The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)

THE MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER Conttruetlvt Fear let Independent TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1929 TWELVE 61 34 it 41 34 it .43 87 .2.1 19 Reyaolds Too 34 Kichfieid Oil Calif. II Rio Grande Oil Rossis Ins DAILY MARKET LETTERS Orr tfrtmt Wire A. Pkn Bj IM.A U. V1KGIN CO. NEW YORK STOCKS COMPLETE 3 Royal Baa Pow IS Safeway Stores sll as, 71 pfd s9 do.

pfd Large Supplies Of Wheat Lower Grain Market Reactions Follow Rallies To Lower Cotton Market ..164 142 144 14 Imi 4 I 11 1i 16 MW TOEK. Mmrch U. LoeU itBtiniaWt 144 St Joseph Lead Fran 116 1 I St Louis 24 I bavags Arms 44 45 27 Loos Witos Biscuit. tl let su, 1st pfd lit Loruiard (Pierre) Co. Louisiana Oil Ref 14 141 11 Louis oas ft Klec 4: 6 Ludiuta kteei 71 11 ii" ls- ii" 74 44 NEW YORK.

Ustrh 11 Stock market averages: it ladust. IS Rails. 1 ill. Today lies 124 1 lU.i I'renoas day 214 lii.4 111.4 Week ro 2i 181 tut Tear ego 1.T 121 High. i4i.i Low, tu ItJ.t Ul-l 74 MOMOOKUI SPOT COTTO.

Bat Unmif CHICAGO, llerch 1L Fresh piling ap at wheat supplies ta tha raited State, acted Bairkt matins! food ftad Ulng nftdlt ftbtvorbtkd bj fresh spt-cutauv vying m4 prlc fixing. TcxCli report ceatiau rwlct good bagttMam. Crap rpr-tioBa, from all aocounia, aaem rather iVatca-vard la muy aectuooa at tha aaatarB aod cantral bJu tla bUev that profit takiD Will ranult im minor reacuona from lime to Uma but that tha traud la atlli upward, E. PXBBCfi A CO. Maik Truias ..17 lei 119 Laa a last straw ta de tannin teg th coarse 74 21 13 results Retail Suras.

31 32 I seagrave Corp 19 19 4t tSears-Koebaek 151 11 beneca 4-opsar 6 bhattuck F. ....111 13 2 Si.ell liiion OU 34 24 Shubert Theater 45 44 SimmuM Co 93 13 3 Slmms Petrol 18 ...4 J13 SincUir Cos OU 31 38 24 Skeily Oil 14 11 I balder Peek pfd 43 42 22 Soslh Calif Edtsoa 69 23 Soutiiera Paclflo 129 .121 21 Total sales shares. By JTNO. P. CLARK CO.

NEW YOKK. llarch lL Whitney says: Peeondary resctloa. It was expected thst setodAry reacuoa would make Its appear- MWelln fair hurtrt goJ as hM Hag tmnd mwdhnr asfciSlieg Miaattag UHt low ssiaallag I sesealiac strict araiaary Madue asq Gard.s... 2: 17 Magma Copper 7i 4 Msllmsoa ft Ce 21 1 Msuael Bros I klsnhattaa Klec Sup, 31 14 Manhattan hod 4 Masaatiaa Shirt 31 47 Marlaad Oil 19 ru 2.J ta.ti ras ij mis 1 IS) 144 lata 111 II U.U 14-1 of wheat prices today. Crop eompiamta from th eathweat war thus mora this ftast, and th wheat market finished es th dews ward grads altar many serve us caangea 4 Closing ejaotatloa wheat were anae-tled.

at ta not decline, with corn NEW ORLEANS. Uarch 1L Actio of Liverpool la tallies ta follow our advance 31 69 61 it aace tins week, although la yesterday's araiaary co4un9ent it was stated thst tbia was not expected until later la the week. The face mat It has developed this early does sot alter the general market picture, which is one calling for further advance fa sound motor I Wriln 21 Msthiesoa Alkali 194 9 May leiit Kiatm sta. -u. tofctbar with raina in aovthwaat Taxaa bulliah antlmaDt wu Uaa avrraaalw-a aad haa had tha toad an cy to encouraga raalta-tog- by raeant biiyara.

Raactiona aJtar aoeh ail aztaadad advaoca ara to ba oxpaciod. Wa howavar, foal that condltioea aurrouud- ta 01a down, oats to aft. 1 Soa Porta Rico ug 19 31 bouthern Railway ...141 147 141 9 cat, ft ctf ..116 112 116 fi. .11, ne 1st aid J.116 nd provisions so sotsks. 194 92 it Ope Bith Low WHKAS 26 Maytag 2t 23 issues, and met decline.

Yesterday's selling I do. pfd ltt( mar It at raraala bullwh aa dcoi.tlt.uaa 41 111 1.11 1.1 1,11 ta baltava pwch on aetbacl*tv otfar boat paasiDilliiaa, PlEKCE 71 II 101 .18 a) 198 44 43 .21" lll I dihl Cb.lfant 44 4.5 1 Spencer Kellogg 4 SiNcer -Mfg 4 Spicer pfd 63 61 1 Spiegel Msy Stem ..104 102 It Standard Com Teb ..35 15 lt Standard Ga 4k Eiec 11 17 3 MrCall Corp 6 McCrory Stores do. 4 McGrsw Hill Pub 3 Mclntyr Pore Mia 1 McKeespert Tin 3 Mckaaeon ft Rob 1.14 1.12 114 .17 1 90 1.91 1-94 .69 LIVESTOCK '4 15 7 46 113 1.37 1.34 1-11 .99 1.91 ur .49 .44 .49 .46 JfZW fORK tOTTOK LrTTEK JiW YOka. March 1L a. tucumut as Bevel pod In the eottoa today follow.

IDC lh advances of Ult kit week ana prlca decline under realising combined with torn local and aouthcra elllng. siav noiracu MM oft to 11 11. a decline of II points from Saturday's cioeing ejaetstioaa end eteaed at tltat tigura, Th. general market closed barely steady at Ml dsdiaes at II to 2J points. NEW TORS.

SPOT COTTOK. NEW loilK. March 11. epol unlet. 1145 YOH COTTOS rCTCRES.

NEW YORK. March 11. Futures closed 11 14 Close 1.31 1.21 l.tOK 1.32 .99 12 1.94 .41 .49 .49 .41 1.19 1.11 1.13 tl do. pfd 1 Mengel Co II 21 Vsrch May July Sept. CORN-.

March .1 Msy July .1 Sept. OATS March Msy July Sept. RYE March May July URD 73 64 it 27 2i 47 47 11 I Metro-Gold pfd 26 JWimJOSTEBT irVKfTOCK MARK FT. UNION STOCK YARDS, alONTOOaUSRr, .7 10 1.41 Lt4 Ml in 1.12 1.12 7 19 ALA Msrch 11. Cattle: Receipts 45 17, 48 81 41 13t Meiieaa Seaboara Oil.

41 3t Miami Copper 49 14 Mid-Contineta Pete 33 17 Middla states Oil 4 1 do. ctf 1.1 1:1.19 L13 1.11 1.11 1.11 2,8 1 Miller Rubber 24 steady, 1 ta 11 points lower. 'i 41 ii 3 Mlnneapolieast Louis. 3 14 Missouri Kan ft 49 2 do. pfd 196 72 Missouri Pacific.

S3 ii" 13.12 13.99 13.12 13.79 13.97 11.19 rr. Clno 11.41 11.44 19.41 do, pfd 1 Standard MUHng ....111 5 de, pfd 111 2 Standsrd Oil tl 43 Standsrd Oil 41 47 stsndard Oil 19 i Standard Plat Class I 4 de. pfd 18 Standard San 49 1 Stsnlsy Co of Am ..34 21 Stewrt Warner Speed. lie 18 Stromberr Carburetor 47 21 studebaker Corp 17 11 Submenu Boat 1 11 Superior Oil 1 1 Sweets Co of Ant 11 4 Symingtoa 6 1 Tena Cop 4k 11 21 Tsxas Corp 1 Texa Corp 10 61, 14 Texts Gulf Sulphur. 7I ti Tex Pa Coal ft Oil 21 4 Tex Pae Land Tr sew 18 1 Thatcher cvt pfd 41 The Fair Co 48 2 Third AVS Ry 36 3 Thompson J.

Co 50 21 lid Water Asso Oil 11 1 da, pfd tl 5 Tide Water Oil 29 ClOM ll.lS 11.21 M.7I IS 41 IS It 19.41 17 do, pfd 192 Low 11.2 11. re tt.7! 2 (MS l.i High 11.41 11 44 i. IS it 19.44 Open Il.Ji 19.80 it trch Mar July tx-t. Oct. r.

ic 130 76 125 19 Mohawk Carpet Mills 76 lit Montgomery Ward ..121 I Moon Motor Car sil lit 13.47 11.95 11.17 11.11 14,19 14.71 16.35 16.73 March May 11 15 July 13.0 Sept- 11.31 RIBS Map Jlr BELLIES March Msy 14.71 July 11.17 Sept. 6 36 IS" 42 14.11 11.17 44 Mother Loda Coal it lea 6 41 Motion Pict 34 4 Moto Mater A 21 1 Motor Prod 114 tl Motor Wheel 44 1 Muilins Mfg tl 1 Munslngwear 13 It Murray Corp Am 74 16.71 41.71 48 3 ii KEW ORLEANS OOTTOil LCTTEB. NEW OKLEA.No. March 11. KlucluanoM In the eottoa market today orratle but prices tended towards lower levels tfnder considerable realising end bed re selling.

Trade buying sod covering on prospects for unfavorable weatber In the belt checked the decline for a time but the demand was supplied st moderate recoveries arice ntajle new Iowa for the day In 73 113 Nssh Motors .108 106 lii" ,1" 44 94 14 'i it' ii 6I 4... 72 .20 11 11 42 41 49 11 2t 29 79 79 97 108 19 31 1 9 69, 10 49 26 35 62 II 61 102 113 111 tii" iii CHICAGO CASH CRAfN, -CHICAGO. ILL, liaxch 11. Cash whest No, 1 1.21 No. I aorthern aprtng 1.18 Cora No.

I mixed .96 No. I yellow .96 0 .17 movement was largely attributable to Uie reports which were broadcast nationwide, that there would ss sdvaoce in. tbe boston rediscount rate followed by aa advance In the New York rate, and coming at a time when the general market structure waa somewhst weakened by lh abort covering indulged la last week and bed Its effect. lo not aatb-ipat any rediscount rate changes this week, and believe that stocks are srala at an excellent baying point. Money rates are developing as and ths market will do likewise.

London Tin Ltd- which is a finance and holding company la the British tin Industry end has Its market on the London Stock Exchange and New Tork Curb. recommended for purchase while available In the low twenties. The leeoe pays between 41 and to per cent In dividends, equivalent to between and tl-iO a share, and Is therefore svsllabls to yield close to ten per cent Eipect the stock to be established at least la the thirties or better. Hecognltloa is finally being given in ths stock market to the decided betterment la the affairs of the railway equipment Industry. Freight-car orders ars the largest in five rears.

15. new cars having been contracted for since January last, aa compared with Si. 401 In sll ths year 1921 resulting in a number of plsnts speeding ip to capacity operations. In view of this development which promises to con-tlnue. believe thst three of the soundest of the representatives of this industry, namely, -American Locomotive, paying tt share.

American Car Foundry, paying tt a share, and Westinghouee Al rBrake. paying tl a share, are due for substantial advance, and should bo purchased st prevailing levels and despite ths xnoierat advances recorded by each issue in the face of yesterday's reactionary market. Would likewise direct attention that renewed purchase on the part of ths rsiirosds meena a highly profitable yesr to Cotorsdo Fuel 4k Iron, which more or less specialises in rails, plates and ties. Kennecott Copper while not fulfilling expectations In yesterday's market, has recorded all of the reaction to be expected, and if not bought on earlier buying recommendation, should be purchssed' now, with ths sams to bs said for other issues recommended for purchase when the second buying point of 1929 wes given. In particular, American Caa United States Steer, and General Motors.

NEW TORK STOCK LIST. NEW YORK, March 11. Following la Mis complete closing list of todsy's transactions on ths New York "Stock Exchange: sales In 109 s. High Low Close 5 Abitibl Pow st Paper 45 44 Vi 44 It Adva.iee Rumely 71K. Ss 1 do.

pfd 71 70 tt Ahumada Lead IV 44 Air Reduction new. ..197 196. lOttt 17 AJax Rubber "Hi 24 Alaska Juneau ihi 7S 1 24 Al Chem at Dye 289 2941 13! Allegheny Corp 15 34. 1444 souis.iys 1S3 23 National Acms 37 35 Nat Bellas Hess 44 1 de. pfd ...109 DC I 47 Tlmkea Roll Bearirfg 10 vain ao.

tt I Tobacco Prod aampla grade .44 .41 final trading- when May reached and closed one point over that figura for a net loss of 17 points. The general market 1941 Nat Caeh Register 124 121 II Nat Dairy Prod .....130 12S 129 .71 0 I.I 031.10 It ii Rye. No. Bsrlsy. .5 Timothy aeedt 1.29, Clover seed 13.00 12.31 12.10 Bellies 14.13 Divm sola 1 Nat Dept Stores 1st pt 94 149 Nst Distillers Prod 44 cJdeed steady at net declines of.

II points. NEW ORLEANS 8POT COTTON. NEW ORLEANS, March 11 8pot cotton closed ateady. It points down, galas 2 do, A 1 Tob Prod new 2 do, new "A' 41 Transcontinental Oil 1 Transue ft Will Stl 7 Trico Prod Traux Traer 1 Truscon Steel 1 Twin City Rap 11 Underwood 19 21 60 40 Kg 63 .105 40 78 swt .7" 13s 141 fl.nwsi ieaa i 2 It do, pfd A ........140 615 Nst Powsr 4k Lt It 64 65- ST. Lorrs CASH GRArw.

LOUIS. 110. March 11. Cash wheat ST. l.nt.

lxw Middling middllnr 11.71 10. 13 No .1 115 0 1.19 3 Nat Radiator- 12 do, pfd J3 4 Nat Rva Max 2nd nM 1U. (.... 1.14 0 1.26 0 .14 109 Nat Supply pfd 121 Colon Carbide ......117 1 Colon Oil ot Calif 49 4 Union Paclflo 224 3 do, pfd 83 3 Tnlon Tank Csr .....146 2 fritted Biscuit 46 29 United Cigar Storss 21 Receipts 4.S4I; stock 1:4.941. NEW ORLEANS COTTON rCTCRES.

NEW OKLEANS, March 1L Cotton futures closed steady, at Bet decline 17 to 83 13 1 92 96 4 io. a Cofn No. 1 mixed No. 4...... 'No.

I yelolw 4.... No. 1 whit No. Oats No. 1 whits No, national -lea 83 210 Nevada Con it 51 New Orl Tex ft Mex.137 18 Air Brake 48 71 Central 190 47 48 0 -30 .95 ".94 i 1 .53 .50 is 14 I Else Cosl vt ctff 51 14! 45 24 69 138 21 18 188 189 I United Prnit 1 a l.m SS S.0UIS do, pfd .137 137 137 .106 .11 JJ51 l're Closr 10.71 50.77 20.43 19.41 I Dock 49 Close 20.30 50.21 High.

19.44 S0.74 20.80 ,19.40 10.42 Low lost 20.21 20.11 Open 20.41 20.4J 20.69 20.11 20.13 1 United Paperboard Caat Iroa Pip 1 do, 1st pfd 1 2nd pfd 17 Dlstrib 1 do. pfd March May July fJcU liec, 7' 18 bsad. Markst opsntng about steady. Prospects slow to shads lower oa butcher cattle, caoaera, cutters and bulla Demand continues very stroog for all grades loea era Outlook good oa this class. Choice steers to 10; good killers to common killer 7 to 1.

Choice heavy bulls 7 to fair ta good common light bulla I to 4. Choice fat yearlings 1 to 19; fair to good yearlings 7 ta common yearlings to 7. Choice stocker 7 to common stockers 1 to 7. Good quslKy stock cows 7 to common stock cows 1 to Choice killing cows 7 to good killing cows 1 to common killing cows 1 to t. Caaners and cutters 4 to 6.

Choice calves lie; fair to good calva to 10; plain calve I to common to I. Choice fst belter 1 to good killing belfftts 1 to fslr to medium beifr 7 t7; common heifer to 7. Hogs: Market ateady. Prospects higher. Receipts light.

165 pounds and op ISO to 116 pounds 1.6 109 to 134 pound 4.6 89 to 100 pounds. 6.19 SO pounds down 6.09 Rough 7.6 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. March 11. Hog, receipts 909; mostly 350400 higher; top 111.76 psid for 190-lb.

weights; bulk of desirable 150-399 lba 111.40 bis weight butchers down to 111.25; butchers, medium to choice 260-300 lbs. 200-250 lb. 111.26 11.75: 160-200 lba 111.00011.75; 130-160 lbs. tlt.OOtyll.fl. Packing sows tl0.35 10.75.

Pigs, medium to choice 10-139 lba lt.754J10.7i. Cattle, receipt. calves, receipts active firm trsds on all grsdes of ysarllnga and light steers; slowweak to unevenly lower oa heavies; lsrgsly a ateer run; top 114.50. Other 'clssse mostly steady. Slsightsr classes, stsers; good and choice lbs, 112.76014.50; lbs.

113.00014.60: lbs. 113.00 Fed yesrlings, good and choie 759-159 lbs. 111.25016.99. Heifers, good and cbolcs 150 lba down 112.00011.76; cows, good and choice 900011.00; bulla good end choice (beef) 19.40010.60: veslers (milk-fed) good Slid choice 116.00 0 17.71; medium 113.36015.90; atocker nnd feeder teera good and ebole (all weights) 111.26 012.26. Sheep, receipts market opening 15026c lower; few fat lambs, medium 115.00 016.40: boat held higher; aheap and fesdlng iamb steady, good and choice 114.75 0 16.00.

Ewes, medium to choice 150 lbs. down 13.25010.00: feeder lambs, good nd cholc 114,50011.00. EAST ST. tOllS LITESTOCir. EAST ST.

LOUIS, March 11. Hog, rs-ceipts sctlve; mostly 30046a higher; closing 15050a higher: pigs an dlight lights steady to 25c up; bulk 160 to 340 lba 111.60011. 75; top 111.75; 240 to 170 lbs. til. 3611.

60; 280-320 lbs. 111.40; 130-150 lba 110.00011.25: 100-130 lba 38.76010.25; 100 lbs. down 17.2501.76; most packing sows 110.00 0 10.19. Cattle, receipts calves steer, low cuttors and bulls steady; mixed yearlings steady to 26c higher; cow steady to strong; vealers 16c 'higher; top steers 1,976 lbs. 118.30; bulk steers 110.60012.81: top mixed ystrlings (13.00; most cows 17.750 I.

00: low cutters ll.760l.2i; medlu mbnlls II. 00 down; good and cholc vealer 117.90. Sheep, receipts receipt mostly billed through and direct; msrket steady; few odd lots wool lsmbs to city butchsrs tH.75; culls lll.t9013.OO: bulk, of ll-lb. clipped lambs to packors 114.76. I Young (L.

ft 61 17 13 4 Toungstown SftTubs.101 18 19 a Actual aalas. Ex-ftlyldsnd. Total sal 1,121.110 agalnlt 1.941,050 rrsvleus day, 4,157,100 wek ago tad 909,100 year ago. From January 1 to date 236.698.130 against 128.171,100 a year go. and 104.943.600 two years ago.

14 14'i INT Dock pfd 88 10 ft Harlem ....310 41 IV New Har ft Htfd 19 1 Ont ft West 29 II Steam t7 pfd 1 Un States Express 2'i DAILY COTTON TABLE. liiTd-l Ro- I Ex- ISalesTStocs 191 102 101 Port Movement 4 Norfolk ft W'eet ....191 47 North American (jo. ,104 1 do. pfd 52U c'pts iportal I. 1176 324045 'MO 3 Hoffman Mach.

42 42 16 Indust Alcohol ..141 138 4 Leather 25 24 4 do, A 60 60 11 8 Reslty ft 91 90 41 8 Realty rts 4 3 160 Rubber 69 67 4U8i 44871 1810 1 North Am Edit pfd. 101 4 North Gar Lloyd 6t 20.15 19.40 20. OS 29.17 68 17 Northern Paclflo ....110 109 104 i do, ctf .....107 106 107 COTTON SEED OIL. NEW TORK: March 11. Cotton seed oil developed a steadier undertone today, olos- Ing 1 to points net higher on sctlve post-ions.

8tadinss of lard and firmness ot hogs gad cruds oil promoted local snd short covering. Qenerslly th trsd sntidpfttss bstwssn 260.000 snd 100. too barrels, which would compared with 115,131 barrel ia Jenuary and 374.187 bsr-rels February last ysar. Bslea 104) barrels. Prims cruds 9.36; prims summer yellow spot 10.90; March closed 10.90; Msy 10.15; July 11.15; September II.

29; Oct. 11.05. KEvf ORLEANS. March 11. Tha market for cotton seed oil futures ruled compsra-t4vly tsdy arly today but turned easier later while waiting for the census consumption report.

Prim aummar yellow oil closed unchanged at 1.85 nd prime crude closed at 1.00 to 1.12. Futures closed sssy, March 9.90: May 1.97; July 10.16: Sept 10.20; Oct. 19.16.. 14 do, 1st pfd 88 '17 16 I5S 35! 1881 1 6 Norwalk Tlr ft Rub, 1 6 6 7 do, pfd 102 101 mils 67 17 tt 180 Ci 1 Oil Well Sunnlv IS Smelt ft Ref 1 do, pfd 66 25 "New Orleans fialveston Mobile toivannan fhnrleston "Wilmington 7ol-rolk Hiilllmor New York Boston Houston Minor ports 4 Allia Chalmers 11 fg .178 1 Amal Leather 9 S1S33 42921 17521 31 11 89257 1107 17507 2100 71S641 77061 180 143 967 Bteei 4 do. pfd ..,..,.143" 9 19 15 4101 10121 1 Tobacco 99 19 75 .122 45 .104 93 1686 IS Omnibus Corp 13 Oppenhelm Oblllns 50 Orphsum Clre pfd 19 Otis Elevator pfd 77 Otis Steel 1 do, prl pfd 12 Owens Bottle 63 Pectflc Gas Else 10.10 20 lis" 17 64S 88 20 326S 10820 I 1175 II 78 76 si.

44 it" 65 ii" ...235 46 11 44 10 44 64 61 si 124 14 Pso Gas ft Kleo 3 11 Amerada Corp Sl 4 Am Agrl "Chem 1 do, pfd 6J I Am Bank Not ,,..121 Am Beet Sugar 17 62 Am Bosch Magneto. 66 8 Am Braka Shos 67 S510 do, pfd 124 21 Am Brown Boverl El 22 s39 do, pfd 73 131 Am Can 95 Am Car Fdy .....192 1 Am Chain pfd 10 11 Am Chicle 54 14 Am Trug Syn Total today, receipts U.S6T: exports, Jlf sales 9,427: stock 1.894,410. Total for week, receipts exports. Total for season, receipts x- Ttorts 6,195.810. 19 unlr pict 1st pfd 101 Unlr Pip Rad 20 Utah Copper 22 Utll Pow ft Lt A.

13 Vadsco Corp 1 do, pfd It Vsnsdlura Corp 1 Van Raalte 50 do, 1st pfd 37 Vlck Chsmical 14 Victor Talk Msch. 17 Paclflo Light 83 ...75 ,1054, 103 21 12S 29S 116 It 1 x-aciiio 111 stuos 1 160 Pciflo Tel ft Tel ..177 176 408 Paekard Motor 139 135 136 30 100 tl lilld-l Re- Shlp-l I (ling Ic'pts'mntn'Saleal Stock Interior Movement- 88 174 la Pan-Am Petroleum 43 43 8 It Victor Tlk pr pfd. ..114 10 Virginia Caro Chem. 19 3 do, a 44 1 Panhandle 10 685 Paramt Fam t7 1 11 42V6 11 75SG S4K 2880 7470 686 1230i 7838:133831 Siil! 75001 24051 850 i 1 8 TOi ..120.19 6 Am Kncaustlc Til' 42 64 3 Park ft Tllford 73 122 Am- ec For Power. .109 108 107 ,108 Mem lib is Augusta ft.

Lout Tr. Worth 1. It tie Rock Atlanta Tiallas lnnlgomer 1 do, 1 7w pfd 18 63 70 95 22 36 65 2 71 98 23 38 69 13 732 13961 16812 155 1 do, 1 pto ped Wabash Ry 3 do, pfd A 12 Waldorf System 109 Walworth Co al6 Ward Baking A 85 do, 4 do. pfd ..19.72 ..120.65 Jit. 4 72 '12 11 24 43 18, 47 267 6 23 17 13 42 Park Utah Mines 12 23 Path Exchange 12 do.

A 24 14 Patino Mln ft 45f, Peerless Motor 19 Psnick ft Ford 48 21 Peoples Gaa Chicago. 277 1 Pet Milk 27 11 ii' 43 47 176 21 sv 77 JNO. F.CLARK BROKERS MEMBERS Sew Tork Stock Exchange New York Cot tea Kxekange Kew York Pro wee Hxchaage New York Coffea 4ft Snsar Exc New Orlenna Cotton Exchangre Loalslaana Snajttr at Rlea Exc -Chlcaao Board of Trad Aasociata Member v. KEW YORK CURB MARKET. 101 Bibb St.

Phone Oedar-4091 Montgomery, Ala. 10 Warner Bros Plcturs.ll7Tl lit 26 79 40 65 Total today, receipts 10 6J4; shipments. 11.546; sales 14.164: stoo 1 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARK FT. T.IVEni'OOL. Msrch U.

Cotton spot 40 Warner Bros rts 3 2 7 46 Am Foreign Pow rts. 2 1 Am Bide Leather 1 do, pfd 1.1 3 Am Hawaiian 8 Co 27 Am Home Prod 79 Am Ice ....40 lil Am Internatl rptv 6 Ani-La 7 B10 do. pfd 08 195 Am Locomotive 1 Am Mach st Fdy ..170 64 Am Metal 61 JO Am Metals rts 3 alio Am Natural Uua pfd 90 6 Phlla Co pfd 63 28 Phila Brig 29 62 35 4 Warner Bros ts 9 Warnsr Qulnlan Si 16 yoilerate buslnesR done: prices steady 11 1'hlllo Morris 18 us 28 17 141 yia warren Bros American strict good middling 11.5 6 109 23 99 4S 11.33 65 1 11.13 10.88 io.r.3 89 i 3' warren Fdy a 24 2 Webster Eleenlohr pf.100 10 Weson OllftSnowdrlft 44 -2 Weet Dtlry Prod A 64 I West Dairy Prod 29 10 Western Maryland 41 I Western Paciflo 17 4 do. pfd' mifldllng. trlct middling Mriyt low middling J.ow middling lt jtood crdlnsry Crinri ordinary Sales 6.000 bnles.

Including 3.300 1 Am TMRno 131 .108 105 105 tl 21 4 list 10 41 ii 13 2 4 62 7 42. 9. S3 77 78 i E7 .81 Ameri al09 West Psnn Elec A ..104 104 22 Phillips Pstrol 38 1 Phoenix Hosiery 25 21 Plerce-Arrow 34 6 Pierce Oil 2 18 Pierce Petrol 6 Plllsbury Flour 63 3 Pirelli Co 66 3- Pittsburg Coal ......66 CO Pittsburg Steel 96 4 Porto- Rle-An Tob 88 24 do, 44 1 Postl 7 pf.104 104 Postum 71 34 Prairie Oil A 69 21 Prairie Pipe Line ..66 67 Pressed Steel Car 22 7, Pressed Steel Car pfd 79 101 Pub Ser Corp 85 a 1W Penn Pow 7 pfd. 114 89 Am Power ft Lt 1 lo, pfd tto, pfd 1 do, pfd ttld x29 Ain alio do. pld 11 Am Hallway En 8 Am" Iteptibllcs 2 Am Fafely Razor 6 Am Statin jo.s: 10.92 .180 .11 -50 .98 108 109 61 I do, cvt pfd 46 45 It Burns Bros Si tt Bsrroeroa Ad alaca.lvS 23 li'H Busk Terminal 73 71 71 de.

7'. oeii 1 II Bella Cop A Zinc 1 1 Butte 4t cup atinlat. 1 1 Butternk 32 lt Keri 154 148 4 Calif Pack 75 Zinc 1 3 49 Calumet 4k Arlsoaa. 119 4 Cilamet Uecia 6 6i 65 4 Canada Lrr Olng Ala tt i is Canauiaa ....247 244 lit 1 Csnnon stills 43 SIS Clin ss 93 a 1 Cass Tnreak alack. ..4.8 451 Cavaasakh Duo OS 37 14) do.

pld 105 I Celotex Co 41 (1 i Central Aguirra 41 41 1(7 Central Alloy 49 44 47 3 Century Bib Mills. '16 Sis do, pfd 75 Orro ds Paaca Ill 109 1 Certainteed 21 21 11 Chesapeake 4x 2U 31 Chesapeake Corp 15 14 2 Chi 4V Alloa 16 4r do. pfd 27 23 22 20 Chi Ct Wesisra 20 19 19 2 do, prd 67 6S 64 21 Chi Mil tit 4k Pae. 34 61 de, pfd tt 67" 22 Cbl Nor ft 17 Chi Pneu Tool 33 32 11 4 do, pid new .61 61 21 Chi Rork tsl ft Paa.139 129 lit I do, 4 ptd 109 1 do. 7 pld 105 1 Chit-kasha Cot Oil 46 Chlida Co 55 6 37 Chile Copper 111 108 IV3 Chrysler Corp Jll 106 106 City Ice A Fuel 61 57 City Stores new 24 24 kilt City stores 49 29 Coca Oola 131 130 139 I Coa Cola 49.

33 Collins 4k Alkman ..65 3 14 Colorado Fuel A Iron. 7af 72 4 Colum Has Elec.145 144 144 23 do, new 69 68,.... 434 Columbia Craphapbon 74 71 71 Columbian Carbon .1.19 131 25 Commercial Credit ..61 69 69 alio do, 10 a5 do, 7 pfd 2 26 tt Com lnvust Trust ...177 19 Commercial Solv ,...251 25 Com'wealth Pew ....123 128 Cunde Nast Pub 79 61 Congoleum Kalrn 27 27 lfCongrens Cigar 12 13 Consol Cigar II 18 Cons Film Ind 27 27 4 240 Consol Gil 107 104 194 3 do. 15 pfd f9 xl6 Consol It Cuba pfd ft f6 12 Consol Textile 4 5 -4 i Container Corp A 18 do, 9 9 14 Cont Baking 69 69 9 36 do, 10 10 19 63 Continental Can 71 ft 1 Continental Ins 86 17 Continental Motor ..23 23 22 13 Corn Products 84 13 14 21 Coty 14 2 44 28 Croaley Radio ...,...,111 106 107 1 Crown Zellerbsch 22 It Ouclble Steel 88 17 18 2 Cuba -Can Sugar 4 39 12 11 12 2 Cuba Co 19 11 19 alO Cuba pfd 77 I Cuban Am Sugar 13 11 12 alOO do, pfd 66 ts 45 6 Cudahy Pack 69 68 22 Curtlas Aero ........153 150 1 Culler Bammer 61 11 Cnyumel. Fruit i78 74 155 Davison Chemical 65 62 63 9 Debenhatna 41 7 Delaware 4 Hud 194 7 Del Lack 4k 129 128 14 len Klo Cr ft pfd 73 71 14 Devoe ft Btynoldt A 68 66 67 S230 do, prd ......115 116 Dome Mines 9 9 19 Drug Syn ..........117 11T 1 Dunhlll Inter 69 Duplan Silk 22 du Pont da Nemours.

180 171 171 1 do. deb ..117 12 Durham Hosiery 9 8 1 Eastman Kodak 1S1 Eaton Axis ft Spc 47 (6 17 alO Eltlngon Schlld 33 28 Elec Auto Lit .....153 150 151 75 Electric Boat 14 13 14 303 El Powsr Lt 04 60 61 1 do, 1st pill 107 22 Elec Stor 11 83 1 Elk Hurn Coal 5 Endtcott-Johnson I) Engineers Pub 62 63 62 1 do, pfd 94 4 Eng pub Serv 97 7 86 tio, rts 1 14 EqultHble Off 36 85 35 171 Erie lt 74 72 72 3 do, 1st pfd 61 61 1 1 'do. 2nd 69 6 Evans Auto Load 65 1 64 4 2 Fairbanks Morse 47 Federal Lt ft 79 79 79 alOO do. pfd 100 99 4 Federal Motor 1S 2 Fidelity Phenlx Ins 98 9" 98 12 Fllene'a Sons 196 105 9 Flift Nat stores 65 68 68 29 Flsk Kubber 17 16 16 3 do, 1st pfd 67 1 do, 1st prd cvt 68 14 rieiachmann 7 72 7T2 35 Follansbee Bros 69 fl 51 Foundation 63 65 25 Fox Film 91 10 90 a3f0 Franklin Simon pfd. 110 1 Freeport Texas 46 46 2 Fuller Co pr pfd ....101 100 6 Gabriel Snubber.

A 26 20 26 42 Gardner Motor 16 15 16 General Am Tank 97 95 91' I Ueneral Asphalt 61 66 4 pfd .......106 4 General Cable 57 66 23 do, A 112 111 111 1 do, pfd ......107 90 General Cigar 70 89 X169 General Kleo 129 230 xll do, apt 11 11 5 Gen Gas El B. 95 94 a40 do, IS pfd A ...133 133 S230 do. 17 Pfd A .....113 112 113 alo Gen Ice Cream 80 2 General Wills 80 79 80 8 do, pfd 97 425 General Motor 81 80 4 Gen Outdoor Adv ctf 36 86 30 x71 Gen' Hallway Signal. 106 103 106 Gen Refractories 77 76 11 Gillette Sat Kaior .,117 116 0 Glmbel Bros 40 40 1 do, pfd 82 It Olklden Co 41 41 11 Gobel Adolph, Ino 65 6S 183 Gold Dust 70 II 101 Goodrich (B. Co.

93 91" II 1 -do, pfd 111 203 Goodyear Tire! ft Rub. 130 121 127 1 do. 1st pfd ..103 128 Goodyear rts 15 13 14 4 Gotham 811k Has 67 2 do, new 68 7 18 28 Graham Paige Motor, 47 46 13 Granby Con Mining 92 90 7 Grand Stores 11 88 4 Grand Union 26 21 36 2 do, pfd 48 8 Grsnt (W. Co. ...127 124 126 1 Greet North Ry pfd.

119 101 6 do, pfd ctf 106 It Great Nor lr Ore ctf 82 32 27 Great West Sugar 88 88 67 Green Cananea Cop. ..177 172 4 Guantftnamo Sugar 4 2 Gulf Statea Steel rts I 4 Gulf States Steel 72 18 73 8 liahn Dept Stores 48 46 41 4 do, pfd ...,,,105 104- 60 Hanna Co 1st pfd 14 93 14 1 Hartman 29 21 1 Hershsy Chocolate 7 I do, cvt pfd 83 69 Holland Furnace 41 48 48 1 Hollander 4k Son 19 17 19 1 Homestake Mining 72 6 Houston Oil 81 81 11 '28 Hows Sound Co 75 74 1 Hudson ft 49 49 49 X84 Hudson Motor Car ..83, 86 11 72 Hupp Motor Car 73 .79 Illinois Central ....141 11 Independent Oil A Oas 81 31 4 Indian Motorcycle 25 26 25 80 Indian Hetlnlng 35 34 14 "do. ctf 84 34 3 Industrial Rayon ,.,121 21 Inland Steel II 91 60 Inspiration Copper 2 to 27 Interboro Rapid Trsns 62 49 4 Intercon Rubber 12 2 Internet Agrlcul 14 10 Int Business 157 X23 Int Cement 93. 92 232 Int Combust Eng tt tt i do, pfd in 1 Interstate Dept Stores 10 It Int Harvester Co ...108 101 108 34 Int Match pte 18 II 88 1 Int Mere Marin 6 do, pfd 40 40 40 148 Int Nlrkaf Can 01 69 12 Int Pnper 32 82 10 do, 21 22 Jl 'j? ,6 1 do, pfd new .,...1., 1 4 Int Print Ink 17 61 17 Int Ry of Cent Am. 61 It 10 do.

pfd 76 iS Int Salt 8J 1 Int Sliver 144 144 144 43 Int Tel 4k Tel 108 197 307 3 lntertype Corn 12 alO Inwa Central Ry 2 2 island Creek Coal (4 4 14 140 Johns-Manvllls 189 182 111 40 Jone.AI.nug Sll pfd. 122 121 122 17 Jnrdsn Motor Csr It 12 30 Kan City PL Pfd B.l 2 Kan City Sou Ry tt i Kaufman Dept 8 1 ores, K.y.r IJ It 71 71 1 Keith Albe Orph pfd. 110 17 Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tlr 11 11 11 1 Keleey-Hayes Whsel 11 52 Kelvin. tor Corp 15 11 li lull Kennecott Copepr 14 1 Kinney fl. It Kol.ter Rsdlo 11 tt I Kraft Phea 31 84 11 kit Kress n.

II 11 1 Dept 18 1 Kress IS. ft Co. .101 184 Krsuger ft Toll 42 41 41 X9I Kroger Grocery lot. 198 I Lago OH ft Trans 39 3:4 Lamh.rt Co 140 141 141 7 Lee Rubber 4V 10 30 Lehigh Port Cement. II 11 11 do.

prd ...11 lt Lohl Volley Coal 23 11 4 Lehn 4k Fink 18 I Liggett ft Myers Tab. to 34 do, 90 19 I 14 Lima Loromotlv 44 41 48 13 Link Relt I It tl It Liquid Carbonic 9114 80 133 U.ew's 73 10 71 1 do. pfd 104 II toft In 7 No receipts. Futures closed quiet and steady, fnrch. i rry i 4(lnber lieccmber January 178 150 ii ,34 120 do.

6 Pfd ......108 108 78 Westsrn Union Tel. .214, 308 29 Westlngh Air Brake. 62 60 xlt Westlngh El ft Mfg. .152 149 7 Mston El Instrument 26 24 41 io 68 21 79 3 10.74 10.7S 10.70 24 5 Am fshln A Commerce 68 56 -IRA H. VIRGIN CO.

Members Principal Commodity Exchanges 111 Blbk Straat rhoaa CettarUlM-MS KEW YORK -m HONTGOMERT TROT OOTBAR PrlTat Wires ta Coaaetloai rlta E. A. Flare as Cav IT. If, O. Chlcar 35 4 S20 Am Shipbuilding 87 9 vi tilt icagl Ull ss 23 Whit Motor Co 10 3 Whit Rock Mineral Spring ctf .,46 2 Am Smelting 4c Ref.lHi.

112 ..135 1 do. pfd 1 rub ser i'i prd.ios 4 Pub Ser of 1 1 whit Sew It 1 Am Snuff Am Hleel Filrs ..131 3 Pub Ser ElftGas pfd. 106 193 68 80 CALL MOKKT. NEW YORK March 11 Call money easy: liigb low 7. "ruling rate closing bid 7.

trlme loans firm; mixed eoltateral fiO-90 iluvs 74i; 4-6 months 7S: prime mercen-tile paper 5tpC: bankers' acceptances 30 ilavs SHtJiyi; 69 nd d5' 6V614; 4 months ipSV: 5-4 months 5a5. 10 Pullman Ino new S2 8V 83 S41.J .108 24 51 41 '45 29 22 24 46 46 -30 11 23 4 Pur Oil S9 Pur Oil pfd 6 Purity Bakeries 113 127 114 4 Wilcox OU ft Gas. A Wilcox Rloh do, 0 Willy Overland 1 Wilson 4k' 1 do, A 1 "Wilson ft Co pfd 44 Woolworth Co 212 49 48 .214 212 .171 461 4i 446 105 Rsdlo Corp of Am 1 do, pfd 6882 Rsdlo nsw 14 Am Sugar lief 1 do, pfd Sumatra Tob 76 Am Tel Tel 1 Am Tobacco do, pi'd 17 1 Am Type Fdrs al9 do, pfd 14 Am Vut lVki new 2 do, 1st pfd .199 1S 171 65 96 19 10 36 35 36 107 106 106 94 I Worth Pump 4k Mach 65 1 do. pfd A 85 185 Radio 27 Resdlnr Co .118 .173 .148 .119 7 7i H99i Men Never Have Enough of for 4 15 1 do. pfd 77H 79 77 264 90 VI ts wrignt Aeronautical 365 81 29 24 Real Silk Hos 78 3 Reis ft Co 1st pfd 91 38 Remington Rand 82 X29 Reo Motor Car 29 13 Republic Ir ft 14 7 Reynold Spring 9 31 29 It 9 3 Wrlgley Jr (Wm) 77 1 Tal ft Town Mfr tl IS Tallow Truck Cosch 41 1 do, 7 pfd 11 40 44 103 161 3 Am A oolen 22 3 Am "VVtg Paper 6 pf 43 146 Am Zinc 47 2 do.

pfd 104 1087 Anaconda Copper ...159 11 Anchor Cup 68 22 ii 151 "4 68 1 14 7 1 14 Anchor Cap rts 281 Andes Copper Mln Archer-Dan Mid 24 Armour of 111 46 Armour of 111 2 do. pfd 2 44 14 7 82 .58 60 42 14 7 81 39 6 Arnold Constable Corp 30 30 ALABAMA POWER 6 Preferred 7 Preferred Bought Sold Ward, Sterne Co. Birmingham Montgomery 3 Art Metal Cons 30 15 Asso Dry Goods 62 1 do, 1st Pfd ........100 1 AssoDry tjoods 2nd pf.106 a40 Associated Oil 43 37 Atchison tt F. 199 .103 1 do, prd i 4 All Coast Lin 1 Atl Gulf. 793 Atlantic lterinlng 1 Atlas Powder 1139 do, pfd 61 .181 394 59 .103 10 BUY STOCKS AS YOU WOULD BONDS 311 67 1S 24 14 1 Atlns Tack 9 Austin Nichols Autosalea Corp 4 Austo Strop Rasor A 6 Auto Salea Corp rts.

48 41 .129 135 291 Baltimore Ohio 1 do. pfd 79 ...109 198 18 39 Bamberger pf4 10 Bangor eV Aroos 3' Barker Bros I do, pfd 71 Barnsdall "Jl." 1 I Eayuk Cigar s20 do, 1st pfd 69 33 86 41 43 ...100 ...105 40 23 19 13 86 13 84 1 23 .89 13 .101, Beacon oil 4 Beeeh-nut Pack 19 Beldlng Memlnway 1 Beat Co it Bethlehem Steel 2 do. 7 pfd 1 Bloomlngdale Bros 98 98 119 12S 49 COMMON and PREFERRED STOCK MORRISON CAFETERIA Special Circular on Bequest. W. F.

Thurmond Canal Bank Bldg. NEW ORLEANS, LA. SCO Blumenthal A Co pfd. loo 1 Bon Ami 11 1 Booth Fisheries 8 14 Borden Co 183 180 s. 313 Brlggs Mfg 48 4 46 62 it urocKway flioior 29 Bklyn-Manh Trans 77 1 do, pfd 87 1 Bklyn Union Gas ...184 19 Brown Shoe 41 44 Brunswick Balke 62 1 Brunswick Term Rl 83 49 '60 69 37 37 ss In ttceat months many 'people in buying stocks have lost sight of fundamentals.

They have bought stixlw 'taking only of quick profits' and in tending to hold only long enough to reahse such profitsIainly, this is speculation. 1. 1 -v The better way to buy stocks is to buy them in the same way an investor buys bonds, for "the longpulL" Bonds are an evidence of indebtedness with a fixed maturity date and income. Stocks are an evidence of ownership of interest in a business with no maturity date or fixed income. The principal difference between stocks and bonds is in form; bonds are not necessarily investments and stocks speculations.

Both can and should be bought on an investment basis. Caldwell iV Company have bought, offered and sold stocb co 'S' basis. We have only offered stocks of -those companies and industries which we believed as permanent investments would return their holders liberal profits in dividends cor market appreciation or stock rights. Stocks bought as permanent investments and properly selected should and do pay more liberal returns on the money invested than bonds. I If you buy stocks, do it as you would buy bonds for investment only.

FENNER BEANE 60 Beaver Street New York 818 Grevier St. New Orleans, La. We hare prepared a booklet entitled Introduction to the INVESTMENT TRUST Copy will cnt on retjuest Our prirate wires extend to; BRANCH OfFICES CALDWELL COMPANY Meridsa Mostgoasery Helen Hot Springs Houston Rich AMMO, Rocky Mouat Selns bhswoea Shrevenoit Muskogee AsheTflle(2) Charteetoa Coens Atlaau Oiirlotte Dsllu Adaatk dry Chsttsaoogt Biisheth dry Austin Ctarkivills For Worth 1 Bsnlervilis Columbus Csdidea Bsto Routt Concord Galveston ladepeadeaca SOUTHERN SECURITIES NsshTili OH as(i) Tulss Ls Grsnge Ltarel Norfolk 12 Commerce ttrcet vtsco Montgomery, Ala. Coney lilaod Greensboro Okamlgs Lirtls Rock sshlftgeow Wilssinstoa BtrssiAghtsi Coriersaa Greeaviile.Tex. Messpbu (2) Peaascola Wiastoa SsJesa rmrs THORNTON, Bepresentative.

OJittt In ttlmtlttll CIHtt MfMBERSl iVees Tee Errnawgs Nes Yova Cmumi tscKans Niw()rlsiC iucnans New Vat Ceffeedr hirer bs. WiaaifMg Onsin Escnaaga Olcaga rW.1 Trade N.WI Hmm Esckaaga rk. .1 New Vera. laa. New YeHi Carl, MaHrM Assact.

aas) aaa eeher Principal Eacngs..

The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.