NEW TORK NEW TilRK. Sept.

22. Rtearhalile rot-; tonsecd I ti to1ay and where trad In tie price, s.dd into new hitfh ground tte eson on further cotrerlng i and butlnf t'T bnuies with suit'irrn and cotton ions. Keailsing developed on the upturn, and Kit 161-2 20 i 31 171 4(1 IS 3U- 11 18 11 4o 171 211 4.11 18 18 26 1 1T4 401 181 214 431 11 14 141 ATLANTA, SO P-eere A Co 1'el A Hud 7 Ie I. ft 2 14m Mai 11). 8 Home (34b! 8 Pom Strs (l.IOi 5 IVnubi Aire 1 Silk (ll in 1 de i.l.lUDI 1 Do de b(8) ATLANTA.

STOCKS. Lire stock ouotstions below sre furnished Wholesale market quotations In Georgia farm products, reported to the stste bureau dsily by the White Provision "Company, cor 141- 14 18 Sou Hy 2 Sou Ry pf 3 Sparks With 1 (1.6") 18 SJerry Corp 29 Spiegel St 12 Sid Bds (1) 20 Md (A Std GAB pf 1 (2 10) 5 Std Oil ll) 3 Std Oil Ind 11). Std Oil NJ 11) 2 Starrett (LSI 4 Sterl I'd 13.80) 3 Stew Warn ner Howell Mill road and fourteenth street: there were partial reactions, but f'nsl prices stere 3 to 10 points above the preti-us rlcse. Crude oil firm with a nominal 4stion of 7e si ll points in the south. Sales were 88 Bles.

liable spot close! 7 tlct.ther, 7 of marketa, are aa follows: Georgis produce, near by hennery, selected fresh eggs, retail 42 whole ss sst 121J 124 1214 Corn fed hogs. No. 1 59 1 191 1 T1 i 81 1 214 11 321- I 26 434 1 91 1 16 Ml 31 26 Tl 59 19 8i 8 214 33 26 43 1) 511 5 3 3 sales 37c Corn fed hogs. No. 2 Corn fed hogs.

No. 3 Corn fed hogs. No. 4 Eggs, extrs fresh, white 32c Eggs, extra 29c 6.25 5.541 4.75 4.25 5.T5 26 Tt 5T 10 Tl Si 214 321 25 i 431 9 51 'I -i li 35 1 974 98 11. 111 Eggs, yard rnn 2ic Corn fed hogs.

No. 5 Corn fed hogs, roughs 71 Eggs, stsndard 27c Eggs. Georgia trade 26c Bid. Acme Spinning Co 56 Amerirsn Ysrn A Processing Co. 22 Amerlrsn Tsrn A Proc.

Co. 74! pf 90 Anderson Cotton Mills Belton Cotton Mills, 7j pf 32 Bibb Mfg. Co .64 Brsndon Corp. 25 Brsndon Corp. 4 Brsndon 7j pf Burlington Mills 68 Calhoun ills 40 Chsdwick-Hoskins Co.

(Psr $25) 8 Chsdwlck-Hoskins. 8 pf 78 China Grove Cotton Mills 36 Chiqunla Mfg. Co 90 Cliiquola Mfg. 6 pf 74 Clifton Mfg. Co 76 Climax Spinning Co 30 Columhua Mfg.

Co. (Ga.) 61 Converse D. E. Co 60 Crescent Spinning Co. 34 Dsrlingtnn Mfg.

Co Dixon Mills 40 cat li. aaaKti. Orass Steers and Heifers, Roosters, pound nc 3 Eastm (41 8 Fat. in (ll 1 Ettinguii Si'b 12 El A Mus 7 El A I 2 El Bust 11 PI A It 11 El PA I. 88 Et PA I.

pf 1 El Stor Bat (2) 2 Ki.i 11 pf Good fat Medium fat Fryers, light Leghorn Fryers, range I9c 3 2 Common Fryers, battery fed 2uc 16 stone A Web 11 Studebaker 2 Superior oil 1 Sweets Co a Svmington 98 HI Tl 71 3 4 41 1I 34 114 l-l 51 124 li Cotton Statement. PORT MOVEMENT. New Orleans: Middling. 12.92: receipts, 4.260: exports, 1.930; sales, stock. 60O.S42.

Gslveston: Middling. 12.85: receipts, 8.134; sales. 20S: stock. 530.246. Mobile: Mlildllng.

12 72: receipta, 644; sales, 531: stock, 104,141. Savannah: Middling. 12.ST: receipts. 969; exports. 2.500; sales.

1S3: stock, 116.T46. Charlfston: Receipts. 787 stock. 63.890. Wilmington: Receipts.

3: stock. 13.642. Norfolk: Middling, 12.73;' receipts, 366: stock. 8,578. Baltimore: ock.

1,200. New Tork: Siddlinx. 12. S3; stock, 54,891. Boston: Stork, 10,189.

Cows. Stags, nound 12c Tl 74 22 34 4 il 34 114 121 51 121 i 14 Good fst 71 22 i 81 4 9i 1 10J 11. 121 1 54 124 1 181 Hens, hesvy. pound 10c Hens Leghorn, nound 12c Medium fat Common Canners and cutters 2.2342.75 1.50(12.23 2.50(33.00 2.25(52.50 1.75(32.00 1. 00 1.73 2.OO4I2.30 1.25(31.75 4.5035.50 3.5Oft4.O0 1.50C3.00 Ask.

63 92 40 40 74 30 7 85 73 48 12 85 82 100 78 84 38 TO 4M 40 6 45 100 101 26 35 44 22 48 102 22 38 W. 25 "5 46 42 1I 71 Hens, light 14c Geese, pound 8c Ducks, pound I Se Esr corn (80-Dound bushel) 92c Bulls. 1 Eng pf ww 1 E.i Rldg C. Erie 2 Kureks Cl il 1 Evans Prod Good bulls Common Butter, best grsae. pound Calves.

Dunesn Mills 92 Good choice Dunesn Mills. It pf fra Durham Hosiery, tt pf 20 .25 Pac in spec (lg) 1 Pantepec Oil 1 Pennroad .40 Pepperell (6) 1 Philip Morris Cons 4 Pioneer Gold (.801 1 Premier GId (.12) 1 Propper McCsll .30 Pug Sd 5 pf .10 Pure Oil pf 1 Raytheon vtc 1 Relian Intl A 1 St Anth Gold 1 Salt Cr Con 2 Salt Pr SO) .30 Selby Shoe (1.85b) 1 Selected Indus 2 Selfr Pr Strs 1 Sherwln Wms (3 .30 Sherw AA pf (6). 10 Silver King (.40) 2 Sonotone 1 So Cal A pf H) 1 So Eif pf 2 So Ed pf (111 .50 Spleg MS pf (llk). 1 St Ky (1) 1.23 Steel Can (1.20) 3 Stein Cosmetics 5 Sunray. Oil 2 Sunshine Mng (.64) 7 Swift A o() 14 Swift Int (2) 2 Swiss 0 Corp 5 Technicolor 8 Teck Hugh (.40) 1 Texon Oil (lb) 2 Tob Ltd (1.65g) 1 Trans Lux 1 Tubize Chat 1 Unit Dock 2 Unit Founders 13 United Gas 2 Unit Gas pf 11 Un A A 3 Un LAP ct pf 1 8 A I Sec 2 Unit Stores vtc 1 Utah Apex 1 Utility Equities 7 Util Pow A Lt 1 Utility A Ind 13 Wenden Cop 1 West Va A 5 Wright Harg Medium Common Houston- Middling.

12.85; receipts, 9,921: CHICAGO. CHICAGO. Sept. 22. Butter Receipts.

It It li 11 1 83 82 83 131 13 13! in in it it it 18 18 18 40 40 40 21 21 21 2 2 2 4 i 6 6t 22 22 22 21 21 2 68 68 68 108 108 108 10 10 10 21 21 21 lt 191 191 171 17 17 15 151 151 84 84 84 13 151 15 35 33 33 It It It 1 8 8 8 19 194 19 39 381 3S 2,2 2 13 13 13 4 4t 44 5 5 34 7 7 11 li li 4 4 41 i i 2 2 2 30 29 30 It It 9 8 a i i li li! li It li i i i i i 2 2 24 9i 91 9 1 Falrb Mor 9 91 1 Ke.t A 14 1 4 1 Fed Mot 31 3 11 stone TAR 1 4il 14 14 3 H-st i2.t H2 61 2 Fourth ll 5g) 19J 9 Frepp Tex (2i 2( 2( Ksgle A Phoenix (Gs.) 25 Eagle Ysrn Mills 38 Essley Cotton Mills, 7)1 pf 16 Eflrd Mfg. Co 44 Erwin Cotton Mills 64 99 9t 14 14 62 24 9.010. stesdr: rresmery. specials (93 score) extras (92) 25c: extra firsts 190-91) 24i244c; firsts (88-89) 23143231c; seconds (86-87) 22S22e: standards (90 cen- CHICAGO. CHICAGO.

Sept. 22. (United 8tstes department of sericulture.) Csttle: Receipts, sales, 7.674: stock, 932.392. Corpus Christi: Receipts, 3,694: stock, 146.652. Minor ports: Stock, 105.

556. Total Satnrdsv: Receipts. 28.778: exports 4,450: sales, 11.922: stock. 2.710,965. lterember, ti Janusrv, 8 "2.

Mir. 19. MEMPHIS 1 MEMPHIS1. Sept 22 Prime cottonseed! rresi '41 per cent 1 closed steady. losing bills fob.

Memplns September S3 Mi (. 3.1 November 34 3 "1 Ie 1 ember SV January 3i 83 Eebruary 35 V. March 3isi. April art. Sales; 1is Prims cottonseed futures ilosing bids b.

Mem pins September October tut T. No December 3 Jsnuar, OtSi lebrusry 39 23. March 39 Tel. April 39 33 No sales ALLOWANCE IS CUT FOR OIL PRODUCTION Sept. "Ji IA)' The national allowable rruile oil pro-: rluction itflober was set toilay by barrels; ilsily.

1 i barrel ilecrease froni the' "rill.Tls" barrels permitted In September. The Texss was cut barrels ilsily to "a total of falit'ornia .1 Tts to 4'2 t'WIahoma and Michigan. "1st to niiskl. The increases included: Arkansas. flH rsrrels to Kinsas.

lkki to and Louisiana. l.ltk to Allow.iMe for other state were not changed. Flint Mfg. Co 16 trslized carlols) 25c. Butter sales.

1S4 tuns. Flint Mfg. 74 pf 48 For week: Receipts, 28.TTS; exports. extras 25c. Eggs, 4.311.

essy; extrs firsts, 214i22c, fresh graded firsts. 204321c, cur 400 commercial: 2.000 government: calves, 200 commercisl: 1.000 government; compered Fridsy last week: Strictly grain-fed steers and yearlings scarce, 50c higher, in-stsnces mire on hesvy steers: In-betweens. lorence JlICi 30 rent receipts 18'ai94e: reirigerator ursis 2 Cen 4 1. 4,450. For season: Receipts, exports, 530.TST.

INTERIOR MOVEMENT. 20c; refrigerator stsndsrds 204c: refrigera Florence Mills, 7 pf 86 Gaffney Mfg. Co 20 Glenwood Cotton Mills 64 Am Iny Am ill Asphalt Bronse 2 lien Gossett Mills 40 Memphis: Middling. 12.60: receipts. 8.923; tor extras 20Jc.

No egg ssles. Butter futures, storage standards. November 26c; December 261c: January 264c. Egg futures, refrigerator standards, October 20ic; 1 tien (able 1 Tenn Corp 41 4 41- 7 Texas Corp ill 23 224 22j i 15 Tex Stil (2i 36 351 36 1 8 Tex Pac Tr 9 si si 2 '1 Haulier Hi Hi 11 114 1 Third Ave ii 64 64 9 Thomp Prod 11 11 114 i 2 Thornp Star 21 21 21 4 Tide Wst As 9j 94 94 2 Tide Oil pf (51 96 9ol 96 2 4 Timk Det Ax 5 5 31 Slunk Kill (ll. ill 4 29 6 Trans ig i 5 51 5 4 1 I'nderw El (21 44 4 44 6 I Carb ll.4H) 42 82 42 4 2 I'n Pac 16) list Dai loo 2 In Pac pf (li.

75 T( Til 1 2 I Car (1 20). 19 42 I nit Aire 131 13 13 2o Lnit Aire si 114 el 9 11 nit A I. 1 "tfs. At 41 44 i 1 Unit Bis (1.80I 221 22 221 1 10 Unit Carb 42 42 42 1 38 i nit Corp 4 3i 4 13 Unit Corp pf (3) 26 23 26 -n Unit Drug Ill 114 111 3 lnit Fruit (31 73 i 73j 4 31 lnit Gjtl I120I. 141 144 1(1 3 I Ind AIco 351 354 3'l 1 2 US Leather 61 6 1 2 I RealAlm 5 5 8 US Rubber 16" 16 14 17 US Rub 1 pf 3S 37 374 2 US Sin 7gt lis, llsj 114 1 25 US steel 33 32 321 3 Unit Strs A 3 3, 31 1 Univ PipeAR 1 li 1 2 Util A 21 2 21 Hamrick Mills 42 Hanes, P.

H. Knit. 7 nf P6 shipments, 2.448: sales, 14.113: stock, 323, 359. Augusta: Middllns. 12 S2; receipts.

990 November 24lc Hanes. P. H. Knit. Co.

(Par $3) 7 Poultry, live, it truegs. easy; nens st Henrietta Mills. 74 pf 24 shipments. 26T: sales, 143; stock, 112,887. Ibs.

up, 18c, under 4 Ibs. 15c: Leghorn hens 11c: Rock fryers loJai6c, colored 15c; sil weights, steady to 2oc hlgner, out common graasy and native killers sod plain stockers 25c lower; good to choice stock-ers and feeders steady: heifers, mostly 23 250c off: beef cows steady: cutters, loej 15c higher: bulls. 1342250 higher: vealers; 5045T5C up: extreme top weighty fed steers. 10.90c: light steers, yearlings. $10; best heifers.

$8.50: best western grass steers, western grass "heifers, cows np to $4.50: spproximstely 15.000 western greasers in" run, largeat of season; all strictly grain-fed steers ss high ss enw llm. ttila UIIUI. Imperial Ysrn Mills 32 Industrial Cotton Mills 58 66 St. I-nu's: Receipts, 251; shipments, 253 stock. 8.T4S.

Rock springs 16(818c; colored Rock broilers colored 17c. bsre- Judson Mills, 74 pf 66 Judson Mills. Tt pf 6.1 Fort Worth: Middling. 12. to; sales, 2.883.

Little Rock: Middling. 12.57: receipts. hacks 12c. Leahorn. 2 lbs.

un 15e: leghorn 3(9: shipments. 40; sales, 1.160; stock, springs 134c; roosters lie; turkeys 104316c; I.surens Cotton Mills SO 6O Limestone Mills 40 43 Linford Mills 40 47 1 1, en a die A 1 lien 1 isr ill 2o El 1 i 0 lien spl 80 1 9 lien Tils 1 1 SO 1. en Mot il.hi'.ette ill 1 l.lilerte pf (5 1 3 1. In (l.lobi i Pros 1 I 4 I. old 1 I 1.20 1 11 A 2 i-rsiiam 1 1 i.rsn; VT Ky ft yonng ducks 12(al8C, 01a 12c; young geese 10c.

old Src. Potatoes. 74. on track 258. tots! United Locke Cotton Mills Co .35 Atlanta: Middling, 12 60.

Dallas: Middling. 12.45: sales, 15.862. Montgomery: Middling. 12.65. Total Saturday: Receipts, 10.518: ship Msjestlc Mfg.

Co 65 Sheep: Receipts. 4.000 commercial: 2,500 rrceernmenf for week ending Friday. 139 Ststes shipments 611: stesdy. supplies mod Marlboro 4'otton Mills 154 17 AnnMea from feeding StStiOUS. 15.300 dl erate, demand and trading monerate: eaca-ed per cwt.

Wiaconain Cobblers U. 8. No. Monarch Mills (8. 60 86 ments, 3.0OS; sales.

atock, 447, 130. recta- com os red Fridsy last week: fat Musgrove Cotton Mills 12 16 Nstionsl Weaving Co IS 25 hizher: sheep strong, bet 1. $1 l.J scsddt. 02c: nnciassuien i.

V. 8 No. 2. 75c; Triumph sU. S.

No. 1, SI 25- Mtnnesnts Cobblers V. S. No 1. Naval Stores.

National Weaving prior nf 93 ter grade feeding Iambs stesdy, lower grades essier; week's top $1.10 psld for $1,0741.08: Early Ohios Idaho National Weaving part 85 SAVANUAH. eKoic. native Ismbs late, bulk natives. National Yarn Mills 32 Rnsaets C. 8.

No. 1, 1.4.) I. l-f, orm 11 Sept. 22. Turpentine firm.

Tl T4 7J4- 321 32 1 321 1 16 li'. 16 1 54 34 5 23 47 47 47 1 14 is 124 121 121 1 I 29 291 2:1 ai 29 -jiu i lit 11 1 I 61 61 61 1 I 23, 21 23 34 31 51 3 5i' is, is is I 10j 10 joj I 22 214 2H ii 1 i 8) fij 2i'4 2i'j 1 13t 14 15 i i 4i- 3 5 3 3) 1 4 4 4 i 24 21 2 7i 7(j 21 4 4 4 48 46 46 4 a a 1 i 24 24 24 ij 17 17 i 24 24 24 3 31 31 141 14. ll i 3 -lit 29 24 24 4 4 Si 3. 23 24 i 23 12T i 127 127 i 14 1. li 1 I'M DM- 9i $6 23437.00, with late hulk at outside; lste i.mhs 16.7517.00: early bnlk Newberry Cotton Mills DOMESTIC CURB BONDS.

A SAVANNAH 411: sales 67; stock 13.329. Dskots Esrly Ohios C. 8. No. 1.

1.20 Colorado Trlnmnhs L. R. No. 1. $1.75: Wssh receipts 473; shipments 56 North Csrolins Rsllrosd of nlalner onallty at few yearl ington Russets combination grade Rosin firm: sales 364: receipts Liverpool Cotton.

I Sect 22 1 Receipts iks bs, in-ludirtg l.rtss A-nericsn. in Setter deoisn-t improved business ne, frtces 2 pfints nuc'st-n-a Amen. -en 1 no I ling 7 83 g-d Mwtd.tri 7 str'. niddt(o 7 1" m'd-dlirif 7 'VI lew ml tli'tf rt ss low ii.i tc.n.g sti- good ordinary 8 4. xv i TS "TBtu'a ose-l -Ttt-t stesdi.

lit th i(f 1 rit orf fiTi rrt -s. I .1 cd ld. 7 t.l Prev ings. $5.25425.50: sged sheep. 1.57.

Orr Cotton Mills Orr Cotton Mills, It pf Pscolet Mfg. Co 1...0, r.n.e X'56: feeding lambs. -11 IT It a SB Strs 1 II, hn Strs pf 1 Hs tC orp A 1 Ilsves Rods 2 llur! A GI i3 1 Her 1 H-mi-k pf'lji 1 Hadaon Mot 2 H-ipp Mot 64 ....126 26 68 26 60 44 98 16 26 $5.40436 largely: lightweight white-faced I's-olet Mfg. It VI Perfection Spinning Co kinds. $4.3063.25.

rteoeinta. 6 000. Includlnr 5.o00 dl Pjedmont Mfg. Jo rect: market about stesdr with Fridsy: Poe. F.

Mfg. Co WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR CURRENT WEEK Rsnlo Mfg. Co top $7.15 for sround 210 to 223 pounds; iiwik ooA. estimsted holdover. shipments 811: stock 141.560.

Quote: 4.00: D. 4.15; E. 4.20: F. G. H.

1 and K. 4.25: M. 4.35; N. 4 60; WG. 4 85: WW, 3.13: 5.25.

JACKSONVILLE. JACKSONVILLE, Sept. 22. Turpentine firm 41. Sales none: receipts 381; shipments none; stock 35,881.

Rosin firm. Sales 6T6: receipts 1.210; shipments stock S3.SS7. mmte: 4.M; 4 20; 4.25; 4.23: 4 4.25: I 4 25: 4 -o: 4.35; 4.65; WG 4.95: WW 5.13: 5 20. light light, good and choice, 140-180 pounds, as v- liirht weleht. 160-200 ponnds.

Rsnlq Mfg. 74 pf Riverside A Dsn River Mills Riverside A Dsn 64 pf. lies ($1,000) High. Low. Close.

1 Ala Pow 5s 68 70 70 70 5 Ala Pow 4js 67 84 64 84 1 Alumln Co 5s 52 103 103 lot 2 Alumin Ltd 5s 48 89 89 89 2 Am 1AP 6s 57A 14 14 14 6 Am GAR 5s 2028 89 89 89 Am GAPow 5s 53 25 251 25 64 Am PAL 6s 2016 4T 45 46 5 Am Roll 5s 48 86 86 88 1 Appsl Pow 5s 41 106 lis. I 106 13 Ark PAL 5a 56 69 81 31 As Elee 44s 53 36 35 36 27 As GAR 5s 5o 19 18 19 2 As CAE 3s 77 20 20 20 12 As GAK 5s 6s 19 18 19 8 As GAE 44s 49 38 171 17 3 As Rayon 5s 50 To 70 70 3 As Tel I 5s 41 ctf 13 13 13 IO 74 161 17 107 5 2(1 41 2T1 85 6 9 9 311 28 234 81 4S North and Middle Atlantic States: Rain neriod first of week: fair nv'd- Rosnoke Mills. 1st 7J pf medium weight. 200-250 mnnria- 77.13: hesvy weight, $230-350 1 Vadsco 1 13 Van P.aalte 101 2 Van Ki 1 pf 17 1. T6 1 Vanadium' 161 2 Vn CD 64 jf IT 1 Walgreen pf (64 10T 1 Ward Bak A 2 Ward Bak pf (2) 24 4 Warner Plot 41 3 Wes has (11,1 28 1 Wet OAS pf Ml.

85 .2" WPE 74 pf (71. 6st 2 West Msy 9 2 West pf 9t 13 West EAM I 2 Ws Rk Sp (2i 28 6 Wilson A 23 1 Wilson pf 1 7k 1 81 10 Wooiw (2.40i 4 1 Tong SAW lljN 15 Rosemsry Mfg. Co. 74 pf Rowan Cotton Mills Co 107 ii- i 241 41- i 2s 65i 1 si 14 9 1 9 i 31 26 1 231 I pounds. peeking sows, medium dle and rain again toward end of 70 33 75 34 66 51 JOT, 20 45 a 68 85 85 48 22 25 6 100 48 45 64 16 56 53 58 80 42 5 62 76 78 38 16 86 95 Saxon Milla week.

Temperature- above normal snd good. 27.i-.ViO ponnns. j.ings.w. p'-. rood and choice.

100-130 pounds, $3.7343 Open i JJ li; Cert September sh 6 i is: Rsr t.r 8 2 2 trsur elf Mdi loi Vv-tttver wi ir.r-rii I 6 T- 8 so ii Ag-: ul Jscia-v 74 4 77 ni letcent gehrmsry 's It) iHir- i 0i Mir :4 7 8 Is. El A A prii 71 i ti i i Ms' TI "2 8 71 i pr 7, )in 8 7j 1 PAP IPS Jlnjv.t 7 vt A beginning; considerably cooler mid Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) Smyre. A.

M. Mfg. pf. 5.25. Money Market.

Southern Frnnklin Process dle and wanner toward end of week. South Atlantic States: Rain pe Southern Franklin Proc, 7 4 pf. riod about Tuesday and again at end psrtan Mills sif- 1 XEW TORK. NEW TORK, Sept. 22.

Foreign exchange Great Britain demand. 4 991: Sterlins Spinning Co nf week: otherwise generally fair, Investment Trusts 48 i Stowe Spinning Co Union-Buf. Mills, 1st 74 pf Temperature above normal at beginning, cooler middle and somewhat lit ut- NEW TORK. Sept. 22 (New York Se Union-Bof.

Milis, 2d 54 pf I hle. 4 901: 80-dar billa. 4.981: France mand. 6.674: cables 6-674; Italy demand, S.t'-s.: cables, IiemsncU' Keirium. 23 77: Germany.

110 119 HO 92 911 921 IIOI 110 1101 117 117 117 83 61 1 63 76 75 76 25 Bsldw Loc 6s 38 10 Bsldw Loc 8s 3S xw. IO Beil C'sn 5s 55 2 B'th St 6s 98 10 El 4s 68 Broad Riv 5s 54. warmer at end of week. curity Deslers" Asaocletion) as 40 60 12 50 so ..101 43 70 Bid Asked 4 31 4 Zonite Prod 4 I 40 45: Holland. 6.

60: Norway, 25.10; Ohio Valley and Tennessee: Rain at beginning of week and again about victor-Monognsn Co Victory Ysrn 1st Mtg. 6s (Jsnnsry. 1941) Victor-Monoghsn 7 pf Ware Shosls Mfg. Co Total todsy. 2S3.310 shares: previous dsy.

eden. 25.75: Denmark. 22 30: Finland, scares: week 344.670 snares; 2.22: Switse-rland. 33 45: Spain. 13.84: For.

Friday otherwise generally fair Ware Shoala Mfg. 74! pf yesr ago, 1.04,7(S shares; two years ago, tngal. 4 584: Greece. .931: Poland. 19 18; 1 3.W.17U shares: January 1 to date.

Csecho-Slovskia. 4 22: Jngimlavia. 2 32: Ans- warm beginning considerable cooler 1 scaase Mills Co. ...118 Tuesday or ednegday and warmer 7-3ft8 siiares: rear ago. 537.425.311 shares: I tria.

lK.lon: Hungary, Knmania Affilisted Equity Shsres Affiliated 5 debentures British Type Inv Bullock Fund Corporste Trust A A Corporate Trust Aecum Ser Dep Bk Sh Depos Ibs Shrs Diversified Tr Diversified Tr 2 Csn Ry Eq 7s 35E 102 102 102 2 Csn Nor 5s 53 971 97 7 Csn Psc 6a 42 110 1101 110 3 Cedsr Rap Mfg 5a 53. 113 113 113 4 Cen II PS 5s 68 88 66 66 oo pa Al. F-. 61 8ili Nil All qiiotsttons nominsl and eubject to change without notice. two years ago.

341.637,831 sbabes Thursday and riday. Central and East Gulf States We Are Pleased to Announce the Appointment of MR. JOHN J. BYRLEY, JR. as a SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE l.i2: Argentina.

:3.3on. Brasil. 8-54n: Tokyo. 29 Shanghai. 35 93: Hongkong.

39 75: Meiicn "irv (silver psi 27.95; Montreal is New Tork, 103.34; New Tork In Montreal. 975i. Nominal. MADAM ADOKA JUST arri vrn Thundershowers and cooler first part, generally fair thereafter, with rising temperature in latter part of week; GIFTED PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT a Plus extras, Including extras, Paid last jesr. Payable la stork, Paid so far this yesr.

a Cash or stock. Accumulated divides paid th.s year. 1.17 93.00 100.00 .40 .85 ,10.63 11.83 1.71 1.71 1.93 2.15 8 24 3.61 6.75 2.70 4.25 4.75 1.14 1.26 .22 .32 ...11 15 17.59 19.12 2.12 2.09 1.18 1 29 1.00 OH 1.14 1.23 1 .08 1.40 and unsettled weather at cioae. 34 54 54 35 34 35 35 34 35 45 45 45 89 89 89 42 42 42t 61 61 61 8O 80 SO 39 39 39 39 1 38 39 2 Cen PAL 5s 56 17 Cen St El JJs 54 xw 28 Cen St El 5s 48 4 Cen ft PAL 5s 53 Chi Dist 4js 34 Cities Ser 5s 30 4 Clt Gss 5js 42 I Cit 8 Pipe 6a 43.. 6 Cit PAL 5s 49 5 Cit 8 Pow 54s 32 Cosswl Ed 44s 58 C.

lOSDOW. LONDON. Sept. 22. Money per rent.

Din oant rates short and three months Mils ft 1 1-16 per cent. Bar silver quiet and unchanged at 21 Id. Bar gold declined 1 i peace to 14Us lod. sJvT Diversified Tr Dividend Shrs Huron Holding Int Sec Am 6is pf Mass Invest Tr Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 Quarterly Ine Shrs Selected Am Sh lac Supervised Snr Trusteed Industry I'hrs 20th Cent Fixed Tr Southern Plains and West Galf States: Thundershowers and cooler at beginning and probably showers again near clos of week; otherwise trenerallT fatr with warmer about Tails who snd when you'll vsrry; Kskas up kreer quarrels, and faatiy troubles, tells how to gsln snd hold a good position, ever-some enemies and rival, and bad lurs 14 aa kinds, ti readings. l.

Hours: 19 s. m. to i p. m. Sunday closed.

Taks Lnckie St. WatT Works car lUni-ed States iuivelent $33.17 basis 1ISI4 tOO lOf" American Bond Share o( sterling: opening at (4.9S4). 2 Comwl Ed 54 C. 100 l'-4 1004 2 Comal Ed 4s 57 D. IOO 1004 middle of week.

I'nner MissiKsinDi and Lower Mis ERSTWHILE ATLANTAN BACK AFTER 19 YEARS Jimes C. Craig, former Atlanta who has been in the foreign field servies. of the Texas company for the past 13 vears. is visiting relative in the city for the first time sines, he left nearly two decade ato. Mr.

Craig, after his Kip Van Wiakle souri Vallevs: Precipitation period absence, finds the changes is Atlanta remarkable and says that so far be I beginning of week and probably again ttST NtW OElgANS ss torn ASBUNseTO JOfij. IOO JiX 1 1 11T l'r7 17 78 78 7 43 44 45 103 103 103 hag not been able to get his bearings 4 Comwl Ed 44s 80 E. 17 Comwl Ed 4s 81 5 Coawl Ed 5 62 2 Comwl Sub 54s 49 A 4 Com mun PAL 3s 57.. 3 Coaa Riv 5s 52 within latter half, requent alter Metals. NEW TORK, Sept.

22. Metals unchanged. HEMPHILL AVE. iat'H 4trt iImss in view of the city growth and nations in temperatures..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.